Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXXxll__PAPA-RIDZ__llxXXxll, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Croyant - English is my strongest language, not my first. If I made some grammatical or spelling errors, it's because I'm trying to type fast while thinking about alot before I forget it haha.

    Orb - The industrial revolution was a short period in our history, the fact is that we won't always be releasing such an amount of harmful materials into the air. With the rate at which we advanced in our technological understanding over the last 150 years, I wouldn't be suprised if we can end the possible threat to the tempature of the world, which is actually never the same at any given time so it's a bit hard to determine the actual real "tempature" of the earth.
  2. Frank, I think it's safe to say we're using more fossil fuels then ever before. Remember, the industrial revolution wasn't half as developed and didn't have half the machines that we need to power today. Renewable sources still don't make for enough.
  3. Orb - Putting your trust in the NOAA is the same as putting your trust in any other US government organization. The integridy of their honestly and work is something of a unknown :lol:

    Not that I'm saying there hasn't been some changes in the enviroment.
  4. Frank, I checked 2 sources. I'll check more if you'd like?
  5. Orb - Bringing that up raises a good topic, once we burn up all the oil and fuels that we can access we'll have to move on to a new major source of power. If the icecaps do melt as an increased rate, hopefully we can use water to somehow cut off on the excess amount of water in the seas and oceans aswell as not ruin the air as much as we are now.

    Sorry, went completely off the topic... which was actually already off toic.
  6. Frank, this is on topic since it questions the validity of several major scientific theories.

    In any case, the fact is that we are getting warmer a lot faster then normal. And since it coincided with a lot of dead, full of carbon dioxide plants being burned up, I think it's fair to say that it played some part in it. Unless god is trolling us...
  7. I think science has more truth behind it than does religion, but that's just my opinion.
  8. God doesn't "troll." ._.
  9. "To prove there is no god, means that you must see and documenf every square inch of the universe at the exact same time".

    Good luck with that science 
  10. Orb - I can agree with that. We're the problem.
  11. That quote is also valid in proving that Anything does not exist.

  12. I doubt the bible would use the term square inch, just saying. :roll:
  13. Religion is mans excuse for denying relationship. Too much knowledge. Religion is prideful.
  14. Augustus - By that logic; to prove there is a god, you must document every inch of heaven at one time. Good luck with that, church. ;)
  15. How is religion prideful? Christianity is based on love, and through that humility.
  16. Religion causes too great of a conflit. There will never be a time when all of man kind believes the same conviction. It just will not happen. The tensions between religions are very fragile...
  17. If religion was gone, something else would take over as a main source of conflict.
  18. Croyant - I never said religion was the greatest source of conflict ;)
  19. Neither did I. 
  20. I'd be more worried about cemeteries.....then global warming at this rate