Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXXxll__PAPA-RIDZ__llxXXxll, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Apperent knowlage is my truth. The big bang is far from apperent, and there is hardly and knowlage of it.
  2. I'm really enjoying this thread
  3. If believing in god(s) makes someones life easier or gives them reason to be a decent person then let them believe

    Life doesn't have to be defined to be lived or fictional books telling you what's right and wrong

    To each his own
  4. By the way frank, we can only measure global warming from about the last ice age or so because if we try to measure global warming into the ice age and suddenly meet the sudden thaw...well it throws everything off. And it is probably climate change did happen over the millennia which resulted in ice ages, or polar caps not existing, but Humans have usually interrupted natural cycles that take millennia, so why is this different?
  5. Orb - The entire earth having it's tempature increased over a steady period of time would, yes, majorly affect the world. However, in the years and years since the "signs" of global warming, not the idea itself, started to take effect has there been any massive agricultural apocolypes? If there has, I never noticed.

    The only source of information I have to back up my statements is the obvious possibility of flaw and fault in the statement of global warming.
  6. @Senor. That was awesome..

    For the record though, I am definitely not one of those crazy ufo nut jobs that think there's some intricate government conspiracy hiding aliens, or one of those sky gazers that thinks every far off flashing light is a ufo.

    I do enjoy the writings of Giorgio Tsoukalos and Erich Von Däniken though...
  7. I don't think this is a process that takes only a century. A few degrees make a difference, and some scientists predict that the polar caps WILL melt this century. Also, a study showed that a lot of resources that we commonly use will become useless, or lost underground or simply just not in a form that we can extract and use within a few centuries.

    Climate change ordinarily takes millions of years. Even with humans speeding it up, an apocalypse is unlikely to happen. Also, I recall somewhere that Hurricanes are getting more violent. This is in line with global warming as hurricanes rely on HEAT from oceans, and they really have amped up in the last century.
  8. Orb - I ask you this; what solid evidence do we have today to prove the effects of "global warming" haven't been in action since the creation of the earth itself? There is no way of knowing the condition of the earth or it's enviromental problems dating back so far. What proff is there to support the theorys of global warming that can't be also determined true by other causes?
  9. There are signs that global warming is happening. Signs to show the world is getting warmer. The polar caps melting. Regions getting record high temperatures. Winters being unseasonably warm. Weather patterns changing. This is all in line with a few degrees being raised.

    There is no need for an apparent apocalypse. Do some research and get some facts on why it's a hoax. Just saying "it's because we haven't all died out" doesn't make much of an impression. These things still take time..
  10. The polar ice caps are currently melting, yes. How long have they been melting for though? Since the last ice age? Since the water started to get heated? Who's to say that global warming is just the observence of the natural progression of our earth? The earth has been a ball of melting, burning, erupting heat and has also been a frozen ball of ice; the world's climate slightly changing over millenia shouldn't be a suprise ;)
  11. Frankenstein, polar caps haven't even existed for the majority of the time on earth. Species have adapted so majorly that we even call them to have evolved. You can't say that we should already be in the end stages of global warming, because multiple ice ages sometimes interrupt the effects like the most recent one. That was a classic example of the effects of rapid climate change. We can only measure climate change from the last 10 000 years or so.
  12. Orb - I would like to know the proff you speak of when you state the world's "average" tempature has risen a few degrees, I've never actually been shown any proff to justify the claim, only the "fact" that it's happened.
  13. Is English your first language, Frank?
  14. Perhaps it's the fact that it really has been observed only now? Ice caps are melting so rapidly that it can't be just normal progression since the last ice age, unless that is just the remnants of a completely frozen earth slowly thawing out. Just looking at so many signs of rapid change shows that, unless mother nature decided to speed its processes by 10 000, we're playing some major part in it.
  15. Orb - That's my point exactly. We cannot know for a fact that this hasn't been going on for longer than we've known it to. Even if it's only not starting to scare everyone, it still could have been happening for over 10,000 years. That raises the question of what's being done to stop it. If the world is really getting warmer and warmer to the point where strange climate phenamuma are occuring, why is there no one forceably solving the issue? If that were so, I would be researching Obama and Romneys view on fixing global warming :lol:
  16. 2 sources agree that the earth has warmed about 0.74 degrees over a period of 150 years which would coincide with the industrial revolution. Keep in mind that if we go back 900 years at that rate, that would be a 5 degree change. Huge!
  17. 2 sources 0.0, how convincing (Not that I don't believe that 100%)
  18. Frank, there are things trying to be done, but it's being shot down from politicians saying that Carbon Dioxide is not a source of heat, therefore it doesn't work. Idiots..
  19. Eric, one was from the NOAA which looks pretty legit.