Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXXxll__PAPA-RIDZ__llxXXxll, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. I see some people are butthurt because they probably were their priests favorite altar boys!!! :lol: the only people who hate religion are those that had it stuffed down their throat; don't want to believe in it because according to religion they'll go to a Hell of some sorts or they were in a pinch, they prayed to God(s), they weren't answered, so now they dont believe in God(s). My 2+ ยข so goodbye. :)
  2. Moose, I thought you made that thread too?! It was a really good quote.
  3. Drgn - Despite my conviction of apperent knowlage being the bases of my truth, I do have to agree that your beliefe is, for the most part, very plausable. There are a few points I could elaborate on to somewhat disprove your theory, but I will let you believe what you think to provided as true.
  4. Oh hail the mighty Anubis.
  5. SirRazon - All the different people who don't follow a specific religion tend to have very different reasons for not believing in a faith. Mine is because logic shows is irrifeutable proff of no "man in the sky". I'm not saying all religions are bad, I'm not saying I hate religion, I simply just don't follow a religion.
  6. Moose, you are looking at the POLITICAL side of global warming. I am sure with satellites in space and being able to compile data into a computer, we can do a pretty good check of the temperature. In any case, I also assume that a lot of the time, just doing a regional check and comparing it with previous data is also another viable option to detect global warming.

    And you have to say, if Co2 can be produced in the numbers that the media say, it does trap a lot of heat. The greenhouse affect seems legit to say the least, Co2 traps more heat then usual. World is more hot.

    I don't know the facts too well. While a lot of the media in North America can be terribly biased, I do think that global warming has some viability. After all, the air in major cities does seem a bit smoggy eh?

    Despite the fact that Humans produce only a little bit of carbon dioxide compared to amount moving around, the fact remains that since it is moving OUTSIDE of the natural cycle which can be held on by only a thin thread, some of it goes to the atmosphere which then means more CO2 in the atmosphere, thus heating the planet.

    There may be a lot of dispute over this, but it is possible despite the fact a lot of people don't believe it. Knowing the Internet, this could be just a huge hoax. But a lot of politicians saying that CO2 violates some physics law because "energy can't be created and CO2 isn't a source of heat" which is a load of bull crap by politicians who don't know a thing about what they're saying. Politicians lie to get their goals, and we just try to find the facts :p
  7. So logic proofs a giant explosion produced everything? :roll:
  8. Orbofdell - If that's true, which it may or may not be, how come it didn't slowly start to happen and effect the earth before we "discovered" it? I do believe there is some scientific cause to some scientific explination that the worlds climate is changing in some ways, however global warming isn't nessicarily the theory I would think of.
  9. Since everyone says global warming is conceptual none sense, is there any facts supporting that? Not just the political side. The scientific side.
  10. One day i will concure the world.... The end
  11. @dragnblade

    Couldn't resist.
  12. Frank, there might be some logic in that and I believe that it was Sid somewhere the world was getting a little bit warmer over the millennia. But Humans threw that out of proportion, we released a lot of Carbon Dioxide stored underground. The ocean can only take about 40-60% and the rest goes to the atmosphere.
  13. Croyant - The theory of the big bang creating the universe is not an apperent logical truth to me. I have no proper evidence to know as a fact that it happened, therefore I cannot say it is true or not.

    If you had a better understanding on what I actually said, you might have know that.
  14. Big bang seems like a load of crap. Why was there even that supposed supernova tiny ball of compressed energy? Makes no sense at all...
  15. You didn't say anything about the BigBang theory in connection with logic that I saw, so how could u have known? :roll:
  16. *how could I
  17. You could say god made the Big Bang happen
  18. Orb - Now I completely agree with you on that. We as a people caused whatever slight change in the earths enviroment actually happened. As for logical evidence against global warming: If the accusations of global warming were completely true, or even partialy true, the polar ice caps would be melting at a greater rate, the ocean tempature would be increasing, the weather in all parts of the world would be getting warming. None of that is happening, at least not to my knowlage.
  19. How to determine whether or not global warming exists.

    If the rock is warm, it is sunny.
    If the rock is wet, it's raining.
    If the rock is swinging, the wind is blowing.
    If the rock casts a shadow, the sun is shining.
    If the rock does not cast a shadow and is not wet, the sky is cloudy.
    If the rock is not visible, it is foggy.
    If the rock is white, it is snowing.
    If the rock is coated with ice, there is a frost.
    If the ice is thick, it's a heavy frost.
    If the rock is bouncing, there is an earthquake.
    If the rock is under water, there is a flood.
    If the rock is missing, there was a tornado.
    If the rock is wet and swinging violently, there is a hurricane.
  20. Frankenstein, you assume that much, yet is that true? A few degrees worldwide will break the natural worlds foundations especially at the rate it's going, but I doubt it will go that fast. Are there any sources supporting your statement? The polar caps are melting fast, and this could be in line with global warming.