Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXXxll__PAPA-RIDZ__llxXXxll, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Homedawg the bible has been around so long before science so we obviously have more proof of god then science does against god, so go somewhere else with your claims of magic and sorcery
  2. Science will never ever prove or disprove God. U can't prove metaphysical object exists or doesn't exist with physical tests. Just doesn't work.
  3. Evolution is a concept to be undstedstood by the open minded man. The theorys regarding the evolution of man seem to be pretty accurate and logical, irrigardless of them being conceptualized in the 1800s. The theorys of evolution as the origin of man are not only logical, but likely aswell. We as people have developed in various mannors sinse the beginning of our recorded biology. People have evidence and reason to believe that our slight evolution in the some what breif past that we know to be true, from a scientifical view point, is only the tip of our metaphorical iceberg of biological advancement that spawned some time many years ago. There is some speculation on the subject of evolution, but all the facts are relativly solid.
  4. daschmied - By that logic you can't prove we as humans have any means of conciously thinking by our own free will. You can't prove you can think about whatever you want to, yet you some how do it.
  5. There are two types of evolution for those of u who keep arguing about it. One is labeled Micro evolution while the other is labeled macro evolution. Micro evolution is basically adaptation. It's where an organism or group of organisms adapt to their environment in order to survive. Darwin had a great observation about the birds on canary island I believe it was. Macro evolution is the change of one species into another. There are numerous theories involving this, as it would prove the Bible, and therefore the rest of it, untrue. However there is no evidence as to whether or not macro evolution has in fact happened. We have found fossils of animals similar to ones found today, but there is no in between organism, no animal to span the gap between them. Also, there has been no reports of any species changing species in the last two thousand years. Macro evolution is a theory and will remain a theory until proven otherwise by observable proof while micro evolution happens all around us.
  6. No science has always existed. The bible was created by man a few thousand years ago
  7. LOCK THIS!!!! 9yr olds shouldn't be getting convinced of religion stuff that's up to parents if we can not swear religion should not be allowed
  8. I am pleased that people are choosing to defend evolution in a nice well thought out and non Iinsultimg manner (respect)

    I have also noticed that no one has stepped up to defend global warming (very telling)

    I "bashed" those two topics to see which one would get more vigorously defended.

    It seems people have more intellectual investment in evolution than in global warming. This is also a good thing

    Well done everyone 

    (I still don't buy into macro evolution, but your defense if it is lovely)
  9. No u can't. If I broke your head open I could label
    1. This part makes your morality choices
    2. That part makes u think about why u did something.
    3. This doohickey over here tells u what your conscience says.
    If you break someone's head open, you will not find that. You will find a brain and you can label where electromagnetic pulses go to and from, and which part of the brain runs which part of your body. But you can't actually prove or observe that you are making a decision.
  10. Hi moose. Global warming is a load of crap. Evolution on a macro scale I don't believe in either. I won't rule out that it doesn't happen, cause who knows what will happen in the next 10 billion years. Supposedly the sun's supposed to blow up and incinerate the world or something, but you never know.
  11. Didn't einstein say something about how science and religion coincided? It was an awesome quote. What was it again?
  12. god does not play dice?
  13. Well. Like you said. You cant really take the temperature of the world. But its possible and because of that i think people should be cautious about pollution.
    Global warming could just be part of the suns natural cycle every few hundred years.
  14. daschmied - The contents of our brains and how the work still have nothing to do with the fact that we can create and will our own thoughts into ideas and concepts that change the way we perseve things. The biological aspect of your brain is simply that, biological. It may dictate specific funtions to accure in seperate situations, but will never explain the the idea of thought. Most people have the same biological layout for their brain. That's just a fact, the human brain is the human brain. Each persons brain is not individualy specific to their body, the brain is the brain; the way people think however, varries widely from person to person. A bit odd isn't it? We're all different on the inside, yet we're all the same on the inside.
  15. Ok, I may have been trying to skirt the issue with my post on page 1. But with good reason. I for one do not think that this is the type of topic that needs to be discussed in this forum. I feel this way only due to the fact that there are children as young as the age of 9 that forum here, and they are too young to have an educated, informed view on this subject.

    That being said, it would appear that this topic is not going to die down like I had actually hoped, so I might as well express my opinion on the matter.

    For the longest time I have not really believed in a God. At least not the God that most people put their faith in. I grew up in the church as my grandparents are strong religious people, so it's not that I do not know about "God". But having grown up a very opinionated, questioning individual, there are more reasons in my opinion for me to not believe in the omnipotent type being everyone perceives as God. I have too many questions that cannot be answered by anyone.

    Now for what I do believe..

    I believe that man cannot be so conceited or naive to think that in an infinite universe full of incredible possibility, that we we are alone. There is too much ancient evidence around the world to support the theory that aliens have at one time visited this earth. Now what does this have to do with my views on God? Well I think God, or the idea of an all powerful being, is really a group of beings, or aliens, that ancient man would obviously believe to be Gods.

    Some of you will laugh, and some of you will say I am completely full of ****. That is ok. If I really cared how my opinion would be viewed I would not have posted it.

    Whatever you do though do not judge me. For no matter what beliefs any of you might have on the subject, I will never judge you or say that you are wrong. It's all about having an open mind to the realm of infinite possibility.

    As far as any rebuttals or counter arguments, feel free to pm me. I always have an ear open.
  16. Honestly I think religion and science go together. Stuff can't just appear out of nowhere, and explosions don't just spontaneously appear and create the universe (even though the universe is an infinite nothingness that things have formed in, so I guess you technically can't create nothingness, so bringing tha up is a little pointless). My view is religion created the base of everything, and the way I see it, helps fight anarchy, due to religions sometimes having guidelines to avoid a punishing afterlife. And so religion created all that, and science has put use to it. Religion gave us the starting elements, and science has pieced them together to create things. As I said before, things don't just... Form. Something has to do it. And it's not just gonna be worthless junk. It's gonna form more, have infinite possibilities. So to wrap it up, religion creates, and science puts the creations to further use. The have to co-exist because in a way they rely on each other. Just my opinion.
  17. Science only deals with things in the natural world. Any god would be supernatural, so, no , science will never rule out the possibility of god
  18. What about germs? They weren't verified until the 1800s (or 1700s..I forgot). But did they always exist? Yea
  19. People thought disease was from a spontaneous thingy.
  20. Moose - Global warming used to be a some what conviencing concept in the fact that it was, at the time, a strong possibility and decent explination for various occurrances around the world. However, in retrospect; the idea was realatively good in the sense that Al Gore was thinking outside the box, or sphere, and made a decent point, but the evidence and plausable "causes" seem far too unprobable. Global Warming is conceptual nonsense now.