Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXXxll__PAPA-RIDZ__llxXXxll, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. You can pick on one misuse of terms, but the fact remains. Our modern era does not weed out the weak and eliminate them from the mating pool (with the exception of people with deformities). Therefore, natural selection will not takes its course in altering humans.
  2. A person if africa that developed a genetic resistance to malaria would live much longer than their "normal" counterparts. If he lives longer he will have more kids. His kids could inherit his trait and live like he did. Eventually the people with the resitant gene would survive and the less adapted people would die off.
  3. Homedawg, I'm guessing you also believe in magic lol, CUZ THAT'S WHAT EVOLUTION IS
  4. @too bad that only applies to third world countries. Evolution takes more than a few generations, by that time Africa should be developed.
  5. This is a common misconception. That is not evolution. That is ADAPTATION. There is a large difference
  6. No its not. Ive seen evolution take place in plants too.
    A genetic mutation in a certain plant caused it to produce more anthocyanin pigment in its tissues. This allowed the plant to survive in heavy sunlight without dying. These plants survived and reproduced profusely and the other less adpated variety died out. Thats just one example of thousands.
    Not an explanation for the origins of life but shows just how quickly a species can change.
  7. Cats just cats
  8. Given time moose and adaptations can drastically change the overall shape of an organism. The adaptations keep piling up. A million years down the road and you conpare the end result and the starting organism and youd probably classify them as two separate species. Their genetics surely would be different. Like humans to bonobos. Our dna is very similar but we are so different.
  9. I thought we were talking about the human race? We seem to be much more complex than plants. We can't evolve that quickly. Once again in modern era we don't have much need to evolve.
  10. Adaptations are the stepping stones of evolution. maybe adaptations over time is what we define as evolution
  11. Plus humans are smart, but that doesnt mean we are more advanced. Potatoes for instance have more chromosomes than humans do.
  12. Here's my two cents:
    •Even if God exists, religion is such a laugh. Who's to say the Bible wasn't just written by some power hungry people? Someone who wrote the book and then said 'Hey! Look what God hath bestowed upon me!' and then boom, hundreds of followers.
    My theory has always been that Religion is just an answer to the universal need to have an explanation for everything. Science exists to *learn* the way the world works. I think Religion first existed just to *explain* it. Take the Romans/Greeks for example. Many believe they 'created' all of their Gods/Goddeses so they would have answers to all the questions. It was their 'theory', if you will. Who's to say our God didn't come to exist in the same way?
    Any religion that believes in the Bible but murders 'in the name of God' (especially in Catholocism) is a farce is my opinion.
  13. Just remember not to include all branches of Christianity in the crusades and whatnot, Roch.. ._.
  14. On the other hand- I once read an article about a tribe in the middle of the woods that some people stumbled upon. They had no connection with the outside world, no way to communicate with anyone outside their tribe, yet when asked if they believed in God, they basically said, of course! God is all around us!
    Now, that supports my theory that religion exists only to satisfy that universal need to explain everything. However, while I personally believe there is a higher power out there somewhere, I hold my ground in believing that religion is a complete and utter laughable farce.
  15. Homedawg, where do I even begin? Adaptation x10 does NOT equal evolution, it is still adaptation. Evolution would be a rapid change in an entire species, not a slow change or a mutation of one organism. Also, more chromosomes does not mean more advanced...
  16. Because they could see that there's something better than themselves and their imperfect human reasoning in the world...that it didn't happen randomly. And with that, I shall go take a shower.
  17. Ghost@ i dont believe in the pokemon version of evolution. I believe evolution=adaptations.
    Adaptations over millions of years can change the organism.
  18. @Ghost- I think that's his point.

    @croyant I don't include all branches of Christianity in the crusades. I'll admit, I'm not familiar with every branch of Christianity. The ones I -am- educated about, though, are not really religions in my honest opinion. Or perhaps they are, and maybe it's just western Christianity that has become corrupted. I have no way of knowing, really, as I'm young and have never been anywhere outside the US other than Canada.
  19. Its not A turns into b after one day. Not monkey births human. Its a turns into 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,8,7,,5,4,6,7,77)/