Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXXxll__PAPA-RIDZ__llxXXxll, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Yellowhart actually it can be explained, through quantum physics.

    Just because you don't understand the science doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Steven hawking has proposed a theory that just how particles at the quantum level spontaneously appear and disappear, the same COULD potentially happen with the universe/universes. Nobody knows. But just because we don't know for sure right now doesn't mean god did it
  2. Lol pretty convienent for god to leave right when science actually comes into play
  3. @ homedawg- thats not even remotely close to the point I was making. How can something come from nothing? Religion doesn't explain it nor does science. Never said a word about purpose.
  4. Im just saying, that way of thought is flawed.
  5. No, the scientific theory is flawed and outdated how were anything made?, ill continue with my religion.
  6. God supposedly left when Jesus was crucified. Science came into play much later. Plus, I believe you are talking about anti matter. But anti matter still doesn't explain the question.
  7. I believe Scientology issomewhat based on sole science although the religion is kinda screwed up.Correct me if im wrong.
  8. Never ... Science actually gives us a tease of what God is and what he has done.

    Yes there are theories that may seem to debunk the existence of God at first but in the end they end up being faulty.

    Example .. A human tooth is found and they date it to millions of years and now that means that threat the was more than 6,000 years old (contrary to what Christians believe) ... The it turns out it was a pigs tooth ... You tell me that I will believe it was accurately dated when it was not even accurately traced from what it came from ??

    By the way scientist are not perfect.
  9. Religion is not a subject I tend to enjoy disscussing with forums, it gets too hostile too often. I agree with Drgn though on page one.

    Go Drgns.
  10. Yellowhart, clearly you don't know what science is. No I'm not talking about dark matter hahaha its gonna be hard to argue this point with you if you have zero comprehension of the topic. I'm talking about how particles spontaneously appear and disappear at the quantum level, and Steven hawing, a man smarter than anyone here, has proposed a theory that that theory could hold true for larger things too, such as a universe: our universe could be a tiny little quantum sized particle in an even grander scale of space.
  11. The debate between science and God will never be settled. The two items don't relate.

    Science requires proof.
    Side note: there is a lot of junk science out there like evolution and global warming, and yes, I think "creation science" is rubbish too.

    Relegion requires faith
    The religious beleive in a god they have not seen, who guides our lives either b dire intervention, or through subtle means. Their faith is based on

    1. Insert proper religeois text here
    2. The moral code written on their hearts.

    Side note:
    There are crazy religious people out there as well as same ones.

    I've now thrown rocks at scientists and religious people alike. Happy? Anyhow......

    Since one system runs on proof and the other system runs on faith, no agreement will ever be reached .

    You can be a scientist who believes in God, but you must have the understanding that God is not something you can measure or prove
  12. Just because something isnt explainable now, doesnt mean in the future we wont be able to find the answers. This is just like people who thought the earth was the center of the universe. It just made sense to them at the time. Just because nobody can explain how the universe came to be that doesnt mean you should jump to a supernatural conclusion. Science is so complex and there are so many things we dont know yet.
  13. Anti matter=something. Does not explain the paradox of something from nothing or the existence of something forever. I'm not a believer that science holds the key or religion. But it's disgusting to see so many close minded people.
  14. @Krypton

    How so? Please tell me how.
  15. Gods desire: you are dumb. I'm sorry but accept the fact. Sure maybe a few times bad scientists have miscalculated datings on teeth. But how do you explain dinosaurs? Have you ever heard or radioactive decay dating methods? Soil deterioration? The earth is not 12,000 years old. Humans/ their direct ancestors have existed for longer than that.
  16. @homedawg essentially you are saying that we aren't able to comprehend the universe YET with the science available. But religious people say that they aren't able to comprehend the greatness of God. Both sides sound the same to me
  17. Yellowhart holy crap. I'm not talking about anti matter. You clearly have no science background or studies at all, because the old term you know is dark matter and that is not even in my argument nor do you even understand what dark matter is. You can call me closed minded, but at least I understand what I'm ******* saying.
  18. Just so you know, christians believe in dinosaurs!
  19. The only difference is tht religious people will NEVER be able to conprehend god. Science is always advancing and will eventually (if the human race lasts long enough) be able to answer even the most complex questions.
    Just because it seems unfathomable to believe something can come from nothing doesnt mean it was done by a divine being.
    I admit. Science doesnt have all the answers, but in this time what seems rational to me is that the gods people think are aupernatural were just created to explain the unexplainable.
  20. I completely agree with Moose. Religion and Science (as a beliefe) are two seperate strains of faith. Science (as a factual subject) is meerly the facts of the world and universe, for the most part. I believe in science as both a factual subject and as a beliefe. I still have nothing against anyone who practices their religion, I simply believe in the proveable aspects of science to be the only apperent truths in which I follow. So, in a sense, science is a religion to some. ;)