Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXXxll__PAPA-RIDZ__llxXXxll, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. God's existence can't be scientifically proved. Of course, there are miracles or events with no scientifically explanation that are explained as "God's doing", but there's no way at all to verify God's existence.
  2. The point machine is science can only test something physical you can hold an atom in you hand though it's so small you'd likely not feel it. You could hold a portion of the earths core in your hand though it might be a tad hot or hard to actually get your hands on. But it's the same general idea.
  3. @zerk there is no scientific equation known to man yet that God exists. But there is also no equation to prove God doesn't exist.
  4. U hav to die to find out , and lots of people who died for like 5 seconds say there is something significant after death ,so no matter what science can prove I'll believe in god in some way

  5. Stephen Hawking already has ruled out God in his new book "the grand design"

    Weather you beleive Stephens premis us up to you. It is all theoretical 
  6. @MachineGunQuad:

  7. Oh...you believe in god? I believe in drgns :lol: there is no real proof of either but people still believe in them. I believe in god though...
  8. Can we get some more circular logic happening, I feel there is not enough...?
  9. Science had already disproved god. People are just to stupid and ignorant to realize it.
  10. God wants us to CHOOSE to follow him. Because of this there will never be "absolute scientific proof", because then there would be no choice. There will always be an alternative.
  11. Nope. A time machine will though.
  12. @Zerk, the definition of a miracle is, something happening that is so improbable it breaks the laws of science. An example would be observable things such as mankind being able to fly with no devices aiding them, elephants that are bright neon pink with tiny wings that allow flight. Miracles do not include improbable but possible things.
  13. Science can't disprove faith.
  14. Machinegun, please teach me how to prove something doesn't exist. You can't. Probe to me there aren't 190 foot long anteaters with 1 tooth and 8 eyes. You can't. But we look at the evidence, and reason that they probably don't exist, because there is no proof of them. There used to be lots of "proof" for god: the bible/miracles. However, each of these biblical stories/miracles keep getting disproved, and science is overtaking religion. I'm sorry but if you believe I'm a talking snake, or that the earth is only 12,000 years old, or the ark somehow fit all of the animals and they didn't eat each other once or anything; then you are an idiot. I respect beliefs of people until science disproves it. Science hasn't disproven ever religious thing, and you can believe those religious concepts, fine. But the ones that science and common sense have ruled out; come on. What's more likely; the biblical writers came up with Adam and Eve and a talking snake as a fairy tale type story to teach a lesson about human corruption, or there was literally and talking snake and a poisoned apple and crap like that. Come on. Use your Brain here people
  15. And in case nobody noticed; all of these miracles happened before the time of cameras and such; you don't see any miracles now adays, because they aren't real; people now would want to see a video as proof, which they can't provide because it's fake. Back then, I could go up in the hills with my friend Joey and find a cool rock, and then tell my village that it feel from the heavens, and everyone would've believed you.
  16. No, I dont think science can answer the universal paradox of existence. Either God existed before anything and existence is God, or matter has always existed. It's impossible to explain how matter came into existence and it's impossible to explain how god came into existence. Essentially- how can something come from nothing? Neither science nor religion can answer this.
  17. That is called the fallacy of composition.
    To believe just because everything exists and has causes the universe must also have a cause. This isnt true of course. For example, atoms individually are invisible to the naked eye. I am made of atoms, therefore i am invisible.
  18. @m a g e e. it has been suggested that God's presence on the Earth left after the resurrection. In the bible God slowly stops intervening at around that time. I hate it when people don't know **** about the bible and talk as if they know. I've studied the bible and science fairly extensively. Even then, I cannot come to a definitive conclusion. Furthermore smarter minds than ours have found the subject inconclusive.