Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXXxll__PAPA-RIDZ__llxXXxll, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. So you think we'll never find the cure for cancer? You think we should just stop trying and let god perform his miracles? But wait! Look what happens when we do that. Widespread disease and famine kill millions of people.
  2. Scientifically, god does not exist as there is no evidence to support his existence, that does not mean to say that he cant exist.

    The bible(and other religious texts) are not evidence as they were written by man and man has the capacity to tell lies. So these are not viable sources.

    If god does exist then why doesn't he make his subjects aware of his presence? Like, appear before the entire world on national tv.

    Science can never fully say he doesn't exist but can offer massive amounts of evidence to suggest that he doesn't and never has. The dinosaurs were never mentioned in bible, the age of the earth, the size of the universe, impossible suggestions that universe was made in under 7 days etc

    These are just a tiny amount of the masses of evidence to disprove the idea of a god, I could go on and on...
  3. It's cool homedawg, he will leave a vague message like the bodies of starved chilled forming a cross to let us know "I'm here, I really just don't give a **** about you."
  4. No ! I am not like that rhino , I like a good discussion .
    Science proves that god exists :
    Nothing can move without the mover
  5. Actually if you look into it, you'll find compelling arguments that something can actually come from nothing. There is so much to be discovered, religion and even the concept of god just holds humanity back.
  6. Thats a fallacy brainiac. That way of thought is flawed.
    Just because we are "moving" doesnt mean we were put into motion.
  7. That doesnt *
  8. I don't know but that is science's law not mine
  9. Everything has it's origin and creator , so who created the universe? Humans? Animals?
  10. Bahaahaaaaa! Disregarding scientific laws i see.
    Then you've already lost the argument. You can either argue science has proven god exists which i already shot down or you can make blind argumenta claiming he exists because of your faith. Either way im not going to argue with you anymore.
  11. And yeah, i left out a couple of commas. BIG WOOP!
  12. A lack of proof isn't proof brain, simply because science doesn't have an answer for it yet doesn't mean people can idiotically claim "god did it!".
  13. And same goes for science too , if it has proved some realities, it doesnt mean it has become god
  14. Ok answer this : what is the meaning of god?
  15. It already has.
  16. Your arguments are illogical... But if you insist, god is who many religions believe created everything and rules over us like a jealous child.
  17. OHMAIGAWD who cares! I'll still practice my religion no matter what science does.
  18. God is fake some dude made it up when he was drugged up. Overtime many people have changed the bible. The only thing real in the bible is what u think is real. BTW,, SCIENCE has proved time nd time again that god is for a fact NOT real.
  19. Good, just keep your religion out of our politics and classrooms.
  20. And I'll carry on being agnostic cause I don't wanna end up in hell