Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RoK__Constantinum__RoK, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Why, after all of the negative feedback, failed match-ups, failed corrected match-ups and misc screw-ups, can't the devs see it's time to scrap the EE project. It was a good try; but, it's not working.
  2. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    we lost a ewar, they had 46 peeps we had 33
  3. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    First of all Ty to those Wilders for supporting the fact it's a bad match. Honestly there's nothing would do to except tomlaugh (once again) for such a match. Crystal and effort spent to help dev fix their game up which we paid to play

    Nex let me clarify as war council member of 7s, tat we did not really intend to stack our players to full. If we wanted to we shd be logically be inviting lbs and big stats to gain the utmost edge.

    7s hav sort of a ee war alliance network agreement in tat the clans involved will send an incomplete and smaller roster to another trusted clan in the network with more warring players for each war This is to ensure we hav a proper full roster of trusted merc tat are vetted and approved by the clan sending them. We hav wared against and with each others and hav grown to trust only active members will be approved and sent out to merc. War 3 is a popular time slot. If u see our war history we usually stick to 35-40ish. But it happens tat a lot of merc Frds applied for that slot and we are fast approaching over 50. We can't reject them of course they are mostly trusted Frds sent by clans in the network.

    So for ppl who think we are trying to stack players full to gain gd match up, I'm afraid u miss the mark. We are actually expecting RCA or Hgl for tat war lol
  4. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Ez match up * not gd match up in last para
  5. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    @iss doesn't matter I'm simply stating that overall lb is irrelevant
  6. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    You can only blame the devs so much for Mismatch. They can't control who is warring each war or the size of your roster Only you can control that. I recommend if your planning to do EE that you take the time to examine other clans who frequently war and gauge their strength against yours It is very time consuming but right now you either do that and modify your roster to maximize your match, or you pray to the KaW gods that they favor you.
  7. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Resilient_0ne made a good point. We were 2/82 a few weeks ago with 55 and didn't realize til it was too late that warlor and hgl werent warring and we got RCA. After that we made a 1 alt rule if we get too big on Fridays to avoid the unbeatable clans.
  8. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Lol no ones unbeatable :D. They are just really good. Best thing to do is not be discouraged when you see their name in your newsfeed. I myself like goin against the top lb clans and players. Keeps things interesting and tests your limits. Happy kawing
  9. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics


    Happened to us too. There were about 11 or 12 guys in Wilders stronger than our number 1. Devs ranked us at 2 at that time. We found our fun by tryin to KO Teja Hlneo or Silph. Hehe.

    But seriously, if we were closer in strength to 3 we shouldve fought 3 instead of 1. But that's how the cookie crumbles.:)

    Oh by the way, we mithed up and hit with full pots in that EE even after seeing the match-up.
  10. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Support op. If devs want more participation, they should fix what they know is broke
  11. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Devs just keep finding ways to make people spend...even if players are not satisfied.

    They bring in quick fixes that don't work and promote even more spending. Can't even fix match-up how are we supposed to arrange a somewhat fair and competitive tournament war? Swipe more and get strong, by time you get there the stronger ones are way ahead lol
  12. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Not the type of guy to whine about match ups? Making a useless thread makes you that type of guy. B
  13. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    The devs will never be able to produce fair matchups with current kingdom rankings.

    I have a thread that explains in detail, but simply put spy stats are undervalued with the introduction of the Knock Out system.

    An assassination is the only action that eats both troops and spies in the game. Look at all EE histories the side with more assassinations wins 95% of the time.

    It would not have helped in this particular war, but I see a lot of respected players reading this thread so thought I would bring it to the attention of this community.

    To comment on that it is in questions / feedback - this thread should be for "no matchup available" responses

    Upping the strength rating of Hansel / Hybrids / Spies - for war matchup purposes will result in better wars
  14. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    True. Match up system is big problem now. Look at our war 3 (1 war before our war vs 7sin). We were rank 2 with only 47 members vs RCA rank 1 with 58 members lololol then u guys can understand what happen. Both strength and number of members are different. What to do? Miths, times, golds.. All hard works gone. I myself getting tired of EE. If its not because of OSW I personally won't join EE if winning simply base on lucks
    Just my 2 cents
  15. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Again we are rank 2 with 42 members vs RCA rank 1 57 members lololol. Just wonder what devs thinking? We wasted faked golds for miths, pots...and wasted time to do all the preparing working and worst thing is wasted time to SKO (save pots, avoid allies sold..) for 2hrs before we could FF and if u chose to fight some wasted real golds (xtals) since there are no way to win these kind of match up war.

    We are warriors and we are not open OSF (pwar) Devs! If u can't fix the problem better to stop till u can fix it. Don't expect us to sacrifice our times, golds, miths, xtals.. for your testing. Do it at your own cost not our cost pls! Thank you!
  16. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    If the Kaw community will all make a stand and boycott ee wars or stop using crystals, maybe dev will stop using players resources to test and twitch its matching sys? Lol

    But no. Alot will be trying their luck and hope for a mismatch and a pw for free mith. So dev is happy to keep ee going and the crystal sales bell ringing.

    Tat said, by the time the matching sys is reasonably acceptable, ata staffs shd be ready to laugh to the bank to cheque in their bonus