WiKAWpedia - A Guide to KAW Lore

Discussion in 'Guides' started by JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019.

  1. #141 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2020
  2. A
    (Part 1)

    • Abyssal Glyph - One of four items collected to form Tribute Jewels. From The Sea Witch's Warning: Awakening of The Nameless.

    • Abyssal Lantern - One of two items collected to form Eyes of Truth. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Seven - The Broken Crown.

    • Acolyte's Medallion - Known as the Amulet of the Golden Sickle, it was a small medallion hanging from a chain. It bore the symbol of a golden sickle. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1.
    • Aecorite - A fabled gem that is prized for both its toughness and its magical properties. Found deep beneath the Western Ocean floor. From Box of Rosabranta and Kyzarian.
    • Aello - The flagship of the infamous pirate captains, the Harpies of Vigona and their pirate crew, the Harpies' Harriers. From The Corsair Queens EB.
    • Aergod Leaves - Known to weaken the undying Blodfolc. From St. Siegward Box.
    • Aevum Circle Piece - A fragment of the magical keystone needed to open the gates of Brandmere. An item used to open Zelgarad the Accursed EB. From Marketplace.
    • Aizhaara Cactus Plant - A small cactus with a large pink blossom with magical properties that is found only in the Fatesands. From Baalirian Box.
    • Akanthian Chelys - A mellifluous lyre crafted in the shape of a tortoise's shell. From Green Dancer's Box.
    • Akanthian Lotus - A plant whose blossom can grow so large that it can be used as a throne for Akanthian regents. From Green Dancer's Box.
    • Alchemia Box - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Prima Tokens, Seals of the Damned, and more. Opened with an Alchemia Key from the Marketplace. From Brave the Elements.

    • Alchemia Key - Opened an Alchemia Box. From Brave the Elements.
    • Alchemic Formula - A PvP collection item. From Brave the Elements.

    • Alchemic Journal - An item generated by collecting 500 Alchemic Formulas during the PvP portion of Brave the Elements. Once created, they could not be stolen by other players. From Brave the Elements.

    • Aldberries - See Imperial Currants. From Svathmar Chest.
    • Aliishar Torch - An iron Shasa torch with a gem at its tip that can release magically sparking flares and sparks on command. From Baalirian Box.
    • All-Seeing Eye - A Spy Defense Item. The power of the ancient eye predicts your enemy's every move. From Marketplace.
    • All Star War 2016 Banner - The banner of the 2016 winning team, the Olive Officers. From All Star Wars 2016.

    • Alliance Wartoken - An event war collection item. From A Cast of Falcons series.

    • Allied Fleet - A spell that, when the Sound of Trumpets item was bought in the Marketplace, was cast on clanmates to increase plunder, event items, and prevented other players from stealing the event plunder item. From A Cast of Falcons series.

    • Alramalian Cactus - A tall, spiny Fatesands cacti. From Green Dancer's Box.
    • Altar of Brand - An Item for purchase in the Marketplace that when combined with an Icon of Agony, a chance drop of equipment, Votive Ash, or premium items is possible. Two versions exist: a regular and golden version. From Marketplace.
    • Altar of the Eleven - A golden altar holding the eleven symbolic gems of the Endecatheon. From Box of Baalir and Gilmarant.
    • Amberbound Equipment - Drops from the Lignabelua of the Lowlands EB. From Epic Battles.
    • Amethyst Saltmallow - A rare purple strain of a deep-sea plant prized for its healing properties. From Rosabranta Box.
    • Amulet of the Golden Sickle - See Acolyte's Medallion. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1.
    • Amulet of Truth - A Spy Attack Item. Force your enemies to reveal their secrets with this powerful amulet. From Marketplace.
    • Amulet of Warding - Amulet to protect against undead. From Storm Shattered Chest.
    • Amylon Ramsfur - The thick, coarse pelt of the Amylon ram is used to make rugs, clothing, and even armor. From Svathmar Chest.
    • Ancestral Possession Spell - An event item plunder spell that had a chance of activating during an event. From Patron Saints of War.

    • Angels of Light - A Spy Defense Item. Call upon angels from heaven to seek out your hidden enemies. From Marketplace.
    • Anima Furia - A spell awarded to every member of a clan when the clan won a war. It went into effect during the next war time slot and gave additional medallions if the clan won the next war again. From Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds.
    • Animus Box - Contained the souls of laborers enslaved by an ancient bloodthirsty Magus. The souls rewarded whomever could release them. From The Great Bone Hunt.
    • Anniversary Crux Chest - A plunder chest. Available during various KAW Anniversaries.

    • Anniversary Crux Key - Opened Anniversary Crux Chests. Available during various KAW Anniversaries.

    • Anniversary Fireworks Potion - A fun attack potion. Available during various KAW Anniversaries.

    • Annym Chest - A rare chest reward from Epic Battles. They contained between 5-10 Seals of the Damned. From the Deepmine Land release.

    • Annym Key - Opened Annym Chests for 115 Nobility. From the Deepmine Land release.

    #142 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2025
  3. A
    (Part 2)

    • Aolus Arena Records - The records of every fighter who has ever passed through the arena in Aolus. From Aolan Chest.
    • Apparition Circle Floor - Mages can appear here from anywhere in Escaria. From Escarian Box.
    • Aqua - Element of Armistice. Used to enchant equipment. Found as a reward from Events, Side Legends, Chests, Epic Battles, or can be purchased from the Mage in the Marketplace. From Marketplace.

    • Aqua Token - Used on the Gift of Aqua path to offer Aqua rewards. From Brave the Elements.

    • Arad Melon - A sweet, juicy melon well-loved by the residents of Ridalah. From Ridalah Chest.
    • Arakiba Sunflower - A plant whose petals are used in alchemy. From Moonshelf Box.
    • Argentic Scale - An item generated by collecting 500 Enigmatic Ichor during the PvP portion of The Riddle of Drakkend Mountain. Once created, they could not be stolen by other players.
    • Ardentcore Lumber - The wood of the towering ardentcore trees of the Boreastor Wilds. A flexible and strong wood, rich with the blessings of sylvan spirits when respectfully harvested. A collection item used to build a clan guild hall. From The Oathkeeper's Challenge.
    • Arrow of Deadly Intent - A potion used just for fun that sent a special message to the player they were used on. From Resolutions of War.

    • Arrowsong - An extravagant bow that doubles as a harp and was once wielded by Colme. From Viskard Temple Box.
    • Artemagus Construct Parts - Rune-inscribed gears that can be used to upgrade an Artemagus construct. From Baalirian Box.
    • Artificer's Hammer - One of two items collected to form Forged Seals. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Four - The Last Checkpoint.

    • Asraaf - The name of a greatsword found in the ashes of Brandmere, the cursed city. From Equipment & Charms.
    • Astrafang - A star-shaped weapon with five sharpened vampire fangs for blades. From Soothsayer's Box.
    • Astral Glim - An item that enabled the Astral Ward spell to be cast on the entire clan to enhance their PvP plunder and protect any Fortuna Blade Spells in clan. From Starfall: Rush for the Shards.

    • Astrolabe - A golden weapon equal to the golden scythe. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 5.
    • Astronomical Horologium - A clockwork device whose mechanisms track the position of celestial bodies. A permanent item that provides 12% bonus to all four stat categories. From Marketplace.
    • Asura General's Favor - An event collection item. From The Siege of the Obsidian Kasar.
    • Augmenter Medals - A series of Items available for purchase in the Marketplace and used to upgrade corresponding equipment from the War Chests. From Marketplace.
    • Autumnal Wreath - A wreath of autumn leaves and nuts is a popular harvest time decoration. From Autumnal Chest.
    • Auric Transmutation Spell - A spell for turning gold into water. From Green Dancer's Box.
    • Axe of the Berserker - A PvP plunder spell. From Resolutions of War.

    • Azure Drops - Used to purchase Aqua Tokens. From Brave the Elements.

    • Azure Shard - A rare weapon that drops from the EB, Neidria of the Hoarfrost. Released during The Hoarfrost Sverugant.

    • Azure Soul - An item dropped from the EB, Neidria of the Hoarfrost, and used to enchant the Azure Shard weapon. Released during The Hoarfrost Sverugant.

    • Azure Unicorn's Breath - Bottled breath from an azure unicorn allowing the user to breathe snow. From Box of the Breach.
    #143 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2023
  4. B
    (Part 1)

    • Bag of Skulls - The bag of bandits' heads that the Farmer intended to carry to the king, but supposedly buried them instead at the behest of the Aradmeli Rab. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1.

    • Ballista - A military unit created by the Level 2 Workshop. From Buildings & Lands.

    • Bandit Belt - One of four items collected to form Bandit Skulls. The number of Skulls collected determined rewards earned from the event. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1: Testament of the First Harvest.

    • Bandit Eyepatch - One of four items collected to form Bandit Skulls. The number of Skulls collected determined rewards earned from the event. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1: Testament of the First Harvest.

    • Bandit Kerchief - One of four items collected to form Bandit Skulls. The number of Skulls collected determined rewards earned from the event. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1: Testament of the First Harvest.

    • Bandit Shiv - One of four items collected to form Bandit Skulls. The number of Skulls collected determined rewards earned from the event. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1: Testament of the First Harvest.

    • Bandit Skull - One of four items collected to form Bandit Skulls. The number of Skulls collected determined rewards earned from the event. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1: Testament of the First Harvest.

    • Banner of the Decentennial Jubilee - A special avatar banner given out during the 10th Anniversary. From the 10th Anniversary Celebration.

    • Banner of the Pirate Queens - A special banner reward. From Story Pass: The Harpies' Ransom.
    • Bar Dazzaruk Chest - A rare chest reward from Epic Battles. They contained between 400-1000 Aevum Circle Pieces. From the Deepmine Land release.

    • Bar Dazzaruk Key - Opened Bar Dazzaruk Chests. From the Deepmine Land release.

    • Barren Casque - The Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds reward equipment unit. The levels of upgraded Casques were as follows: Barren Casque Relic -> Lesser Barren Casque -> Barren Casque -> Greater Barren Casque -> Perfect Barren Casque. The Casques required Casque Upgrade Medallions to achieve higher levels. Three Cavea were available for purchase to balance the stats of the Casque.

    • Basnath's Box - A rare event chest dropped from the event EB, Basnath the Painweaver, that could contain a number of goods including Aevum Circle Pieces, Health Crystals, Hygor's Lamps, and other premium items. Opened with a key from the Marketplace. From The Witchqueen's Pall.

    • Basilisk Venom - A Defense Item. Drained from the fangs of the basilisk, a single-drop of this lethal poison can fall an entire army. From Marketplace.
    • Bastion of Grace - The Celestial Hosts shed their blessings upon your kingdom in recognition of your great virtue. A permanent item providing 1% bonus to all stat categories. Given to players that did not exploit the crestplate glitch of 2019. From ATA.
    • Battering Ram - A military unit created by the Level 1 Workshop. From Buildings & Lands.

    • Battle Wine - Wine vinted by Croga, a warrior of legend. From Yonakta Box.
    • Bear Pelt - An event collection item. From Resolutions of War.

    • Beatific Portal - An opt-in spell for the PvP event The Farmer’s Journey, Part 5: Apotheosis.

    • Beef and Aldberry Pie - A savory meat pie with a hint of sweetness. Svathmar's most popular dish. From Svathmar Chest.
    • Bell of the Final Ordeal - An item used to open the Event EB, The Dragon of Judgment - Eschaton, the Cataclysm. It was available for purchase in the Marketplace or could be formed by combining the 6 different Color Sickles. From The Aeon Dragon.

    • Besmoa - A flower in the Dabroan desert, used for its oils. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.
    • Besmoa Oils - An Event spell for opting in to PVP. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.

    • Bet Token - Used to place bets on the various Summer 2016 All Star War teams.
    • B'ganteh Garlic - Rare and highly prized garlic from distant desert lands. From Brandraven Chest.
    • Bhak Shak Plant - A carnivorous red flower that blooms in the Deepmine swamps. From Nakra Box.
    • Bheanna's Harp - An item available for purchase during Sun Lord and Green Lady that cast the Sequence of the Seasons spell on clanmates to increase plunder, event items, and prevented other players from stealing the event plunder item.

    • Biblio Matio - On Wisdom in War - Generations of Tagma have contributed to this volume on strategy. From Ptelyrios Box.
    • Birchbark Relic - The base equipment piece from which other pieces were achieved after upgrades with Fullmoon Dew. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.
    • Black Bloodcyth Marble Coffin - A coffin in black marble and gold, emblazoned with the emblem of Blodcyth. Top 10 Pet of Kyzarian's Box.
    • Black Cat Claw - (1) Used to keep one warm in Hoarfrost Lands. (2) One of two items collected to form Black Cat Pelts. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Five - Search and Seizure.

    • Black Cat Pelt - An event collection item. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Five - Search and Seizure.
    #144 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2022
  5. B
    (Part 2)

    • Black Cat Spike - One of two items collected to form Black Cat Pelts. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Five - Search and Seizure.

    • Black Death - A Defense Item. Unleash a deadly plague upon all who dare encroach upon your territory. From Marketplace.
    • Black Fellit Statuette - A small statue of a creature from local folk tales who is said to appear during the harvest moon. From Wolfsbane Box.
    • Black Gem - A permanent item providing 5% attack bonus. From Marketplace.
    • Black Pearl - (1) A giant pearl the size of a fist used in the socket of a lantern to reveal the secret section of the Library of Arcana. It transforms into a large eye, from which a cone of violet light shines. (2) One of two items collected to form Eyes of Truth. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Seven - The Broken Crown.

    • Blackbone Quartz - A dark crystal used for warding off death during plagues and some times found with snapdragons and ghost mushrooms. From Caduceal Box.
    • Blacksalt - A special salt that, when blessed by a cleric, can be used as protection against demons. From Malphas Chest.
    • Blade of Clan's Glory - A PvP plunder spell. From Festival of the Ring-Giver.

    • Blessed Divination - An event collection item used to determine event rewards. From The Oracle Queen's Decree.

    • Blightward Argentine - A silver paint with magical properties, used in the painting of protective wards. From Blightward Box.
    • Blizzard - An Attack Item. Blast your enemies with a frigid ice storm and shatter their frozen bodies into oblivion. From Marketplace.
    • Bloody Crown - An item collected during PvP portions of Events and used to determine the level of rewards at the end of each weekend. From Legends.
    • Blood Oath - An item available for purchase during The Farmer's Journey, Part 3: The Nemesis that cast the Dominant Faction spell on clanmates to increase plunder, event items, and prevented other players from stealing the event plunder item.

    • Blood Ruby - A PvP collection item. From the Orisons of Glory series.

    • Bloodstone - A PvP collection item. From Sun Lord and Green Lady.

    • Bloodied Habit - One of two items collected to form Favor of Baalir. From Orisons of Glory: Part 5.

    • Bloody Fountain - A fountain made from black Blodcyth marble, overflowing with human blood. Top 10 Pet of Forge-God Box.
    • Bloody Shemstone - The rune-covered bloodpearl that gives life and form to a blood golem. From Forge-God Box.
    • Blooming Earthblossom - One of four event flower items needed to unlock various riddles. From The Faeries' Game.

    • Blooming Flameblossom - One of four event flower items needed to unlock various riddles. From The Faeries' Game.

    • Blooming Frostblossom - One of four event flower items needed to unlock various riddles. From The Faeries' Game.

    • Blooming Windblossom - One of four event flower items needed to unlock various riddles. From The Faeries' Game.
    #145 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2022
  6. B
    (Part 3)

    • Blooming Winkroot - A toxic flower that emits dangerous vapors to put passersby to sleep. From Fae Forest Box.
    • Blooms of Dreamer's Fancy - Dandelion-like blossoms with sparkling seeds from the Dream Realm. From Dreamwalker Box.
    • Blowpipe - A small bamboo weapon used by Kish to blow dust in the face of his enemies. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 5.
    • Blue Algor - A rare and magical plant. Can be found in stone plant pots throughout Vigona. From Vigonian Chest.
    • Blue Trident - The weapon of Telthas from The Abyss lands. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 10.
    • Blue Orb of Ice - A containment orb that holds Voorziel the Cursefount. From Lay of the Rimelands Story - Final.
    • Boar Banquet - A 25% plunder spell that cast a Feast Frenzy spell over clanmates for 1 hour during KAW's 6th Anniversary Weekend.

    • Boarhead Carnyx - An opt-in spell for the PvP portion of The Owl and the Boar and the 10th Anniversary Celebration.

    • Bogflame - A blue light conjured by a Nakra shaman and held in a driftwood pedestal. From Nakra Box.
    • Bombard - A military unit created by the Level 1 Forge. From Buildings & Lands.

    • Bombardment - A PvP plunder spell. From A Cast of Falcons series.

    • Bone Arm - One of four items collected during The Great Bone Hunt: Absolution of Souls. When combined, they created the Limb of Laborer. The number of Limbs collected determined rewards earned from the event. This was available for a limited time in November 2016.

    • Book of Frightful Tales - This book of folk tales contains a menagerie of monsters and fiends of local legend. From Wolfsbane Box.
    • Book of Infernal Secrets - A book of demonic spells chained shut for the realm's protection. From Fiendish Box.
    • Book of Preservation - A healer's guide that has seen much use and is heavily notated. From Caduceal Box.
    • Book of Priark - The holy book of Priark, god of the moon and one of the Celestial Twins. From Lycoanite Box.
    • Book of Shadows - A Spy Attack Item. Cast a spell over your spies to hide them in the shadows of your enemy's kingdom. From Marketplace.
    • Book of the Cosmos - A sacred text. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 5.
    • Book of the Dead - An Attack Item. This evil book can raise an army of the dead to fight in your battle. From Marketplace.
    • Book of the Silverknights - A history of the Knights of Airgead, passed down through generations. From Priark's Box.
    • Book of Vampire Lore - An ancient book detailing methods of avoiding and slaying vampires. From Vampirate Chest.
    • Bottled Beetle Ichor - An event reward item used to enchant event equipment. From Orisons of Glory - Part 9.

    • Bow of Celestials - A heavenly bow, crafted by the gods and sent down to aid you in the wars. A permanent item providing 5% bonus to attack and spy attack. Released during The Aeon Dragon, from Marketplace.

    • Brandmere Tableau Rug - An exquisite handwoven pictorial carpet depicting the scene of a conflagration. From Brandraven Chest.
    • Brandraven Plumes - A purplish black feather that served as an Event collection item during the 2015 Black Friday: The Dark Caravan event. The amount collected determined the end reward.

    • Bribery Diamond - A Spy Attack Item. Bribe high officials to gain access to your enemy's kingdom. From Marketplace.
    • Bribery Gem - A Spy Attack Item. Nobody can resist precious gems. Use this to bribe enemy soldiers. From Marketplace.
    • Brick Transmute - An item from the Marketplace and combined with Pure Yridine dropped from Epic Battles to create Yridine Bricks to defend a team's Stronghold. From Stronghold Siege.

    • Brimweed - One of four items collected during The Farmer's Journey, Part 3: The Nemesis to create Descensio Elixir.

    • Broken Blackwands - One of two items collected to form Favor of Bryntalli. From Orisons of Glory - Part 10.
    • Broken Shackles - A PvP collection item. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 3: The Nemesis.

    • Broken Spear - One of two items collected to form Royal Crests. From The Owl and the Boar.

    • Brooch of the Dauntless Flame - A priceless golden artifact that once belonged to a great hero of ancient times. (This gives a permanent 7% bonus to Attack and Spy Attack stats.) From Marketplace.

    • Bronze Bars - A form of banking currency in the Marketplace. Fun Fact: They were accidentally released into the game temporarily before they were announced on Monday, October 8, 2012.
    • Brugmansia Luna - A blossom whose dew is instrumental in Priarkian rites. From Priark's Box.
    • Brumite - An incandescent stone and source of light. From Brum Nazak Chest.
    • Bryntalli's Broadswords - A PvP plunder spell. From the Orisons of Glory series.

    • Bryntalli's Empowering Favor - An event reward item used to enchant event equipment. From Orisons of Glory - Part 10.

    • Building Token - A relic that dropped from Animus Boxes. When combined with Tempos Gold, which could be bought for a time in the Marketplace with gold, it created a Golden Building Token. When a Golden Building Token was in your inventory, the next building upgrade was free of charge. The predecessor of Crestplates. This feature was for a limited time in 2014 and again in 2016.

    • Burglar Box - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Event Items, Seals of the Damned, and more. Opened with a Burglar Key from the Marketplace. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Two - The Star of Damas.

    • Burglar Key - Opened Burglar Boxes. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Two - The Star of Damas.
    • Burnt Tabard - One of two items collected to form Mysterious Invitations. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Three - The Falcon's Letter.
    #146 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
  7. C
    (Part 1)

    • Caduceal Convalescent Pipe - A pipe used by patients of caduceal healers to ease their pain. From Unsanctified Souls Box.
    • Canary - A Spy Defense Item. The canary can sense enemy spies that you cannot see. From Marketplace.
    • Candle of Betrayal - An event collection item used to collect rewards and Dead Drop Chests. From Maps of Betrayal.

    • Capricious Blessing - An event spell that produced one of four unique effects: take more items, generate more items, cast Blessing of Hinterlight plunder spell, or receive a Capricious Chest. From Orisons of Glory - Part 8.
    • Cardinal Ax - A piece of Red Paladin war equipment that was never produced or released. It was replaced by the Morning Star in the Off Hand equipment slot.

    • Casque Upgrade Medallion - An item earned during Season 6 wars. Used to upgrade war equipment. From Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds.

    • Catapult - A military unit created by the Level 3 Workshop. From Buildings & Lands.

    • Causisium - An element used in rituals of magic dispelling. From Swordfish Chest.
    • Cavalier Charm - An item available for purchase during To the Lists that cast the Shield of Favor spell on clanmates to increase plunder and prevented other players from stealing the event items. From To the Lists.

    • Cavea of Fortitude - An item available for purchase to balance war equipment in favor of the Attack Stat build. From Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds.
    • Cavea of Grace - An item available for purchase to balance war equipment in favor of the Spy Stat build. From Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds.
    • Cavea of Symmetry - An item available for purchase to balance war equipment in favor of the Balanced Attack/Spy Stat build. From Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds.
    • Celestial Twin Box - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods. Opened with a Celestial Twins Key from the Marketplace. From Orisons of Glory: Part 3.

    • Celestial Citrus Cooler - A delicious and fruity sparkling drink served during Festa Luna. From Festa Luna Chest.
    • Celestial Twin Key - Opened a Celestial Twin Box. From Orisons of Glory: Part 3.
    • Cenhelm's "The Blood-Drinker" - The memoir of a legendary hunter of fiends and demons. From Blightward Box.
    • Ceremony of Remembrance - A spell produced by The Mage on the Farmer's journey. From The Farmer's Journey.
    • Chalice of Life - A Defense Item. When your army drinks from this chalice, they become nearly invulnerable. From Marketplace.
    • Charmed Faeflower - A rare flower claimed to enhance the beauty of those who look upon it. From Faerie Court Box.
    • Chateau Gramis '29 - A bottle of fine wine. Herbs and plum, with a topnote of black cherry, an absolutely lovely vintage. From Brandraven Chest.
    • Chessair Sugar-Apples - A fruit that grow in the Chessair Archipelago. From Scylla's Chest.
    • Chest of Fealty - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods. Opened with a Fealty Key from the Marketplace. From Festival of the Ring-Giver.

    • Chest of Secure Fate - An item used to bank Favors of Ithioch to prevent them from being stolen by PvP actions. From Orisons of Glory - Part 8.
    • Chrysoglyph Spell - A spell of illumination that creates a floating cluster of glowing golden sigils. From Forge-God Box.
    • Circle of Flame Confinement - A circle of power used to imprison a fire elemental. From Summoner's Chest.
    • Circle of Water Confinement - A circle of magic used to imprison a water elemental. From Summoner's Chest.
    • Clever Quill - A magical quill that writes exactly what is required, no more, no less. From Trapped Puzzle Box.
    • Cloak of Invisibility - A Spy Attack Item. This cloak renders you invisible to humans. From Marketplace.
    • Cloak of Shadows - A Spy Attack Item. Disappear into the shadows of the night when you wear this cloak. From Marketplace.
    • Cloudberries - Green berries that are combined with Nebulite to cast fog magic. From Laganloch Traveler Box.
    • Cloudsfang - The name of a flying ship in Osmon Rai. From Zeruan Chest.
    #147 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
  8. C
    (Part 2)

    • Coin of the Celestial Twins - A precious golden token granted as a reward for demonstrating a spirit of clan fellowship. From Box of the Celestial Twins.

    • Coldfire Candles - These candles are cold to the touch and cool the room down. From Bonescream Cult Chest.
    • Colme's Flute - A worn flute that once belonged to Colme, a famed bard of the Highlands. From Viskard Temple Box.
    • Colored Sickles - An item of six various colors that when combined, created the Bell of the Final Ordeal to open The Dragon of Judgement EB. They dropped from regular and premium EBs. From The Aeon Dragon.

    • Common Pearls - One of four items collected to form Tribute Jewels. From The Sea Witch's Warning: Awakening of The Nameless.

    • Compass of Zoma - Only this ancient device can reveal the path to the Labyrinth of Zoma. Dropped from various EBs. From Epic Battles.
    • Contessa's Bath - The flagship of the vampirates. From Storm Shattered Chest.
    • Continental Tokens - Used to upgrade the base banner earned during the entire A Cast of Falcons series.

    • Copper Coins - One of four items collected during Patron Saints of War event to form Eternal Flames. From Patron Saints of War.

    • Coral Fragments - One of four items collected to form Tribute Jewels. From The Sea Witch's Warning: Awakening of The Nameless.

    • Coralline Box - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods. Opened with a Coralline Key from the Marketplace. From Orisons of Glory: Part 4.

    • Coralline Key - Opened a Coralline Box. From Orisons of Glory: Part 4.
    • Cordimancer's Curse - A curse spell that lasted two hours. It increased the number of Impel Nodes received from attacking non-cursed players, as well as increased the number of Impel Nodes uncursed players received from attacking a cursed player. It was generated at random. From Puppets of the Cordimancer.

    • Cordis Vindicta - An item that increased the item drop rate for the next event's combination items. From Murder in Halloch Moor.

    • Crimson Drops - Used to purchase Inferno Tokens. From Brave the Elements.

    • Crow Claws - A symbol of the dead. From Equipment & Charms.
    • Crown of the Aetherlux - A golden crown decorated with prismatic gems from the realm of the Luminous Glory. A permanent item providing 11% Attack and Spy Attack bonus. From Marketplace.
    • Crown of the Eleven - A richly bejeweled golden crown crafted for the champion of the gods. From Box of Baalir and Gilmarant.
    • Crown's Revenge - The royal barge used to transport prisoners. From Storm Shattered Chest.
    • Crownseye Handkerchief - A silk handkerchief left as a calling card by Crownseye. From Arcane Raven's Chest.
    • Crux Crusade Battle Tokens - Collected during The Crux Crusades event. From The Crux Crusades.
    • Cry the Tournament - An opt-in spell for the PvP event To the Lists. From To the Lists.

    • Crystal Geode - A rare item that dropped from EBs. Opened with an Enchanted Pickaxe, they contained Forge Stones. From Orisons of Glory: Part 7.

    • Crystal Shield - A green crystal shield of the Prizmai, used by Tosckar, King of the Zerua. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 10.
    • Crystallomantic Nullifier - A weapon in the shape of a spyglass covered with runes and crystals. Its lens was ruby-colored. It emitted a beam of light that could destroy a city in minutes. Tosckar wielded one. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 7.
    • Cuboid Communicator - A glowing bar-shaped artifact displaying a strange, anxiety-inducing symbol. From the Single City Crossover Event.
    • Culling Sickle - A PvP plunder spell. From The Farmer’s Journey, Part 5: Apotheosis.

    • Cursebreak Remedies - An event collection item. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 1: The Frozen Calamity.
    #148 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
  9. D
    (Part 1)

    • D'atreg'ah - An Aradmeli term for the force or madness that drives a person to extreme lengths for revenge. Literally "vengeance-lust." From The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.
    • Dabroa Scimitar - An Event PVP bonus spell. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.

    • Damaged Scale - A converted Gold Aeon Dragon Scale that determined the Global Leaderboard. From The Aeon Dragon.

    • Dampening Snares - One of two items collected to form Life Sparks. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Ten - The Final Unity.
    A lunar, luminescent brick used in building the Temple of Selenelion. From Box of Aozark and Priark.
    • Dayflare Gems - A fiery, solar gem used in building the Temple of Selenelion. From Box of Aozark and Priark.
    • Dead Drop Chest - A Reward Chest given after collecting certain numbers of Candles of Betrayal. From Maps of Betrayal.

    • Death Warrant - An opt-in spell for the PvP portion of The Farmer's Journey, Part 3: The Nemesis.

    • Deepmine Mushrooms - Savory mushrooms from Deepmine. From Dimnes Box.
    • Demon Apples - An unsettling fruit whose flesh contorts into suffering faces. From Box of the Wrathful Pit.
    • Demonic Protection - An event shield spell. From The Champions of Khal'Khor.

    • Demonic Servant - An event collection item that players could donate to "TheMage" or "Leidamea" (two non-playable characters) to bolster the respective team's strength. Once donated, the player received Demonic Servants. From The Champions of Khal'Khor.
    • Dedarit Coral - A coral said to be stronger than steel but flexible. From Equipment & Charms.
    • Descensio Elixir - An event collection item. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 3: The Nemesis.

    • Descry Target - An opt-in spell for the PvP portion of the Lay of the Rimelands series.

    • Destroyed Airgead Silverknight Helm - A destroyed silver helm engraved with wolfsbane whose very sight strikes fear into the hearts of werewolves. From Tri-Gem Chest.
    • Destiny's Flame - An Item used to activate Lamp of Destiny to provide boosted plunder to an active Epic Battle within your clan. From Marketplace.
    • Dewstone - A magical crystal capable of creating moisture out of thin air. From Ridalah Chest.
    • Diabolus Incarnatum - A book detailing types of demons, their ranks, and how to summon them. From Diabolical Box.
    • Diamondbark Chip - An item reward that enchanted event equipment. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.

    • Diary of St. Timaios - A sacred text, most of which was written while the saint was imprisoned in the Nemesis' dungeon. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 3.
    • Diety Dagger - A magical dagger given to Prince Lysanthir by his aunt, Captain Morilwen. He used it to deface the Frysta Runes in order to free Voorziel the Cursefount. From Lay of the Rimelands Story - Final.
    • Dilitir Salts - One of two items collected to form Favor of Gilmarant. From Orisons of Glory: Part 1.

    • Dimensional Attuner - A gold stand with three colorful glowing orbs used to contact distant spirits. From Oracle's Sanctuary Box.
    • Dimnes Thistle Balm - A special salve made in Coalfell which instantly heals midge bites. From Moonshelf Box.
    • Disease Catapult - A military unit created by the Level 2 Forge. From Buildings & Lands.

    • Diurnal Coin - One of four items collected to form Macrocosmic Tithes. From The Farmer’s Journey, Part 5: Apotheosis.
    #149 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
  10. D
    (Part 2)

    • Documents of Surrender - An item generated by collecting 500 White Flags during the PvP portion of A Cast of Falcons series. Once created, they could not be stolen by other players.

    • Dolorseed Chest - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Souldough Loaves, Seals of the Damned, and more. Opened with a Sickle Key from the Marketplace. From The Farmer’s Journey, Part 4: The Harrowing.

    • Dolorthorn Branch - A PvP plunder spell. From The Farmer’s Journey, Part 4: The Harrowing.

    • Dolorthorn Gorse - Bushes of tangled vines as hard as iron, covered in evil-looking thorns as long as a man's thumb. Found in the Red Realm. From The Farmer’s Journey, Part 4: The Harrowing.
    • Dominance Node - An event collection item. From Puppets of the Cordimancer.

    • Dragon Hunter's Salve - A green bottle filled with salve for soothing dragon burns. From Drakelancer Box.
    • Dragon's Breath - An Attack Item. Encircle whole armies with a fiery ring of dragon's breath. From Marketplace.

    • Dragon's Eye Gem - A large gem resembling a dragon's eye seated on a dragon leather pillow. From Ravager Box.
    • Dragonfire Ash - A bottle of special herbs rendered into ash by siege dragon fire. From Brum Nazak Chest.
    • Dragongate - A glowing crystal used for illumination. From Mage's Box.
    • Dragonheart Trophy - An charm awarded to the Top 1 slot on the Gold Aeon Dragon Scale Leaderboard. It was named after the winner, gj151515. From The Aeon Dragon.

    • Dragonpepper - A very spicy and flavorful pepper frequently used in Nazakian cooking. From Equipment & Charms.
    • "Dragons' Blood" - A wine made in Brum Nazak. From Brum Nazak Chest.
    • Drakkend Opal - An event collection item. From The Riddle of Drakkend Mountain.

    • Draumurstone - A magical stone used by the Rime Elves to communicate with each other through dreams. From Rimelander Chest.
    • Dread Hammer - A crystal hammer forged by the Prizmai and wielded by Tosckar, King of the Zerua. Its head was head was half a man's height. One side of the head was a large spike, and on the the other numerous vicious-looking smaller crystals. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 10.
    • Dream Bait - An item used in crystal containers to lure dreadmoths. From Dreameater Box.
    • Druid's Box - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Event Items, Seals of the Damned, and more. Opened with a Druid's Key from the Marketplace. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.

    • Druid's Key - Opened a Druid's Box. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.
    • Druidic Components - An item available for purchase during The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest that cast the Gaian Snare spell on clanmates to increase plunder, event items, and prevented other players from stealing the event plunder item.
    • Druidic Scroll - An event collection item. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.

    • Druidic Wartoken - An event war collection item. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.

    • Dukedom Chest - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Event Items, Seals of the Damned, and more. Opened with a Dukedom Key from the Marketplace. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter One - Kish the Thief.

    • Dukedom Key - Opened Dukedom Chests. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter One - Kish the Thief.
    • Dullahan's Chest - A unique chest dropped from the Dullahan EB. It contained premium items and possible Hunters' Tokens. From Carmen the Warrior-Witch.

    • Dungeon Keyring - An item generated by collecting 500 Broken Shackles during the PvP event The Farmer's Journey, Part 3: The Nemesis. Once created, they could not be stolen by other players.

    • Dunsteed Bridle - A PVP collection item. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.

    • Dunsteed Saddle - An Event collection item that was generated when a player collected 500 Dunesteed Bridles during PVP. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.

    • Dunsteel Scrying Bowl - An item dropped from Epic Battles and Legends. Used to open side Legend series during Carmen the Warrior-Witch.
    • Dwarven Axe - A permanent item that provides 5% attack bonus. From Marketplace.
    • Dwarven Lucky Chest - A rare chest reward found inside Gullend Chests. They contained 2 hour duration plunder spells! With equal chance to gain a 15%, 20%, 50%, 75%, or 150% temporary plunder spell. From the Deepmine Land release.

    • Dwarven Lucky Key - Opened Dwarven Lucky Chests. From the Deepmine Land release.

    • Dwarven Warbell - An item available for purchase during The Riddle of Drakeknd Mountain that cast the Skalgar's Shield spell on clanmates to increase plunder, event items, and prevented other players from stealing the event plunder item.
    #150 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2022
  11. E
    (Part 1)

    • Earthblossom Seedling - One of four event seedlings needed to grow a flower. From The Faeries' Game.

    • Ebharad's Lyre - A dark instrument used by necromantic summoners to call the dead. From Summoner's Chest.

    • Ebon Tree - An unholy vegetation that springs up to protect Apherion. It is susceptible to daylight. From The Netherking EB.

    • Ego Hook - One of four items collected during Puppets of the Cordimancer event to form Dominance Nodes. From Puppets of the Cordimancer.

    • Ehecatl Fan - An event collection item. From A Cast of Falcons: Ch 9 - The Time of the Fifth Feather.

    • Electric Sphere - An Attack Item. Electric spheres surround enemy units on the battlefield, rendering them unconscious. From Marketplace.
    • Elemental Medallion - A reward during Season 4 Estoc Trials - Air vs. Water: Clash of the Elements that was exchanged at the end for special equipment. From Air vs. Water: Clash of the Elements (Season 4 Wars.)

    • Elixir Lycotona - A valuable potion that can cure lycanthropy. From Priark's Box.
    • Elixir of Rage - An Attack Item. Administer this elixir to your army to put them into a rage of fury. From Marketplace.

    • Elixir of Vitality - A Defense Item. Give this elixir to your soldiers and they will last longer in battle. From Marketplace.

    • Elrengoth's Coffer - A rare event chest that dropped from the event EB, The Old Man of the Forest. Opened with an Elrengoth's Coffer key from the Marketplace, it possibly contained Aveum Pieces, Seals of the Damned, Seeds of Samhain, Health Crystals, or one of two rare equipment pieces. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.

    • Elven Shield - A Defense Item. Shields stolen from the elves that have the ability to encompass your soldiers in a protective field. From Marketplace.
    • Embercrow - One of the symbols of Kyzarian. From Equipment & Charms.
    • Emblem of Osmon Rai Traders - An event banner that was spy heavy in stats. From The Swarmlantern's Fire.

    • Emblem of the Successor - A banner awarded to the top 10 players on each team during The Owl and the Boar event.

    • Emblem of the Temple of Volana - An event banner that was attack heavy in stats. From The Swarmlantern's Fire.

    • Emerald Hornet - An event item used to form Hornet Swarms. From Become One with the Hive.

    • Empowering Kralmora's Scale - An event reward item used to enchant event equipment. From Orisons of Glory: Part 6.

    • Empowering - Moonstone Havenrune - An event reward item used to enchant event equipment from Levels 1-10. From The Covenant of the Harvest.

    • Enchanted Pickaxe - Opened Crystal Geodes. From Orisons of Glory: Part 7.

    • Endecatheon Wartokens - An event war collection item. From the Orisons of Glory series.
    #151 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  12. E
    (Part 2)

    • Enigmatic Ichor - A PvP collection item. From The Riddle of Drakkend Mountain.

    • Enthralling Poppet - An item available for purchase during Puppets of the Cordimancer that cast the Shadow Megrim spell on clanmates to increase plunder, event items, and prevented other players from stealing the event plunder item. From Puppets of the Cordimancer.

    • Ephemeral Compass - A gold and silver device for detecting magical disruptions in time. From St. Siegward Box.
    • Eqnos Pine - A pine tree from the region of Eqnos that, when cut and burned, gives off a pleasant scent. From Swordfish Chest.
    • Escarian Dictation Parchment - This magical carpet records the names of whomever enters the throne room. From Escarian Box.
    • Escarian Portal - A small portal used to send messages to and from Escaria. From Festa Luna Chest.
    • Esphior's Alchemy of the Sylphs - A famous work on air element-based alchemy. From Mage's Box.
    • Estoc - A legendary, sleek longsword made of blue, translucent glass, found and wielded by Princess Arkosa. She used it to first kill her father, King Darius. She founded the Estoc Trials upon his death. The Estoc is also seen in the logo of Kingdoms at War. Sometimes called "Great Liberator's Blade." From Estoc Trials and Scarab Box.


    • Estoc's Edge - A plunder spell awarded for victories and removed for losses in System Wars. From System Wars.

    EE Levels 1 through 5

    • Eternal Flames - The item created during Patron Saints of War event by combining the Tomb Fragments, Copper Coins, Pyral Ash, and Spectral Bowstrings. The number of Eternal Flames collected determined rewards earned from the event. From Patron Saints of War.

    • Etymite Nugget - One of two items collected to form Favor of Kyzarian. Known as a rare metal capable of withstanding the heat of the holy flames of Mighty Kyzarian, ruler of the underworld. From Orisons of Glory: Part 7 - The Ordeal of Kyzarian: The Quest for Etymite.

    • Everwood - A tree that can grow to titanic size. One was used to form a dais for the Caducean Village Leader. From Caduceal Box.
    • Exalted Almanack - An item available for purchase during The Farmer’s Journey, Part 5: Apotheosis that cast the Gleaning Cycle spell on clanmates to increase plunder, event items, and prevented other players from stealing the event plunder item. From The Farmer’s Journey, Part 5: Apotheosis.

    • Exotic Spices - A fantastic array of aromatic seasonings from distant kingdoms. From Brandraven Chest.
    • Eye of Hyndemara - A magnificent sapphire set in gold inside a glass display case. From Swordfish Chest.
    • Eye of Truth - An event collection item. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Seven - The Broken Crown.

    • Eyebend Root - A strange magenta root that is a key spell component in powerful illusion magics. An event collection item. From The Thief Initiate.
    #152 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
  13. F
    (Part 1)

    • Falconsight Bow - The bow of Sir Angas. It was equipped with an elven bowstring by Filarion, the rime elf. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 6.

    • Fatesands Navigator - A compass imbued with Shasa magics for finding one's way in the desert. From Tembai Rebel Box.

    • Favor of Baalir - An event collection item. From Orisons of Glory: Part 5.

    • Favor of Bryntalli - An event collection item. From Orisons of Glory: Part 10.

    • Favor of Gilmarant - An event collection item. From Orisons of Glory: Part 1.

    • Favor of Hyndemara - An event collection item. From Orisons of Glory: Part 2.

    • Favor of Ithioch - An event collection item. From Orisons of Glory: Part 8.

    • Favor of Kyzarian - An event collection item. From Orisons of Glory: Part 7.

    • Favor of Rosabranta - An event collection item. From Orisons of Glory: Part 4.

    • Favor of Selona - An event collection item. From Orisons of Glory: Part 9.

    • Favor of the Twins - An event collection item. From Orisons of Glory: Part 3.

    • Favor of Viskard - An event collection item. From Orisons of Glory: Part 6.

    • Fealty Key - Opened a Chest of Fealty. From Festival of the Ring-Giver.

    • Feather-Dagger - A blue, crystal weapon. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 4.

    • Feathers of Warning - Large feathers of iridescent blue-green that were sent in dreams to Illassa as a warning. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 6.

    • Fengrafi Bracket - See Moonshelf Conk. From Moonshelf Box.

    • Fenestral Mirror - An arcane mirror that allows its owner to see out of certain other mirrors. From Equipment & Charms.

    • Festa Solis Sunflower - These sunflowers are fully grown each year around the time of Festa Solis. From Festa Solis Chest.

    • Festa Solis Sunstone - When left in the sun, this stone is charged with a warm glow that lasts all night. From Festa Solis Chest.

    • Festa Solis Tea - A tea of lemon and herbs given out at Festa Solis. From Festa Solis Chest.

    • Festwine - A warm and spicy, festive beverage made form the Mage's secret recipe. From Faefrost Box.
    #153 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
  14. F
    (Part 2)

    • Fiannai Chest - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Gealach Lunorbs, Seals of the Damned, and more. Opened with a Stag Key from the Marketplace. From Sun Lord and Green Lady.

    • Fidelitas Banner - One of two items collected to form Golden Crests. From Festival of the Ring-Giver.

    • Fiendish Fang - An item collected during one of the very first events in KAW, which took place during the Halloween Fiendish Fang Event.

    • Field of Hindrance - An event spell that decreased the number of event items taken from a player. From Orisons of Glory - Part 8.
    • Fiery Amulet - A permanent item providing 10% bonus to attack and defense. From Marketplace.
    • Fire Lily - A lily that spews forth tiny fires instead of pollen. From Box of the Sealed Gate.
    • First Book of Holy Canon - Part of the sacred texts. From The Farmer's Journey.
    • Flail of Agony - A PvP plunder spell. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 3: The Nemesis.

    • Flame Thorn Whip - A whip of poisonous thorns ending in magical flames. From Box of the Sealed Gate.
    • Fiskampi Soup - An exceptionally hardy and nourishing fish and dumpling soup enjoyed by the Rimefolk. From Rimelander Chest.
    • Flameblossom Seedling - One of four event seedlings needed to grow a flower. From The Faeries' Game.

    • Folly Pops - The faeries' preferred treat: flowers covered in sugar. From Follyvine Invitational Box.
    • Follyvine Harp - A living string instrument decorated with flowers and moss. From Fae Forest Box.
    • Fomhar Crystal - A rare crystal said to have the power to bring a lucky harvest. From Autumnal Chest.
    • Forge Stone - An event item used to purchase various goods from the Marketplace. From Orisons of Glory: Part 7.

    • Forged Seal - An event collection item. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Four - The Last Checkpoint.

    • Fortuna Blade Spell - An event plunder spell that had a chance of activating during PvP actions. From Starfall: Rush for the Shards.

    • Fragmentum Vindicta - A special item awarded to daily leaderboard winners to be used to purchase cool event items. From Murder in Halloch Moor.

    • Frostblossom Seedling - One of four event seedlings needed to grow a flower. From The Faeries' Game.

    • Frysta Runestone - One of two items collected to form Jewel of Quarantine. They were elven runes carved into the icy walls of a passage in the Hoarfrost. They glowed with a mystical light. Their purpose was for the containment of evil. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 4: Voorziel the Cursefount.

    • Fugitive Box - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Event Items, Seals of the Damned, and more. Opened with a Fugitive Key from the Marketplace. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Five - Search and Seizure.

    • Fugitive Key - Opened a Fugitive Box. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Five - Search and Seizure.
    • Fullmoon Dew - An event collection item used to upgrade event equipment into other equipment slots. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.

    • Fusion Charm - A charm that drops from Legends and autocombines with other collected Fusion Charms to create stronger charms. Occasionally, they will skip tiers when combining. Released during The Keeper of the Gate.
    #154 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
  15. G
    (Part 1)

    • Gaian Lifespark - One of two items collected to form Druidic Scrolls. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.

    • Gaian Snare - A spell cast, once Druidic Components was purchased, on clanmates to increase plunder, event items, and prevented other players from stealing the event plunder item. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.

    • Game Pelt - One of four items collected during The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory event to form Hunter Trophies for the PvE path. From The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory.

    • Gatesilver Powder - A magical silvery dust used to activate travelstones. Once used, the stone absorbs the dust and glows violet with a large rune appearing on the surface. Some, in two small suede pouches, was given to Valerja and Kish's travel party. Also, one of two items collected to form Travelstones. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Six - Galdurheim.

    • Gather Allies - An item used to open the EB, Rexcalibur The Gigantodon.

    • Gealach Lunorb - An event collection item. From Sun Lord and Green Lady.

    • Geinhylde's Warhorn - The battle horn that once belonged to a legendary warrior-queen of the Rimelands. From Rimelander Chest. Geisgoir
    • Geisgoir - A sword that felled a rock golem and became stuck inside its head. From Highlander Chest.
    • Gelid Chest - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Cursebreak Remedies, Seals of the Damned, and more. Opened with a Gelid Key from the Marketplace. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 1: The Frozen Calamity.

    • Gelid Key - Opened Gelid Chests. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 1: The Frozen Calamity.
    • Gem of Ardor - An alchemical gem tuned to generate chimera's flame. From Swordfish Chest.
    • General Zalthius' Helmet - A permanent bonus providing 10% attack and defense bonus. From Marketplace.
    • Ghriannos' Club - A PvP plunder spell. From Sun Lord and Green Lady.

    • Gilt Sunherald Harp - An ornate golden musical instrument with iridescent strings, used to cheer on the sled racers during the traditional holiday Rime Elves race. From Aurafrost Palace Chest.
    • Gladiator Blade - A PvP plunder spell. From The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory.

    • Gladroot - One of two items collected to form Favor of Gilmarant. From Orisons of Glory: Part 1.

    • Glenhalloch History Books - A selection of texts recounting the history of the Glenhalloch area. From Glenhalloch Castle Box.
    • Goblet of Jubilee Wine - An item earned by completing daily EB quests and was used to purchase various 10th Anniversary Furnishings. From the 10th Anniversary Celebration.

    • Goblet of the Autumn Harvest - A holy drinking vessel and relic of the followers of the Deithe Fiannai. From Autumnal Chest.
    • Gold Aeon Dragon Scale - An item dropped from the event EB, Eschaton, the Cataclysm, and used to attack a player account named "Eschaton." From The Aeon Dragon.

    • Gold Bars - A form of KAW currency available in the Marketplace for 3 trillion gold and sold for 2.25 gold. To unlock them, a player must have fully explored all 25 lands of The Abyss. Released during The Quell.

    • Gold Fealty Queen Key - Opened Chests of Fealty. Bought with Nobility points in the Marketplace. From Festival of the Ring-Giver.
    • Golden Building Token - When a Golden Building Token was in your inventory, the next building upgrade was free of charge. This feature was for a limited time in 2014 and again in 2016.

    • Golden Coral - A valuable item in the Abyss, guarded by Luskull the Horned. Also, one of two items collected to form Favor of Rosabranta. From Orisons of Glory: Part 4.
    #155 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  16. G
    (Part 2)

    • Golden Carriage - Owned by Tosckar. Valerja hid inside it while he was visiting Duke Casnir in hopes she could kill him and steal back the Star of Damas. Instead, she used the carriage to rescue Kish after he stole the Star from the Duke. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 2.

    • Golden Crest - An event collection item. From Festival of the Ring-Giver.

    • Golden Empowering - Moonstone Havenrune - An event reward item used to enchant event equipment from Levels 11-13. From The Covenant of the Harvest.

    • Golden Empowering Solaureate Ingot - An event reward item used to enchant event equipment from Levels 11-13. From The Witchqueen's Pall.

    • Golden Fascina - A golden ceremonial trident, one of the symbols of the Colosseum of Aolus. From Aolan Chest.

    • Golden Flute of Elrengoth - Also called the "flute of Birdsong,' an instrument imbued with druidic magic. From Yonakta Box.

    • Golden Gourd - A golden sculpture of a mido gourd, a popular Lowland autumnal fruit. From Wolfsbane Box.

    • Golden Sheaves - A PvP collection item. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1: Testament of the First Harvest.

    • Golden Wings - One of the symbols of the Forgeguard. From Equipment & Charms.

    • Grandfather's Amberblood - A PvP collection item. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.

    • Grandfather's Heart - An item generated by collecting 500 Grandfather's Amberblood during the PvP portion of The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest. Once created, they could not be stolen by other players.

    • Grappling Hook - An event collection item. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Two - The Star of Damas.

    • Gravity Engine - An arcane device that enables the flight of even the heaviest of airships. From Mage's Box.

    • Gravstones - An enchanted stone used as ammunition against Ravager Dragons. From Laganloch Traveler Box.

    • Greater Fatelock Shield - An 8 hour event spell that prevented event items from being taken. Ithioch's Guard was required to purchase the spell. From Orisons of Glory - Part 8.

    • Green Vixen Box - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Event Items, Seals of the Damned, and more. Opened with a Green Vixen Key from the Marketplace. From Orisons of Glory - Part 9.

    • Green Vixen Box - Opened a Green Vixen Box. From Orisons of Glory - Part 9.

    • Grimgard Box - Reward boxes that contained either Crux Chests or Silver Bars. There were three types of Boxes: Bronze, Silver, and Cobalt. From The Riddle of Drakkend Mountain.

    • Grimgard Wartoken - An event war collection item. From The Riddle of Drakkend Mountain.

    • Grimoire of the Mage - A tome containing so many spells that it radiates pure thaumaturgical energy. From Equipment & Charms.

    • Guardian Owl Statuette - A small silver statue of an owl, guardian of the forest. From Autumnal Chest.
    • Guardian's Helmet - A permanent item providing 5% bonus to defense. From Marketplace.
    • Guild Crux Chest - Could be purchased using Ithioch Coins to grant a 50% EB plunder boost for 2 hours. From The Oathkeeper's Challenge and The Fellowship Tourney.

    • Guild House Quarry - Could be purchased using Ithioch Coins to increase the drop rate of Quarried Havenstone. From The Oathkeeper's Challenge.

    • Guild House Sawmill - Could be purchased using Ithioch Coins to increase the drop rate of Ardentcore Lumber. From The Oathkeeper's Challenge.

    • Guild Pennant - An Ithiochian flag under which to gather your clan for a quest. From The Fellowship Tourney.

    • Gullend Chest - A rare chest reward from Epic Battles. Possible drops included Dwarven Lucky Chests, Crestplates, or premium items. From the Deepmine Land Release.

    • Gullend Key - Opened Gullend Chests. From the Deepmine Land Release.

    • Gust Potion - A potion that augment's a Quell's strength, but is poisonous to anyone else. From Labyrinth Box.
    #156 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
  17. H

    • Hag's Eye - One of two items collected to form Favor of Hyndemara. From Orisons of Glory: Part 2.

    • Haldakristal - One of two items collected to form Travelstones. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Six - Galdurheim.

    • Hallowed Ligature - An event collection item. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 3: For Love of Blood.

    • Harpies' Ransom Note - An item required to open a Story Pass side Event, it was available for 150 Nobility Points in the Marketplace. From Story Pass: The Harpies' Ransom.
    • Haunted Glenhalloch Castle Box - A chest guaranteed to contain at least one piece of furniture from the Murder in Halloch Moor event. From Murder in Halloch Moor.
    • Healing Aura - A Defense Item. Bring your soldiers back from the dead on the battlefield. From Marketplace.
    • Health Crystals - Used to fully regenerate your kingdom. They were first made available for purchase on November 30, 2010.

    • Heavencaster - A weapon that magnified rime elf conjurers' magic circles a thousandfold. From A Cast of Falcons: Ch. 10.
    • Heavenchanter - An event collection item. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Eight - Interregnum.

    • Heavenly Lily - A crystallization of a fragment of an oracle's soul, used to invoke a holy rite. From Malphas Chest.
    • Heilun Swathe - One of two items collected to form Hallowed Ligature. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 3: For Love of Blood.

    • Herbs of Healing - Given by Valerja to Kish for his bruised shoulder during their trek to the Hoarfrost lands with the Star of Damas. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 4.
    • High-Altitude Airship - A newer version of the airship that can climb to high altitudes. It was used to cross the Baadal Cordillera mountains. From Once Beyond Reach.
    • Historia Genealogica de Corvelia - A book on the history of a family of worshippers of the demon god Malphas. From Vigonian Chest.
    • History of Blodcyth - A book on the establishment of Blodcyth and its royal family. From Kyzarian's Box.
    • Hoarfrost Chest - A rare event chest, opened with a Thanatic Key, that could contain a number of goods. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 3: For Love of Blood.

    • Hoarfrost Cottengrass - A robust Hoarfrost plant harvested by Rimefolk, who use its fibers to make textiles. From Rimelander Chest.
    • Hoarfrost Key - Opened Hoarfrost Chests. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 3: For Love of Blood.
    • Hoarfrost Wartokens - An event war collection item. From each part of the Lay of the Rimelands series.

    • Holy Book of Cosmos - One of the books of the faith of the Holy Harrower. From Malphas Chest.
    • Holy Champion Token - An item earned to upgrade the event series banner. From the Orisons of Glory series.

    • Holy Essence Powder - A shining gold powder used to ward off demonic creatures. From Carina's Keepsake Chest.
    • Holy Forge Box (version one) - A rare event chest, opened with a Holy Forge Key, that could contain a number of goods. From Orisons of Glory: Part 7.

    • Holy Forge Box (version two) - A rare event chest, opened with a Holy Forge Key, that could contain a number of goods. From Orisons of Glory: Part 8.

    • Holy Forge Key - Opened a Holy Forge Box. From Orisons of Glory: Parts 7 & 8.
    • Holy Symbol of the Metalfather - A silver holy symbol depicting Firmis Metalfather, dwarven god of smithing and crafting. From Hillbreaker Box.
    • Holy Water Phial - One of two items collected to form Favor of Hyndemara. From Orisons of Glory: Part 2.

    • Holy Wrath - An Attack Item. Unleash a storm from the heavens against your enemies and vaporize them in their tracks. From Marketplace.
    • Honey Coated Seed - An item used to open a new edition of the EB, The Old Man of the Forest - The Spreading Infection. From Orisons of Glory - Part 9.
    • Honeybee Armor - A tiny suit of armor crafted by a famous dwarven artisan for a Hearthlight crafters' competition. From Hillbreaker Box.
    • Horn of Abundance - A purchasable item during The Farmer's Journey, Part 1 that cast the Harvest Moon spell on clanmates to increase plunder, event items, and prevented other players from stealing the event plunder item.

    • Horn of Calydor - Heralds Calydor's return and grants access to the Revenge of the Warbeats EB. From Marketplace.
    • Horn of Fellowship - An item available for purchase to grant the clan Ithioch's Vigor 10% plunder boost for 1 hour. From The Oathkeeper's Challenge.

    • Hornet Swarm - An item, created after 1000 Emerald Hornets were collected, used to open the Event EB, Lure of the Hive. From Become One with the Hive.

    • Horns of Yippisi - These magical horns carry strength to their owner. From Jungle Box.
    • Hreinsa Weed - One of two items collected to form Cursebreak Remedies. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 1: The Frozen Calamity.

    • Hunayalei Cookies - Star-shaped elven spice cookies with intricate icing. From Aurafrost Palace Chest.
    • Hunter Trophy - An event collection item. From The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory.

    • Hunter's Moon - A PvP plunder spell. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.

    • Hunters' Token - An item used to upgrade event banners. From Carmen the Warrior-Witch.

    • Hushgloom Lantern - A mystical lantern whose light is said to always illuminate the correct path. From Deep Forest Box.
    • Hygor's Lamp - An item used to open a new EB, Basnath the Painweaver. From The Witchqueen's Pall.

    #157 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
  18. I

    • Ice Giant's Hammer - A PvP plunder spell. From each part of the Lay of the Rimelands series.

    • Ice Paralysis - A Spy Defense Item. Freeze hostile foes in a sheet of immovable ice. From Marketplace.
    • Icon of Agony - An Item dropped from Zelgarad the Accursed. When sacrificed to an Altar of Brand, possible rewards are earned. From Epic Battles.
    • Ideel's Golden Oak - An oak tree that was planted by Ideel when she was young and turned to gold. From Box of the Golden Oak.
    • Idol of Baalir - Combine with a Keystone of Baalir to add 8% to spy attack for 30 minutes. From Marketplace.
    • Idol of Bryntalli - Combine with a Keystone of Bryntalli to add 8% to troop attack for 30 minutes. From Marketplace.
    • Idol of Hyndemara - Combine with a Keystone of Hyndemara to add 8% to spy defense for 30 minutes. From Marketplace.
    • Idol of Kyzarian - Combine with a Keystone of Kyzarian to add 8% to troop defense for 30 minutes. From Marketplace.
    • Ieroprisma - A magical prism that can hover in midair and produce light. From Oracular Chest.
    • Impel Node - A PvP collection item. From Puppets of the Cordimancer.

    • Imperial Currants - Also known as "aldberries," this fruit is a popular ingredient in Neshian cuisine. From Svathmar Chest.

    • Imperial Favor - A PvP collection item. From The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory.

    • Imperial Jewel of Sealing - An item used to open a new EB, The Maze of the Maluscor - The Blood Golems. From The Rise of the Bloddrihten King.

    • Imperial Plea - An item available for purchase during The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory that cast the Harvest Moon spell on clanmates to increase plunder, event items, and prevented other players from stealing the event plunder item. From The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory.

    • Incantation of Khal'Khor - An event spell available for purchase to assist in the PvP special event. From The Champions of Khal'Khor.

    • Incarnation Medallion - An item earned during Season 6 wars to determine a player's banner and other consumable rewards at the end of the event. During Season 6: Emissaries of the Otherworlds, 1 medallion was awarded per win.

    • Infernal Imp Trap - A carnivorous plant in a golden pot, brimming with necrotic energy. From Infernal Box.
    • Infernal Unbinding - A spell used by the Witchqueen. From The Return of the Witchqueen.
    • Inferno - Element of Volatility used to enchant equipment. Found as a reward from Events, Side Legends, Chests, Epic Battles, or can be purchased from the Mage in the Marketplace. From Marketplace.

    • Inferno Dragon's Breath - Bottled breath from an inferno dragon allowing the user to exhale flames. From Box of the Sealed Gate.
    • Inferno Token - Used on the Bounty of Inferno path to offer Inferno rewards. From Brave the Elements.

    • Invisibility Potion - An Attack Item. Once taken, this potion gives your army temporary invisibility. From Marketplace.

    • Ioradix Box - An Event Chest from The Drifting Ones.

    • Iridescent Feathers - One of two items collected to form Ehecatl Fans. From A Cast of Falcons: Ch 9 - The Time of the Fifth Feather.

    • Iridium - A lustrous stone used in Ioradix architecture. From Ioradix Box.
    • Iron Cannon - A military unit created by the Level 2 Cursed Foundry. From Buildings & Lands.

    • Iron Ingot - One of two items collected to form Forged Seals. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Four - The Last Checkpoint.

    • Irongale Caravel - A military unit produced by Level 14 Zeruan Cielfortress. From Buildings & Lands.
    (Irongale Caravels look the same as Welkinaut Caravels.)

    • Ironwood Tree - An ancient tree whose bark is as sturdy as iron and used in faerie armor making. From Equipment & Charms.
    • Ithioch Box - A reward box received for certain purchases of Nobility Points and Health Crystals given out, with an announcement, in clan chat. From The Oathkeeper's Challenge and The Fellowship Tourney.
      • 50 NB or 6 health crystals: Ithioch Box for the purchaser
      • 200 NB or 32 health crystals: Ithioch Box for purchaser and the clan
      • 765 NB or 168 health crystals: Royal Ithioch Box for purchaser and the clan.
    • Ithioch Coin - A coin with the emblem of Ithioch, a horse, that dropped from EBs and used to purchase special event items. From The Oathkeeper's Challenge and The Fellowship Tourney.

    • Ithiochian Spyglass - An item available for purchase with Ithioch coins and used to increase the drop rate of Study Your Opponents. From The Fellowship Tourney.

    • Ithioch's Favor Statuette - A gleaming emerald and onyx statuette that shows you are a chosen champion of Ithioch. Available for purchase with Ithioch Coins. From The Oathkeeper's Challenge.

    • Izulite Rods - (1) An item needed by Sorceress Illassa to finish the Thaumic Engines. They were promised to her by the Pateras Tagma. (2) One of two items collected to form Heavenchanters. From A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Eight - Interregnum.
    #158 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
  19. J

    • The Jade-Shard Edge of Grimsbridge - A sword of chipped green glass with a legendary reputation in Grimsbridge. From Grimsbridge Keep Box.

    • Jewel of Containment - A gem used in tandem with an incantation by mage's to entrap other beings. Once complete, those contained are left in an ice pillar. From Lay of the Rimelands Story - Final.

    • Jewel of Influence - An opt-in spell for the PvP portion of Puppets of the Cordimancer. From Puppets of the Cordimancer.

    • Jewel of Quarantine - An event collection item. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 4: Voorziel the Cursefount.

    • Jewels of the High Argentian - Glowing crystals enchanted by High Argentians of days past. From Priark's Box.

    • The Jolly Raptor - A famous pirate ship lost at sea near the Great Reef. From Reef Box.

    • Joravia's Horn - According to legend, it can call ten thousand demons to its winder's side. From Summoner's Chest.

    • Jugis Herbs - One of four items collected during The Farmer's Journey, Part 3: The Nemesis to create Descensio Elixir.

    • Juniperum's Standard - An item used to open a new EB, Flight of the Dreameater - Voracious Dreadmoth. From The Hunt for the Dreadmoth.
    #159 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
  20. K

    • Kadmos' Enchanted Conch - An iridescent shell that once channeled magic for a legendary warrior. From Abyssal Warrior Box.
    • Kamutraa Cactus - A flowering cactus plant in a gold planter pot. From Baqiar Madi Box.
    • Kapok Fruits - Rare magical fruits from the depths of the Koti Jungle. From Jungle Box.
    • Keepers Box - A rare event chest that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Event Items, Seals of the Damned, and more. Opened with a Keepers Key from the Marketplace. From Orisons of Glory: Part 6.

    • Keepers Key - Opened Keepers Boxes. From Orisons of Glory: Part 6.
    • Key to the City of Galdurheim - A symbol rewarded to Kish for his return of the Star of Damas; it gave him the right to live in Galdurheim for as long as he lived. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 6.
    • Keystone of Baalir - A Spy Attack Item. Combine with an Idol of Baalir to add 8% to spy attack for 30 minutes. From Marketplace.
    • Keystone of Bryntalli - An Attack Item. Combine with an Idol of Bryntalli to add 8% to attack for 30 minutes. From Marketplace.
    • Keystone of Hyndemara - A Spy Defense Item. Combine with an Idol of Hyndemara to add 8% to spy defense for 30 minutes. From Marketplace.
    • Keystone of Kyzarian - A Defense Item. Combine with an Idol of Kyzarian to add 8% to defense for 30 minutes. From Marketplace.
    • Kindlestones - Gold or Purple gemstones awarded during Season 5 Wars: Pawns of the Otherworlds that could be combined with a Tarnished Circlet for either an attack heavy, spy heavy, or balanced Circlet Crown.
    • Kindlestones of Equilibrium - One of three Kindlestone choices that could be combined with a Tarnished Circlet to create a balanced Circlet Crown. From Season 5 Wars: Pawns of the Otherworlds.

    • Kindlestones of Force - One of three Kindlestone choices that could be combined with a Tarnished Circlet to create an attack heavy Circlet Crown. From Season 5 Wars: Pawns of the Otherworlds.

    • Kindlestones of Subtlety - One of three Kindlestone choices that could be combined with a Tarnished Circlet to create a spy heavy Circlet Crown. From Season 5 Wars: Pawns of the Otherworlds.

    • Knight's Spurs - A PvP collection item. From Festival of the Ring-Giver.
    • Klaris Blossom - One of two items collected to form Mistpierce Scrywater. From Lay of the Rimelands - Part 2: Clouded Vision.

    • Koti River Boat - A small wooden boat with one paddle for solo navigation of a jungle river. From Koti Jungle Box.

    • Kraken Ink Vial - One of four items collected to form Tribute Jewels. From The Sea Witch's Warning: Awakening of the Nameless.

    • Kralmora's Chest - A rare event chest dropped from the event EB, Kralmora the Fallen - Necromancer's Pact, that could contain a number of goods including Health Crystals, Seafarer's Charms, and other premium items. Opened with a key from the Marketplace. From Orisons of Glory: Part 10.

    • Kralmora's Scale - An event reward item used to upgrade event equipment. From Orisons of Glory: Part 6.

    • Krythorn's Helm - A helm once worn in battle by the greatest gladiator in the Aolan Colosseum's history. From Aolan Chest.
    • Kuolonterä - The "blade of death", this sword has been used by powerful necromancers. From Bonescream Cult Chest.
    • Kyzarian's Glory - Also known as the "Light of St. Siegward," a holy artifact of the Forge-God. From Forge-God Box.
    • Kyzarite - Small orange precious gems. From Brum Nazak Chest.
    #160 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024