O Part 1 The Oathkeeper's Challenge - An Event that included Reward Chests called Guild Hunter Boxes, which contained various rewards, event collection items, premium items, and a hunting hall themed furnishing set. This Event included a Clan Event component as well as the traditional Event elements. For the Clan Event portion, there were special Event Chests and Charms for purchase and as rewards: the Guild Crux Chest, the Ithioch Box, and Ithioch's Favor Statuette. Released on Wednesday, February 19, 2020. Guild Hunter Box Guild Crux Chest and Key Royal Ithioch Box Once Beyond Reach - An Event that included Reward Chests called Sunrise Chests, which contained various rewards, event collection items, and premium items. Released on Tuesday, March 22, 2016. Sunrise Chest The Ordeal of Aozark and Priark - The fourth Ordeal Event after the Endecennial Feast. The Ordeals were a reward for bringing justice to the Pallumen lands. There was a Clan Event component to this ordeal; Clan Chests, Boxes of the Celestial Twins, were rewarded for Oracle Purchases. Released on Wednesday, October 28, 2020. Box of Aozark and Priark Box of the Celestial Twins The Ordeal of Baalir and Gilmarant - The fifth and final Ordeal Event after the Endecennial Feast. The Ordeals were a reward for bringing justice to the Pallumen lands. Released on Wednesday, November 11, 2020. Box of Baalir and Gilmarant The Ordeal of Hyndemara and Viskard - The third Ordeal Event after the Endecennial Feast. The Ordeals were a reward for bringing justice to the Pallumen lands. Released on Wednesday, October 14, 2020. Box of Hyndemara and Viskard The Ordeal of Rosabranta and Kyzarian - The second Ordeal Event after the Endecennial Feast. The Ordeals were a reward for bringing justice to the Pallumen lands. Released on Wednesday, September 30, 2020. Box of Rosabranta and Kyzarian The Ordeal of Selona and Ithioch - The first Ordeal Event after the Endecennial Feast. The Ordeals were a reward for bringing justice to the Pallumen lands. Released on Wednesday, September 16, 2020. Box of Selona and Ithioch Orisons of Glory: Part 1 - The Ordeal of Gilmarant: The Potion of Az - The first part of a ten Event series that included PvP, Wars, and PvE for collecting items as well as a Reward Chest called the Starfather Box, which contained various rewards and upgrade material possibilities. Released on Thursday, November 10, 2016. Starfather Box Orisons of Glory: Part 2 - The Ordeal of Hyndemara: The Fallen Temple of Eqnos - The second part of a ten Event series that included PvP, Wars, and PvE for collecting items as well as a Reward Chest called the Oracle Queen Box, which contained various rewards and upgrade material possibilities. Released on Wednesday, November 30, 2016. Oracle Queen Box Orisons of Glory: Part 3 - The Ordeal of Aozark & Priark: The Celestial Tower - The third part of a ten Event series that included PvP, Wars, and PvE for collecting items as well as a Reward Chest called the Celestial Twin Box, which contained various rewards and upgrade material possibilities. Released on Monday, January 9, 2017. Celestial Twin Box
O Part 2 Orisons of Glory: Part 4 - The Ordeal of Rosabranta: The Luskull & the Golden Coral - The fourth part of a ten Event series that included PvP, Wars, and PvE for collecting items as well as a Reward Chest called the Coralline Box, which contained various rewards and upgrade material possibilities. Released on Wednesday, January 25, 2017. Coralline Box Orisons of Glory: Part 5 - The Ordeal of Baalir: The Assassin-Monks of Rilaba - The fifth part of a ten Event series that included PvP, Wars, and PvE for collecting items as well as a Reward Chest called the Moonless Box, which contained various rewards and upgrade material possibilities. Released on Friday, February 10, 2017. Moonless Box Orisons of Glory: Part 6 - The Ordeal of Viskard: The Scrolls of Tenk' Araman - The sixth part of a ten Event series that included PvP, Wars, and PvE for collecting items as well as a Reward Chest called the Keepers Box, which contained various rewards and upgrade material possibilities. A new Epic Battle, Kralmora the Felltide and three new Equipment pieces: Sommand's Ring, Sommand's Shoulder, and Sommand's Harpoon, were released during the Event. Released on Wednesday, March 1, 2017. Keepers Box Orisons of Glory: Part 7 - The Ordeal of Kyzarian: The Quest for Etymite - The seventh part of a ten Event series that included PvP, Wars, and PvE for collecting items as well as Reward Chests called Holy Forge Boxes (Orange) and Crystal Geode Boxes, which contained various rewards and upgrade material possibilities. Released on Friday, March 17, 2017. Holy Forge Box (Orange)
O Part 3 Orisons of Glory: Part 8 - The Ordeal of Ithioch: The Winged Steed of Phantassos - The eighth part of a ten Event series that included PvP, Wars, and PvE for collecting items as well as a Reward Chest called the Holy Forge Box (Silver), which contained various rewards and upgrade material possibilities. Released on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. Holy Forge Box (Silver) Orisons of Glory: Part 9 - The Ordeal of Selona: The Spreading Infection - The ninth part of a ten Event series that included PvP, Wars, and PvE for collecting items as well as a Reward Chest called the Green Vixen Box, which contained various rewards, upgrade material possibilities, and Crestplates for the first time in KAW history. A new Epic Battle, The Old Man of the Forest - The Spreading Infection, was released with the Barcnock's Chest as a drop. Released on Saturday, April 22, 2017. Green Vixen Box (This was the only Orisons part to not have artwork made or displayed. This image was created by JEDI-MAESTRO.) Orisons of Glory: Part 10 - The Ordeal of Bryntalli: The Necromancer of Krazad Circ - The tenth part of a ten Event series that included PvP, Wars, and PvE for collecting items as well as a Reward Chest called the Warmother Chest, which contained various rewards, upgrade material possibilities, including Crestplates. A new Epic Battle, Kralmora the Fallen - Necromancer's Pact, was released with the Kralmora's Chest. Released on Saturday, May 6, 2017. Warmother Chest The Other Side of the Walls - An Event that included Reward Chests called Vengaelian Siege Chests, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around burning keep of Barrenhigh. Released Wednesday, April 7, 2021. Vengaelian Siege Chest The Owl and the Boar - An Event that included a Reward Chest called Lineage Boxes, which contained various rewards, event collection items, and premium items. Released on Saturday, May 6, 2017. Lineage Box
P A Passage of Time - An Event that included Reward Chests called Soothsayer's Boxes, which contained various rewards and furnishings themed around the interior of the tower home of Tomhasir the Vagrant, a character of KAW Lore from many previous events. Released Wednesday, February 10, 2021. Soothsayer's Box A Patron Saints of War - An Event that included Banners and Equipment themed around either PvE or PvP. Released Thursday, April 19, 2015. Pawns of the Otherworlds (Season 5 Wars) - Season 5 Wars were released Monday, August 10, 2015. A Perilous Slumber - An Event that included Reward Chests called Oracle's Sanctuary Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around the sanctuary tower of the Oracle as well as the Slumbering Realm, and included a Nimbus Tiger. Released Wednesday, December 1, 2021. Oracle's Sanctuary Box A Perplexing Circumstance - A side Legend that began with the purchase and opening of a Chest called The Inscrutable Box, which contained a Charm and War Baron Box. Released Wednesday, March 10, 2022. The Inscrutable Box The Phantom Clan - An Event that included Reward Chests called Lost Warrior Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around a haunted castle with ghostly items. This Event coincided with the Fall War Tournament. Released Wednesday, November 6, 2019. Lost Warrior Box A Plague of Riddles - An Event that included new Equipment pieces. Released Thursday, May 26, 2017. Pride of Novgoravia - An Event that included Reward Chests called Novgoravia Chests themed around the mercenary kingdom of Novgoravia and a multi-headed dragon. A new banner was also released. Released Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Novgoravia Chest Puppets of the Cordimancer - An Event that included Reward Chests called Jack-In-The-Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, event collection items, and premium items. Released Thursday, October 15, 2015. Jack-In-The-Box Pursuit Through Rustthorn Vale - An Event that included Reward Chests called Rustthorn Chests, which contained various Eewards and Furnishings themed around an autumn forest. Released Wednesday, November 13, 2024. Rustthorn Chests
Q The Quell - An Event that included Reward Chests called Quell Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around the sky realm of the Quell and Volana. The introduction of Gold Bars took place during this Event. Released on Thursday, November 26, 2016. Quell Box Questions of Trust - An Event that included Reward Chests called Nraizulian Disciple Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around bloody, demonic followers of Nraizu. Released on Wednesday, January 27, 2021. Nraizulian Disciple Box
R Part 1 The Radiant Pretender - An Event that included Reward Chests called Vivenstone Boxes, which contained various possible rewards and furnishings themed around the glimserpent of the umbral side of Pallumen Lands. Released Wednesday, March 10, 2022. Vivenstone Box Rags to Riches - A Side Legend during the Black Friday 2024 Event that gave Plunder Bonus rewards themed around Dwarven mine carts. Released Monday, November 25, 2024. The Raven and the Rook - An Event that included Reward Chests called Arcane Raven’s Chest, which contained various possible rewards, and upgrade materials. Released Friday, September 22, 2017. Arcane Raven's Chest Realms at War - An Event held in Kingdoms of Heckfire in which KAW and PIMD competed for dominance. A Reward Chest called the Heckfire Heckchest contained various possible rewards. Additional tier rewards included Heckfire themed furnishings. Released Wednesday, September 2, 2020 and again on Thursday, August 15, 2024. Heckfire Heckchest Rebels of Tembai Canyon - An Event that included Reward Chests called Tembai Rebel Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around the mosaic style of the desert Tembai people with a serpent. Released Wednesday, January 8, 2020. Tembai Rebel Box Reign of the Usurper - An Event that included Reward Chests called Necrotic Chests themed around the rebuilt Usurper King's Kingdom in the Hoarfrost. Released Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Necrotic Chest Resolutions of War- An Event that included Reward Chests called Valorous Chests, which contained various possible rewards. Released Friday, December 30, 2016. Valorous Chest Return of the Dark One - An Event that included Reward Chests called Khal'Khor Chests, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around the crystal void. Additionally, a new temporary premium EB, The Prisoner of the Void, was introduced. Released Wednesday, June 19, 2019. Khal'Khor Chest The Return of the Queen - An Event that included Reward Chests called Leidamea Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around the raven-like coraxians and the Witchqueen's cult. Additionally, a new permanent premium EB series, The Witchqueen Reborn, was introduced with Hexavia the Ravenstorm as the first EB in the series. The new EB and NK dropped a new Coraxian Chest and Key and required Ravenbone Wind Chimes to open. Released Wednesday, March 18, 2020. Leidamea Box Ravenbone Wind Chime Coraxian Chest and Key
R Part 2 Return of the Shadofael - A Banner Event that included Reward Chests called War Baron Boxes, which contained upgrade materials for Shadofael Banners. Released Wednesday, July 20, 2022 and again Wednesday, September 21, 2022. The Return of the Witchqueen - An Event that included Reward Chests called Swordfish Chests, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around a Vigonian wine cellar. Released Wednesday, June 6, 2018. Swordfish Chest The Revenant-King of the Hoarfrost - An Event that included Reward Chests called Murkfrost Chests, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around a Murkfrost cave with a black cat, a troop unit from the buildings in the Hoarfrost. Released Friday, December 15, 2017. Murkfrost Chest Revenge of the Radiant - An Event that included revamped versions of Premium EBs with increased plunder. Released Friday, August 7, 2020. Hexavia the Illuminated EB Rexcalibur The Gigantodon - A new Epic Battle that required an item, Gather Allies, to open. The item was earned through Daily Duties and Daily Competitions. Released Tuesday, August 20, 2024. The Riddle of Drakkend Mountain - An Event that included Reward Chests called Skalgar's Boxes and Grimgard Boxes, which both contained various rewards and upgrade material possibilities. Released on Saturday, November 26, 2016. Skalgar's Box The Rise of the Bloddrihten King - An Event that included Reward Chests called Forge-God Boxes, with rewards themed around a black and red forge. A new temporary premium EB, The Maze of the Maluscor, was also introduced. Released Wednesday, September 12, 2018. Forge-God Box Rise of the Ravagers - An Event that included Reward Chests called Drakelancer Boxes, with rewards themed around the Dragon Hunters and Ravage Dragons. Released Wednesday, January 5, 2022. Drakelancer Box Rise of the Snow Legions - An Event that included Reward Chests called Winterveil Chests, which contained rewards themed around winter snow and a Snow Leopard. Released Wednesday, December 25, 2024. Winterveil Chest The River of Souls - An Event that included Reward Chests called Ferryman's Boxes, which contained rewardsthemed around the skeletal abode of the Ferryman in the Underworld. Released Wednesday, August 28, 2019. Ferryman's Box Rock and Stone - This partial Furnishing Set was released during Black Friday 2024. Released Wednesday, November 25, 2024.
S Part 1 Sanguine Sacrifice - An Event that included Boxes of the Deithe Fiannai themed around the Deithe Fiannai forest elves. Released Wednesday, December 12, 2022. Box of the Deithe Fiannai The Scorching Trail - An Event that included Firewing Boxes themed around the dragons of Firewing Mountain. Released Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Firewing Box The Scourge Beneath Us - An Event that included Diabolical Boxes themed around the demons of Infernus. Released Wednesday, May 31, 2023. Diabolical Box The Sea Witch's Warning: Awakening of the Nameless - An Event that included Aquarian Caches, which contained rewards and upgrade materials. Three banners and four armor pieces were the final Rewards. Released Tuesday, March 3, 2015. Aquarian Cache The Seaborne Kingdom - An Event that included Seriformi Boxes themed around the seafaring island Kingdom of Seriforma. Released Wednesday, June 16, 2021. Seriformi Box The Season of the Boar - An Event that included Reward Chests called Autumnal Chests themed around Elvish designs and the fall season with a stag. Released Monday, November 13, 2017. Autumnal Chest Secret Treasure of the Volcano - An Event that included Jungle Chests themed around the Koti Jungle. Released Friday, January 5, 2018. Jungle Chest Secrets of the Highhallows - An Event that included Highhallow Estate Chests themed around Commander Brannyn's Highhallow family estate. Released Wednesday, June 2, 2021. Highhallow Estate Chest Selona's Gift - An Event that included Leanai Boxes themed around a forest and unicorn. Released Wednesday, July 4, 2018. Leanai Box Serpent and Stone - An Event that included Serpent Stash Boxes themed around the city of Montdarte and serpents. Released Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Serpent Stash Box The Serpent's Heart - An Event that included Usurper Cult Chests themed around the Highlands and the serpent race of Caer Sidh. Released Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Usurper Cult Chest Shadows of Clairmont - An Event that included Amethyst Chests themed around the a Lupine Spa of Lady Morrigan and a purple unicorn. Released Wednesday, Ocotber 30, 2024. Amethyst Chests Shadowlord's Pyre - A Furnishing Set release that was themed around an homage to the Sauron and Mordor from Lord of the Rings. Released Wednesday, December 11, 2024.
S Part 2 The Siege of Barrenhigh - An Event that included Reward Chests called Barrenhigh Stronghold Boxes, which contained furnishings themed around the city of Barrenhigh in the Kingdom of Vengaelia. Released Wednesday, March 24, 2021. Barrenhigh Stronghold Box The Siege of Mt. Omenar - An Event that included Reward Chests called Hillbreaker Battle Boxes, which contained furnishingsthemed around the Dwarven Winter Holiday known as Hearthlight. Released Wednesday, December 30, 2020. Hillbreaker Battle Box The Siege of Svathmar - An Event that included Reward Chests called Svathmar Chests, which contained various possible rewards and upgrade materials. Released Friday, October 6, 2017. Svathmar Chest The Shackled Moon - An Event that included Reward Chests called Lycoanite Boxes, which contained rewards themed around a Lycan cult. The temporary EB, Legend of the Lycan, was introduced. Released Wednesday, October 10, 2018. Lycoanite Box Shattering the Illusion - An Event that included Reward Chests called Handy Boxes and Clan Chests called Trapped Puzzle Boxes, which contained furnishings themed around a dream realm. Released Wednesday, March 3, 2023. Handy Box Trapped Puzzle Box The Shadofael - An Event that included Reward Chests called War Baron's Boxes, with upgrade materials for newly released banners. As daily, weekly, and monthly Side Legends were completed, other items, charms, and furnishings were earned. Released Thursday, August 5, 2021. War Baron's Box The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest - An Event that included Reward Chests called Elrengoth's Coffer, with various Rewards. Released Monday, October 24, 2016. Elrengoth's Coffer The Skyborne Shipyard - An Event that included Reward Chests called Welkinaut Boxes, which contained furnishings themed around the opulent interior of a Welkinaut sky ship. During the Side Legends, players were able to earn more Aqua and Inferno than in previous Event Legends. Released Wednesday, December 5, 2018. Welkinaut Box Spirit of War: Merry Mischief - A Holiday Event where players received a daily supply of special holiday themed potions they could use against others. Three special holiday themed banners were also available as an EXTREMELY rare reward. Released Monday, December 22, 2014. Spirit War Stocking Spirit Plunder Sack Banner of the Spirit War Bear (1.5% Attack, 1.5% Defense, 1% Spy Attack, 1% Spy Defense) Banner of the Spirit War Mammoth (1.25% Attack, 1.25% Defense, 1.25% Spy Attack, 1.25% Spy Defense) Banner of the Spirit War Stag (1% Attack, 1% Defense, 1.5% Spy Attack, 1.5% Spy Defense) The Spymaster's Gambit - An Event that included Reward Chests called Vengaelian Keep Chests, which contained furnishings themed around the shrouded, purple interior of Barrenhigh Keep. Released Wednesday, April 21, 2021. Vengaelian Keep Chest Starfall: Rush for the Shards - A PvP Event in which players collected Thaumalite Shards by attacking or stealing other players. The equipment rewards were the first ever to provide a permanent PvP Plunder Bonus (outside of system wars) when equipped. Released Friday, November 21, 2014.
S Part 3 Stealth at Sea - An Event that included Reward Chests called Storm Shattered Chests, which contained furnishings themed around the royal prisoner barge sailing vessel, Crown's Revenge. This Event overlapped with the Banner Event, Return of the Shadofael. Released Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Storm Shattered Chest The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths To Glory - An Event that included two paths, PvE and PvP, with new Banner and Equipment rewards. Released Thursday, January 29, 2015. A Storm of Retribution - An Event that included Reward Chests called Scylla's Chests, which contained furnishings themed around the interior of a pirate ship. This Event also saw the continuation of the temporary EB, The Harpies of Vigona. Released Wednesday, February 13, 2018. Scylla's Chest The Summoners' Circle - An Event that included Reward Chests called Summoners' Chests, which contained furnishings themed around the runes and markings of a stone Summoners Circle, a building available in the Lowlands and Highlands. Released Wednesday, April 11, 2018. Summoners' Chest Sun Lord and Green Lady - An Event that included Reward Chests called Fiannai Chests, which contained various possible rewards, event collection items, and premium items. Released Wednesday, November 4, 2015. Fiannai Chest The Swarmlantern's Fire - An Event that included Reward Chests called Xycton Boxes, which contained furnishings themed around the return from the Osmon Rai aboard your airship and the attack from the Xycton. There were also two special side Legend series. One asked players to collect Medallions that created a banner, and the other asked players to collect Trader's Tokens which were first released for this event. Released Wednesday, January 2, 2019. Xycton Box The Sword of Baqiar Madi - A Clan Event that included Reward Chests called Baqiar Madi Boxes and purchasable Clan Chests called Baalirian Guild Boxes, which contained furnishings themed around the backstory of the Shasa recruit Maaku, and his hometown in the Fatesands. Released Wednesday, April 6, 2022. Baqiar Madi Box Baalirian Guild Box The Sword of Souls - An Event that included Reward Chests called Bonescream Cult Chests themed around the return of the Usurper King of the Hoarfrost, Jääkäärne. Released Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Bonescream Cult Chest
T Part 1 The Tale of the Schnapphorn - An Event that included Reward Chests called Schnapphorn Boxes, with furnishings themed around Christmas and a Krampus-like creature. Released Wednesday, November 11, 2022. Schnapphorn Box Temporal Tyranny - An Event that included Reward Chests called Temporal Chests, with furnishings themed around metal wraiths. Released Wednesday, July 10, 2024. Temporal Chest Terror on the Waves - An Event that included Reward Chests called Vampirate Chests, with furnishings themed around a vampirate ship and Pirate Bat. Released Wednesday, July 6, 2022. Vampirate Chest Testimony of the Dead - An Event that included Reward Chests called Glenhalloch Graveyard Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around a green stone graveyard. The Event was slightly shorter than normal due to Black Friday. Released Wednesday, November 20, 2019. Glenhalloch Graveyard Box The Thief Initiate - An Event that included Reward Chests called Underbridge Thieves' Guild Boxes, themed around an underground group of thieves and a pet weasel. Some of the furnishings were accidentally revealed early in the Marketplace. Released Wednesday, April 15, 2020. Underbridge Thieves' Guild Box Titanic Destruction - An Event that included Reward Chests called Titanflame Chests themed around monstrous Titans. Released January 10, 2024. Titanflame Chest To the lists! 3-Day Jousting Tournament - A short PvP Event that was released to test the new Event Page (eventually replaced by the Legends feature.) Released Friday, May 29, 2015. Tomb of the Sin Eater - An Event that included Reward Chests called Acrimanus Temple Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around an ancient buried Temple to Acrimanus in the Mistbone Mountains. Released Wednesday, August 18, 2021. Acrimanus Temple Box Tournament of Kingdoms - An Event that included Reward Chests called Gladiator Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around a gladiatorial tournament and a Hydra beast. Released Wednesday, September 6, 2023. Gladiator Box Tournament of Kingdoms (2)- An Event that included Reward Chests called 15th Anniversary Chests themed around Queen Arkosa. Released Wednesday, September 4, 2024. 15th Anniversary Chest A Traitor Among Us - An Event that included Reward Chests called Boxes of Reflections, which contained furnishings themed around a mind prison and chameleon. Released Wednesday, March 8, 2023. Boxes of Reflections
T Part 2 Traitors in the Fatesands - An Event that included Reward Chests called Sunseye Fort Boxes, which contained furnishings themed around a Shasa prison fort. The Winter War Tournament was included in this Event. Released Wednesday, January 1, 2020. Sunseye Fort Box Trial of the Rime Elves - An Event that included Reward Chests called Aurafrost Palace Chests, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around a Hoarfrost winter celebration, similar to Christmas, with a penguin. Released Wednesday, December 22, 2021. Aurafrost Palace Chest A Trial of Will - An Event that included Reward Chests called Boxes of the Golden Oak, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around Lowland oaks with an owl. The Spring War Tournament took place during this Event. Additionally, the top 5 players on the collection leaderboard were given the opportunity to play a special role in the next Event and received exclusive rewards available only to those players. Released Wednesday, May 22, 2019. Box of the Golden Oak A Tribute to the Crown - 12 Year Anniversary - An Event that included Plunder Chests called 12th Anniversary Crux Chests, which gave a 112% Epic Battle plunder bonus for 112 minutes. They were available for 39 Nobility Points and opened with a 12th Anniversary Crux Chest Key, which cost 121212 gold. Released Friday, September 9, 2021. 12th Anniversary Crux Chest and Key Trouble in Deepmine - An Event that included Chests called Khruta-Kadh Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around the Deepmines with a star-nosed mole. Released Wednesday, September 15, 2021. Khruta-Kadh Box A Troubling Communion - An Event that included Chests called Caduceal Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around a plagued village with a corrupted three-headed bear. Released Wednesday, August 17, 2022. Caduceal Box The Twelve Days of Holidays - A Side Legend that included rewards themed around a magical Christmas Stocking and Festive Box. Released Thursday, December 12, 2024. Festive Box The Two-Headed Serpent - An Event that included Chests called Caer Sidh Chests themed around the Highlands and the serpent race of people of Caer Sidh. Released Wednesday, March 6, 2024. Caer Sidh Chest
U Under Dragon-Filled Skies - An Event that included Reward Chests called Laganloch Traveler Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around travel through the Laganloch section of the Highlands. Released Wednesday, January 19, 2022. Laganloch Traveler Box The Uninvited Guests - An Event that included Reward Chests called Faefrost Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around an ice palace with a mammoth. Released Saturday, December 7, 2019. Faefrost Box Unmasking the Puppeteer - An Event that included Reward Chests called Puppeteer Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around the lair of the Cordimancer and his malevolent marionettes and puppets. Released Wednesday, July 26, 2023. Puppeteer Box
V Valentine's Promo: Peony for your thoughts? - A weekend Event that included the second release of Reward Chests called War Baron's Boxes, which contained upgrade materials for banners received in a previous Event. Released Friday, February 11, 2022. War Baron's Box Vault of the Arcanum - An Event that included Reward Chests called Vault Chests themed around Tomhasir's Pallumen land vaults. Released Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Vault Chest The Veiled Enigma - An Event that included Reward Chests called Escarian Boxes, which contained furnishings themed around the mages of Escaria. Released Wednesday, June 28, 2023. Escarian Box Vengeance Served Cold - An Event that included Reward Chests called Boxes of Winter's Sacrifice, which contained furnishings themed around Leidamea's mind realm. Released Wednesday, February 2, 2022. Box of Winter's Sacrifice The Vigonian Letter - An Event that included Reward Chests called Ptelyrios Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around an oceanic environment with a beta fish. Released Wednesday, February 28, 2018. Ptelyrios Box The Voice of the Ravagers - An Event that included Reward Chests called Ravager Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around a Ravager Fortress with a Ravager Dragon. Released Wednesday, February 16, 2022. Ravager Box
W War for the Hoarfrost - An Event that included Reward Chests called Highlander Chests themed around the Highlands and Loch Monsters. A new Banner was released as well as a Side Quest to merge it with the previous two Event banners to form the Highland Pact Banner. Released Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Highlander Chest The Warding of Coalfell - An Event that included Reward Chests called Blightward Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around the Plague Doctor's lab. Released Wednesday, August 1, 2018. Blightward Box The Wayward Invitation - An Event that included Reward Chests called Follyvine Invitational Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around a fae forest and faery tricks. Released Wednesday, October 26, 2022. Follyvine Invitational Box What Once Was Stolen - An Event that included Reward Chests called Wyshard Estate Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around the powder blue and gold interior of the opulent abode of Lord Wyshard, including his fancy unicorn-horn rabbit. Beginning with this Event, players could purchase a 🌈 rainbow emoji spell 🌈 from the Marketplace which would flank their name for 6 hours. This was done to encourage a spirit of love and support to each other during the Covid-19 pandemic. Released Wednesday, April 29, 2020. Wyshard Estate Box Whispers at Sea - An Event that included Reward Chests called Abyssal Warrior Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around an underwater grotto with a sea horse. Released Tuesday, May 7, 2019. Abyssal Warrior Box The Will of Nraizu - An Event that included Reward Chests called Kyzarianite Healer Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, upgrade materials, and furnishings themed around a healer's hut and St. Bernard dog. Released Wednesday, January 13, 2021. Kyzarianite Healer Box The Winterdark Revelry - An Event that included Reward Chests called Winterdark Chests, which contained various rewards and Furnishings themed around a dark, thorny Christmas set. Released Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Winterdark Chests The Witch Arcana Crossover - A Crossover Event for ATA's new game, Witch Arcana, that included Reward Chests called Witch Arcan Boxes, which contained various possible rewards. Additionally, there were furnishings themed around the Witch Arcana School for Magic. Released Wednesday, March 16, 2023. Witch Arcana Box The Witchqeen's Pall - An Event that included Reward Chests called Basnath's Boxes, which contained various possible rewards, Event items, and other premium rewards. Additionally, the temporary premium EB, Basnath the Painweaver, was introduced. Released Friday, September 8, 2017. Basnath's Box Without Rime or Reason - An Event that included Reward Chests called Frosted Caravan Boxes, which contained furnishings themed around the Hoarfrost. Released Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Frosted Caravan Box Wolf in Sheep's Regalia - An Event that included Reward Chests called Hollowgourd Chests, which contained furnishings themed around pumpkins and Hollowgourd Castle and Cemetery. Released Wednesday, October 2, 2024. Hollowgourd Chest Written on Their Bones - An Event that included Reward Chests called Boneweaver Boxes themed around a Hellgrave Mausoleum in the Osman Rai lands and two Necrosteo creatures . Released Wednesday, June 6, 2022. Boneweaver Box