1) Maybe you misread, it should go up 2) Maybe you've outgrown EB's you do 3) Maybe you need more or have lost some allies All of these are possibilities, I haven't looked at your allies or what EB's you're doing.
Don't take offense decline just trying to help.. Lots of people were telling him not to build level 1 unless he can go to level 2 immediately.. That's mis information.. It's discussions like this that help spread proper info
now i got where is the problem, its my allies. I just now when i change to bigger tier, even im already max plund before it i need moore allies after changing, Biig thanks for all your comment and suggestion guys, i appreciate it
Dionar, yeah, you are a noob for placing this question but it deserves an answer. Plunder depends also on ur strenght, and strenght of the enemy. In general, the strongest u are, and the weackest the enemy, the smallest the plunder. Hope this sheds some light.