
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DionarD, May 17, 2014.

  1. Vol level 2 at 26b a piece*
  2. 1) Maybe you misread, it should go up
    2) Maybe you've outgrown EB's you do
    3) Maybe you need more or have lost some allies

    All of these are possibilities, I haven't looked at your allies or what EB's you're doing.
  3. Alrighty then, sorry for posting outdated information.... guilty. Don't mind me.
  4. Don't take offense decline just trying to help.. Lots of people were telling him not to build level 1 unless he can go to level 2 immediately.. That's mis information.. It's discussions like this that help spread proper info
  5. now i got where is the problem, its my allies. I just now when i change to bigger tier, even im already max plund before it i need moore allies after changing, Biig thanks for all your comment and suggestion guys, i appreciate it 
  6. Just get 20-30b in allies and dont worry about them, maybe until 10m cs or so
  7. Dionar, yeah, you are a noob for placing this question but it deserves an answer. Plunder depends also on ur strenght, and strenght of the enemy. In general, the strongest u are, and the weackest the enemy, the smallest the plunder. Hope this sheds some light.