Men are obviously superior. I mean come on, a man got woman of the year! #CaitlynJennerForPresident2020
Dude first off women were originally made from a man. Second women need men to reproduce. Considering the fact you said women have a more functioning brain i think men have won more nobel prizes than women. Men are braver than women. Without man there would not be women so shut the front door
Women were made from a man? What the hell?! How do you think the man women came from was born? Did he come out of a guys bum?
Nothing wrong with normal woman, but feminists.. They are just want to claim so much that men lose everything. Past Feminists=needed Feminsits now=Please go away
From this lame comment i assume you are not christian so eve was made from dust and one of adams ribs so my advice to you is dont act like your a bigshot