Why Women Are Better

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CanadianGal, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. Support totally correct
  2. We're not all you. I for one, reserve my tender starfish for pooping. That is all.
  3. And I was thinking I would get reasons why they were better than your hand.....
  4. Men are obviously superior. I mean come on, a man got woman of the year! #CaitlynJennerForPresident2020
  5. Dude  first off women were originally made from a man. Second women need men to reproduce. Considering the fact you said women have a more functioning brain i think men have won more nobel prizes than women. Men are braver than women. Without man there would not be women so shut the front door 

  6. Women were made from a man? What the hell?! How do you think the man women came from was born? Did he come out of a guys bum?
  7. Lmfao
  8. /stupidity
  9. Give me my rib back.
  10. No support. But boobs are nice 
  11. 
  12. If women or more attractive why do they need makeup?
  13. And why need bleached bumholes?
  14. Nothing wrong with normal woman, but feminists.. They are just want to claim so much that men lose everything.

    Past Feminists=needed
    Feminsits now=Please go away
  15. Because of standards set by society and materialistic men?

    And it feels good to look good.
  16. Yeah tbh, in most aspects of life women and men are equal.
  17. From this lame comment i assume you are not christian so eve was made from dust and one of adams ribs so my advice to you is dont act like your a bigshot
  18. CanadianGal is gonna find you, and she will delete you.

  19. And your evidence of this creation is..?