why we need NEW lands now.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Meh you know what i meant lol, to reach maximum build size, its something to be sought after, and is hard to be obtain
  2. Fix or add idk but hope S5 has some tweaks.
  3. Yep it is a great idea  and first posted after the hf lands were released. By yours truly.
    Devs are stubborn. But while I'm about I'm going to keep presenting ideas and hope they keep using them months down the line. Though in this case I would prefer it to be sooner.

    No end game. With allies totally true. However allies can be stripped. That's the purpose if kaw. To play a war game with an element of risk.
  4. well look at that a new pay to win pve event .. no season 5 .. no war fix .. not even pvp. I realy hate being right lol
  5. Bump because this is more relevant now than ever before.
    Stats won't be a huge jump for lb
    But the average player will be able to get higher earnings without having to tweak any complex mechs changing payout

    Also hit ratios need to be changed
    And minimum attack values added to the game. ( think minimum wage ) to aid both pvp system and ee war potential exploits
  6. No support there is already too much cs this is the complete opposite thing we need atm. I am not replacing more buildings with even more cost
  7. Well thought out.

  8. I need new lands and I need them now
  9. @scumbag.
    NEW lowlands.
    Easy to acquire. Prices slightly greater than current lowlands
    And a totally new set of lands to fill but at prices substantially lower than all other new tier buildings.
    This does NOT require replacing any buildings.

    ( to clarify this is an additional map set of low land not replacing the current lowlands )

    This is a way for the small to mids to earn more plunder thus reaching build complete slightly faster with extra earning potential.

    More access to more land that is cheap means more opportunity to earn extra income per action.

    The LB will barely notice the difference in earnings due to their absurd level of earnings and stats already.

    The stats will not rise much due to this being a new set of lowland builds with low stats.

    This is exactly what we need to help bring us extra revenue and grow. Giving mids and new players greater growth potential.

    For new players it is a rapid easy access set of lands to grow on. Drawing people further into the game

    For mids and all non build complete it is higher earning tool that requires no changes to eb set ups or expenditure. It will help all to build more readily without it seeming like an impossible task.
  10. To be honest this would just defeat the purpose, there could be perhaps a set of lands only available while below a certain size or something. The idea is to make it easier to close the gap between new acc, and abc faster. If the buildings increase the plunder it will increase the same amount of plunder for all.
  11. Again
    What this does is give extra plunder yes.
    To all yes.

    The gap. Lb that can complete the t7 builds over night are not going to blink because of a small lowland update.

    The six months hopefully plus until the next building or lands, Everyone else gets extra plunder.

    It's like saying hte doesn't benefit all. LB get far more gold an action than we do. Yet it is still the fastest way to grow per action.

    This adds extra gold to everyone to grow without having to pay extra and increasing gold from hte thus making it more desirable for mids / smalls to do it and grow a lot faster between updates.

    This would close the build gap over time.
    Not over night. But with time and effort.

    Increasing the gold payouts from smaller ebs isn't as helpful as some would think. So a small makes 50% more plunder than they used to hitting say an old haunt.
    Ok but the lb that hits it still makes far more than them.

    Put them doing aff and they are earning 100% more than you.

    The lb gap will always be there.
    There are always going to be players that can build complete overnight when new updates come out and buy the best allies.

    This is just designed to help every player grow faster and aim for build complete approx 20-25 % faster than currently.

    Self defeating it certainly is not.

    Want the shiny equipment but have larger builds in you clan mids ?
    They do more damage % per action and that's why many do not get drops frequently.

    Blame players there. We need the old clan structure back with main clans mids and training clans.
    Where the devs need to help is by increasing the clan price making them a more important desirable element in kaw.

    Allies devs need to introduce max plunder inactive allies with max price limits about 1 billion. When they reach 1 bil their price does not go up and can be stripped.
    They are not desirable long term but will let every player have at least one inactive ally ( devs will need to do many thousands of these. Sorry guys )
  12. Support increasing the cost of creating a clan
  13. Although, I don't understand much about lands and buildings yet, I so much agree with all what you mean here, op. You're so much right!! Much support!! Coming from a newbie struggling to grow and buy pots :cry: .