That's why I said I bet once PvE does start fighting back (especially if it strips as it is rumored it might) Towers will become real popular.
But I just replaced 3 forges with towers and mine did not decrease. 5.4 m still. Thought i was about to be farmed. Lol is it a glitch?
Noob quote of the day .. "towers can be a lifesaver when fighting from pin as they are unaffected by troop count" if you're pinning yourself, opponent can't hit you, def doesn't matter at this time. In fact, if you're doing system wars from pin, you might not wanna get towers as they decrease your plunder potential. Towers work in off system wars, especially spy towers for attk builds.
Just wanna add my cents worth it's a war game everyone should expect to be hit at some point,i would attack a build with no towers over one with any day! U may make less plunder but PWs I'n my opinion should be a means of growth and repotting between wars nothing more.i know there are those who disagree that's your opinion but mine I's towers rock happy kawing ppl
Lol arsh I said the same thing pages ago.... nice to see he hasn't fixed it! I think from now on with these guides I'll do one of two things: 1) Give advice and then advertise my own clan. (If you'd like to learn how to play the game, join a good clan... Mine is thinking about taking new in members!) 2) Just not comment at all and /sigh @ the noobyness. /shakes angry fist @ ppl that just want mod and make 10,000 posts to do so! p.s. Did you see the comment in the other thread? "Strip Bank is someone that you've stripped and now they are an oaf that you can withdraw funds from" (or something similar)! At first I thought he was just trolling the guy who asked what a strip bank is.
Umm... It is nice that you're learning and trying to be helpful and all, but generally it's best to start off with that or something instead of making a "guide" . Sure you didn't start off with making a guide, but if I were you I would have said something similar to: "hey guys, I just found out that towers are good for these reasons (reasons here). If you know other tips and tricks please post them!" You might be called a noob, but at least you're a noob that wants to learn instead of a noob that thinks he knows it all.
What I meant was while fighting near pin Sometimes when your fighting near to that pin mark you accidentally slip over. Or maybe you intentionally let it slip over to get in one or two higher stat hits. I will change the verbiage to "While Fighting Near or above pin"
Hi there. Thank you for the advice. I have been around KAW for a while now but only recently started posting in forums. One of my first posts is a stickied guide. Since then I have written several other guides (one other of which was stickied) This was not intended to be a guide. It is just for general info. Ever since I heard PvE may fight back I figured that Towers may become popular again. It has been so long that many I have talked to did not understand their value. That was the reason for my post. This isn't something I just discovered. I just thought it relevant to current events. As for being called a noob. I am fine with that. We are all noobs in one way or another.
Lol~~ good to see you're not offended by it ^_^. Didn't really mean it in a too insulting way. I mean you do have good intentions and try to help big noobs! Anyways, it really won't help from fighting from dtw if your goal is to stay dtw and you accidentally slip over 20%. It will however help if you're in a 1v1 situation and trying to keep someone else pinned since the tower's strength won't go down, but only if he is also trying to hit you. Honestly I think that situation is rare because usually you'll be trying to stay high on troops and use teams to pin your opponents, or you'll stay self pinned. The true strength behind def towers (not spy def) is that it'll help give you an advantage against attackers if you're trying to stay above pinned. Of course with the introduction of new buildings, towers have become slightly less common, but you'll still probably see a pure attack build with a tower or two, or someone going for a slightly more defensive build to tank. The even stat building of course loses less troops and has more, giving you a small advantage over other buildings. Keep in mind that the pin game comes down to numbers- are you able to make your opponent lose a higher percentage of troops than you are? I am not a fan of giving away strategies on forums, (cough Distance, cough cough) but a couple involve a tank- a big player that you want your enemies to hit because of his high defense bonus. It'll make your opponent lose a higher # of troops and keep the rest of your team's troops high so you'll have an easier time keeping the other side pinned, but again the idea is that you stay high on troops so you don't have to fight from dtw. If you're in a good big clan, if you keep your opponents dtw they shouldn't be able to win almost any attacks against your side.
even if you're not at war right now, who's to say you wont be in the future? real outside system wars come fast and hard and if you're going up against an experienced clan one of the first things they'll do is run through your clan's roster and see who has low spy pots and low spy defense. unless you've got some weird hybrid build, without towers you're going to be a prime strip target. if you don't plan on being in a war like this, feel free not to build spy defense towers. i just feel sorry for you because your KAW life must be extremely boring.