why so much hate kaw?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by PenguinCommander, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. Why is Dustin Hoffmans named censored?
  2. See, cant even say his last name.
  3. So talking about the actor Dustin H o f f m a n is againt the tou? Sub par actor but geez.
  4. Sub-par??? From that statement alone, it is easy to see that you lack judgment of any kind 
  5. Sorry to make fun of your man-crush there King, but others have their own likes and dislikes.
  6. Is this not a bypass if that word is filtered? :?
  7. ATA needs to be bashed imo. they are doing a poor job
  8. Its bc bananas r outta season
  9. Why is it, so many people feel the need to complain about the devs trying to keep language civilised in the game.
    Do you swear everytime you talk in real life?
    Can you hold a discussion without having to result to name calling and expletives?
    Is it really the most significant change in kaw?
    A change that determines your ability to post a few stars instead of a filtered word. Grief the things people complain about when there are more pressing issues in kaw.
    At least the devs are trying to promote an environment that encourages new players and sustains our community in kaw.
    People need to consider their battles wisely. This change is certainly not worthy of argument. Debate the kaw features that matter. Not your ability to verbally abuse others. If that matters to you, really? You need to check your priorities.
  10. In response to "Optimal",

    If I'm correct, this "outcry" and backlash is the result of clan chat censors being adjusted, right? If that's the case, it's not particularly difficult to understand why people are upset. Clan chat was always the place that people could speak freely about things with clanmates and friends without the constrictions that come with world chat and wall messages. Clan chat is a place where people can communicate to their friends about pretty much whatever they want, and has always been subject purely to the scrutiny and control of clan leaders and administrators rather than ATA and the moderation team. This update to the way censorship works in clan chat has changed all of that.

    The reason for complaining aside, I'm a little more curious about your complaining than I am everybody else's.

    Nope, I don't. Does that mean I never swear? Of course not, I'd wager that most people do, at least from time to time. But does this mean you think all swearing is inherently a negative insult directed at somebody else? If so, you'd be mistaken. Sometimes swearing can be in jest or joke and not directed at anybody in particular.

    No, of course not. But has anybody actually suggested it was?

    You're creating a fallacy of equivalency. Just because this issue is what is currently being discussed does not mean that it is the only issue that is currently being or will ever be discussed. Why can we not simply discuss more than one issue?

    Overall, I agree with you that this isn't as big of an issue as people are making it out to be (in my opinion, anyway), but disagree with you in that people are ridiculous for disliking the new update. Although these things don't matter to you, they matter to others. We can discuss other issues in other threads at other times, and discussing this issue is not preventing that from happening. If you're feeling that there are more important matters to be discussed, why not create a thread of your own about it? I'd certainly be interested in taking a look.
  11. I like your argument poetic. Very well thought out.
  12. Yea lets go to KA
    KaWaholics Anonymous

    There is no way I could ever quit KaW. Unless they stopped giving me cookies.
  13. Just give clan leaders an option to remove cc filter.
  14. @ poetic paladin.

    Nice well thought out response for the most part.
    You misunderstand my intent with some of what I posted, but thank you for the intelligent and polite way in which you addressed my concerns.
    Certainly proves expletives are not needed.

    As to the concerns you raised.
    Clan chat now censored.
    Everyone that wants to swear in cc bypasses already. Nothing will really change. I know with this update it doesn't affect anyone I know.

    I expect also everyone swears at times. But this is a public forum in an age appropriate environment.
    Swear in front of my kids and you will be apologising to them.
    Clan owners often insist on over 18's exactly for this reason.

    Significant change? Why do so many complain if they do not consider it significant. I find it rather disappointing that so many think it is such an essential change to even rate a comment. That itself does warrant comment.

    With regard to fallacy. Certainly not. I never said it was the only issue. I merely point out that due to the ease of people to bypass the filter in cc there is absolutely no point in complaining about an issue that doesn't really affect anyone. And god forbid that it encourages more people to think of more witty remarks.
    But normally I would prefer to discuss the more pressing issues.
    Why I don't now?
    Well if you should search my name in forums you will see a whole host of ideas on both my threads and devs along with hundreds of other players with well conceived ideas that have been ignored.

    I don't expect the devs to change how they think or offer any change now. I know it will be ignored.
    But I have faith in this community to present a very intelligent and welcoming environment for like minded gamers especially on forums. Of course we have trolls and flamers.
    But every now and then a gem appears.
    Certain players excel and put forth opinions that are well worth discussion.
    No expletive ever improves any such threads. However the well constructed ideas and debates consistently make this a place worth visiting.
    I was pleased to see your response. As I said it was well considered.
    I look forward to seeing black dragons posts with the intellect behind them always a pleasure to read. And I always look forward to debates with my favourite frenemy moose who despite his noob like naivety can post some of them most engaging threads for discussion.

    Combine that with all the war threads that amuse. And that is why we are here. To interact. Every single player that can open this app has the intellect to circumnavigate this change. Every player has the ability to get silenced in wc. So why does anyone need to complain so hard for this when just for one example from the past we should be arguing for a consistent drop per action ( steal, assa, attack) pvp or eb that rewards players for the exact effort and expenditure they out into the game, as opposed to a system of random drops and differing amounts that reward players differently for the exact same expenditure of resources be it time or money with set targets for rewards balancing out events once and for all.
  15. Ownedddddd
  16. Very true. Fortunately for me, every critic, academy, university, and every other entity that knows anything about actors and acting, agrees with me. 
  17. @Optimal

    Well, you have me there :). Definitely no need for profanities in civil discussion, agreed.

    Yeah, you're right on the money here. It probably is true that the vast majority of people who wish to swear in CC do so, despite the filter. This won't change.

    Another fair point. Although I do believe many of the KaW players are of an older age, the application itself is marketed at a wide audience so I see no issue with catering to said audience, esp. if it includes children.

    I feel the same way in that this doesn't really matter as an issue of KaW in the grand scheme of things. I guess now I just understand what you meant a little more. I highly doubt many will be seriously affected by the change, I was more getting at the idea that people FEEL as though they are affected even though the impact is relatively minuscule.

    Fair enough.


    You're right on the money yet again. There ARE bigger issues to be discussed that I wish would be discussed rather than this. I feel as though this problem simply affects more people (or is perceived to affect more people) and thus is receiving more attention. But who knows.
  18. This escalated quick