Why SH/GH are not the Issue

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIlIlIlI-Versa-IlIlIlIlI, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Agreed, the plunder system should work in reverse as well .
    Gh should only be able to make gold off his size. Bigger builds they need to make what we make .
    It's a horrable imbalance and it's been brought up before . Season 2 I believe. Let's make noise and get it updated
  2. Totally agree and support this! I hope Devs give this a chance xD.
  3. Bump. This is really well written and devs should look into it. Would be nice to see such changes in the mechanics.
  4. This seems to be a great idea. I'd like to hear from the devs if they think this is a good idea and if they are gonna try it. And if not, why in their opinion this wouldn't work so we can think of something else
  5. Support. But the devs are too lazy to do this, they'd rather do something that makes them money NOW, and not something that might make them money later.

    Let's be realistic, this is a short term money grab, not a long term investment.
  6. UNTIL bigger kingdoms boycott wars, they won't ever try to implement anything this beneficial
  7. Very well thought out support
  8. Bro gh/sigh not issue till aren't on roster LBs, when LBs coming on roster then become probs ......

    difference between LB and gh creating roster advantage, coz devs roster equation is wrong when counting BFA and static stats (bfe) vs relative stats
  9. Why is it that during the first ee wars small builds wasn't an issue?
  10. That was all very confusing to read. I don't understand why these builds can cause damage to me during wars and an attack build can not if similar in size.
    I'm sure there will be a big rage thread from them when KaW fixes the bug.
  11. One of the best thought out threads I've seen about this so far and I'm inclined to agree with op about this being a better EE experience for all not just players that are willing to dedicate build solely to EE while being useless for almost everything else. If this is a good fix by devs for EE it will increase overall kaw growth rate and in doing so also improve the ally market so there isn't so many accounts that cost 300-800b to hire but give no benefit to those who hire them therefore defeating the purpose for hiring allies in the first place.️
  12. That's not the only problem, though. If you look at some of the best ee war clans, all they do is sh stack now. I don't think mechanics could regen the odds fully. Nonetheless, amazing thread. I love these technical threads
  13. The problem is gh have lvl 4 everything else is lvl3 that's why it pays more until you get lvl 3 buildings
  14. I really don't care about the plunder. Yes they should get the plunder on that 1 lucky success, which would come from the first hit at 100%.
    What really is the issue is that they can get that successful hit even full unload of successful hits, when they shouldn't be able too. It goes against the incentive of growing. Remember when you had to have a couple of Coe to hit haunt? Now you don't. I agree that the fight mechs are way off and needs to be fixed. It not fair what took builds years to build be killed with tiny crap lazy build at mp. It has hindered the EE system. everyone cries about no/bad match for the reason that mid size can't hit lb builds and gets nothing from gh/sh, therefore you have less mid size joining in the ee system. It's a waste of time and mith. As I stated in other threads I will not do ee until this is fixed and I ask all the mid size atk builds to do the same. I feel that it's the only way to get the point across to ata. Let the lb and gh/sh have ee. BECAUSE IT SUCKS !!