Why SH/GH are not the Issue

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIlIlIlI-Versa-IlIlIlIlI, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. I've read each response and still some people aren't grasping the elegance of this solution.

    The plunder you make is already tied to what buildings you have and what build the defender has that you defeat. That is how it works currently!!!!

    This solution merely says that metric is outdated. That CS are now fractions of some kingdoms actual power. That over the YEARS of kaw and adding new buildings, equipment, and allies growing the metric for determining plunder percentage needs upgrading.

    The max your build can make in plunder should be divided by your odds of beating your opponent. Not the odds of your combined stats beating their combined stats. There is so much more to this game now that goes into strength.

    GH will still make great money hitting hire up then them, and in fact won't even change if the build they're hitting has similar BFE BFA as them. BUT if the GH has a massive advantage in BFA BFE over the "bigger kingdom" then yes plunder earned will go down.

    As it should be. Anyone arguing against answer this question. If 2 kingdoms had exact same CS - but 1 kingdom was fully equipped with great BFA and would win 9/10 times should both kingdoms plunder the same amount when they successfully attack one another?
  2. Well said OP
  3. Very well writen quide, with good arguments and most important with a suggestion easy to be implemented. Support.
  4. Great post OP. 
  5. Bump - as this would spread out the builds in EE making mids relevant again leading to more matches.
  7. 100% support. The game has evolved but the mechanics haven't.
  8. Well said kayhmens. Good to see this still in active topics.

    It's a comparatively simple and elegant solution and as such has the highest likelihood of success.
  9. I like the idea, it seems to have a lot of potential to fix the main problem EE faces at the moment
  10. Thank you Versa for a very well explained thread and valid points to back your OP. Taking a non aggressive approach also helps (noob forumers please follow this in future) ppl to be more willing or open minded to think about your thoughts. Support.
  11. And applaud to Khaymens addition to the thread on page 11
  12. Khaymens expansion was exactly the analysis I needed to explain this subject further. He practically took the words out of my mouth :D
  13. The solution is simple make all builds pay a minimum in ee. Set the min at say 30m per hit the gh/sh will sort themselves out as people will not want these massive leaks on the roster anymore. Just my thoughts as a sh user lol.
  14. A bump... With feeling.
  15. It's such a bad state of affairs in forums when all intelligent well thought out ideas last 2 seconds in active topics and threads constantly trolled like ban meat are up for weeks 
  16. You've got that right. Pigsty topics on meat >100 pages.

    Something important >12 pages.

    Guess it's more than the devs that are broken...