I agree, I've never cared about you leaving kaw, every time you've "retired" and failed. Hopefully you are successful this time.
Looks like he came back to kaw looking for ladyguys. Not sure if there is a deifferemce between ladyguys and ladyboys
It's goat Why would I be butt hurt I haven't played this game seriously in years and haven't played at all in months. I'm simply here to paruse the forums and pm friends.
What if someone who played for a long time with lots of friends, clanmates from different home clans, their clanmates from their alliances, supporters in forums and chats, friends that was forgotten because they have met them a long time ago, their owner, their allies, their friends who they met in wars, they helped a lot, and what if that person should even be a vk because of what he/she do?....... We are free to do anything (well, unless you are silenced or banned) and why wouldn't we use it? (unless it's evil of course) And this is a retirement thread too anyway then that means..... We shouldn't look at this thread anymore especially those who support this .......... Nevermind, I can't do anything if you can't skip every thread anyway, and if that's what you want but others don't then you can't do anything about it too...... Just like me and others.......
The whole time while reading this I was thinking about Ahdragos' retirement thread, which is in Best of