Why my UC vs Zaft was graveyarded

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Sep 24, 2013.

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  1. I didnt mean it like that. The point was to show that actually did something to make up for the cyber assault.
  2. Anyways, Im out for now. Trolls, feel free to leave as well.
  3. But it doesn't. That would not make me feel any better about the situation. Quite the opposite actually. I'd be even angrier that they felt I could be bribed into ignoring it.
  4. Who said it was her fault? Never saw that in either thread. Embellishing the story only serves to discredit facts and is counter productive.

    It's all starting to feel a bit like a witch hunt.

    On a separate note - Yes I'm a 'wimmin' which res knew based on mysoginistic responses in previous thread 
  5. Let the people involved in the situation sort it themselves.
    Forums is not the place for that conversation. That was made obvious by the UC vs ZAFT thread being taken away. Why continue it on another thread.
  6. There was no appoligy made to her. When she left the pal rooms he was in he only lauging at her and putting this emoijso he found it great he scared her off. He thought he was a very cool guy.
  7. Erm Sugah you obviously 'missed' Khann's post in the old thread ?? 

    And pleeeeeese tell me you didn't just write that 'witch hunt' thing purposely? 

    Yup yup poor little zaftie 
  8. It felt like a grab for attention rather than legitimate fear given where and how it was presented and subsequently discussed.

    If there is real concern, there are more effective ways of ensuring that person's safety.

  9. In this situation Beow is quite right. Forums is not the place for this conversation on a 9+ game.

    Any discussion about warnings, bans, message deletion, thread deletion and thread closure should be done over private email between the person concerned and the our support staff. ( Taken from the Rules of Conduct for Forums)

    Locking this thread as any discussion about a thread deletion should take place between the OP and support.
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