Why my UC vs Zaft was graveyarded

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Sep 24, 2013.

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  1. In addition to this, lets step back a war or two..

    The iG/LR big war between all those people.

    I was a sic noc perm at this time.

    I was hitting an alpha sub clan. A member of alpha main, who was my acquaintance from before I even joined sic noc.

    This "person" PMed me. Asked me to stop. I told them I couldnt. I had orders to follow.
    They unfollowed me.

    They followed back a few hours later.

    They started listening off some personal info, that i hadn't shared on KaW. Listed off some details about my life that werent widely known in rl, let alone KaW.

    Told me if i didnt stop hitting the sub clan, he would come convince me to the old fashioned way.

    Naturally, as anyone would have, I took it as very threatening, though devs called it trash talking.

    Alpha (ex) council personally apologized to me, and the player in question did as well. Oh. And the (ex) council member hired an ally off me, without any inc following it.

    The point of my story?

    Alpha earned my respect by not allowing things like that to happen. THATS how you deal with something like this.

    Not by sweeping it under the rug and not doing a thing about it.
  2. @strawberry, I have seen 0 ZAFT crying lmao
  3. @Deni

    That's what happened. The player apologized to the girl. Why doesn't that "offended" girl have massive respect to ZAFT since it's the same stuff different time?
  4. I find it funny that JB chose to post it to a thread with at least 200 pages of derogatory remarks towards women, posted by UC/OG/apoc and the rest.

    And pretty sure ZAFT did offer to apologize.
    Has anyone demanded you kick Wambo and 0ne for their sexist/rude/disgusting comments?? 
  5. No. Because I had more than a single apology. I had the apology FROM THE MEMBER, and the COUNCIL member, AND an ally purchase (without inc following), to "make up" for it.
  6. So, 2 apologies and some gold will make it all better??
  7.  so wait... If someone threatens me, things can be fixed by an ally hire and an apology on KaW? Good to know.  love the logic! 
  8. You know... after looking into this "apology" thing... NO one apologized to HER.

    everyone is accusing and saying she deserved it, but nothing saying sorry. At all. PM or otherwise.
  9. Atleast they tryed making it better 
  10. Making a apology
  11. JB said it himself. Laoda offered to apologize.
    But that wasn't enough, OS demanded supa be kicked so LD told them to **** off. You're grasping at straws and digging yourself a big ol hole here denial, just leave.
  12. Oh, and please quote or SS the people saying she deserved it.

  13. Offered to apologize to JB. Not her.

    If phils thread gets put back up, Ill be more than happy to show you.
  14. So ZAFT needs to buy her off? That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard on these forums in a long time.
  15. He offered to apologize to JB, because that's who he was talking to

    Ill go see if I can get a second person from ZAFT to apologize. Then ill personally pull an ally off her. That makes it better, right?
  16. Sounds like it should according to Lovely ioOz.
  17. You guys are missing my entire point.

    Alpha actually tried to make things better with my case.
    ZAFT is making it her fault, and isnt doing anything except "offering" to do things.
  18. How is ZAFT making it her fault? They offered to apologize just like alpha did.

    No ones missing your point, except you.
    Was the alpha member kicked?
  19. My issue was with the example you've given. You make it sound like it's okay to simply bribe a situation away. As a woman, it offends me that you are giving the impression that if someone cyber assaults me that it's totally okay if they apologize after and buy something off me in a game with fake gold. That does not fix things at all. I hope the girl dealing with this is okay and I hope this doesn't dampen her enjoyment of what is supposed to be a fun game.
  20. I didnt think to have the member kicked. Or I would have requested it.

    The point is, Zaft is twiddling their thumbs and OFFERING to apologize. Why OFFER something. Why not just do it? Certainly cant hurt.

    You dont just say "Well.. Thats pretty bad. I can offer an apology, i guess?"

    No. You say "Oh, god! Im so sorry!"
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