Good point dusk. Now we have two good questions for the mods to try to answer in this thread. 1. Why did jr all star have a significantly better mithral payout per billion? 2. If a clan leaves war in total to end war early, is winning team deprived of the plunder earned due to rumoured changes to prevent hit n run
Wow. Not much mithril you get from a successful war. This questions whether my MW Formula will actually be worth it. Geez, we really need testers. And if indeed mithril is determined by total war tax, you have to remember that war tax was raised to 40% per hit. A team of BC hitters would still churn up HUGE plunder.
Btw, not sure where my thread actually went. So I'll post the MW formula right here, so people know what it is. MITHRIL WARS? Alright, so with the downfall of PWs in 1.22 and the introduction of mithril, the KaW landscape has dramatically changed. No longer will rewards from a successful war be reaped via gold and plunder, but by this new currency, mithril. Mithril has been dubbed extremely powerful, completely useless, and a novelty item for brightening up wc . As we all know, you can only get mithril by winning wars. And you can't just hit an OSF and get mithril at the end, PW-esque because mithril gain is decided by what prestige and what strength the clan you're warring is. You'd get very little mithril. So, is it all gloom and doom? Do people have to start to system war to get this wonder item, mithril? NO WAY!! Geez, you really need to be less pessimistic. Because we noobs are here to save the day, and start a new craze, the era of Mithril Wars! CONCEPT The concept of the Mithril War is to get as much mithril as possible, easy as possible, and as fast as possible. But with the PW-esque approach ruled out, what can we do? Well... IDEAS (Busted) Reverse Mithril War (aka Problem 1) Attempting to run an MW like a normal reverse PW, where OSF gets tax. This WILL NOT work, as the OSF will need to spend gold to stay open, and the reward will only be mithril, which will not replace lost pots or help the OSF grow at all. Result is unhappy OSF and wasted gold. Not to mention the war tax has now been increased to 40%, meaning the hitters won't even get that much gold from hitting the OSF. Mithril War-non forfeit (aka Problem 2) Just like doing a normal PW, but you don't forfeit, and hitters keep tax. In this case, hitters get mithril. Unfortunately, this will 'technically' work but you won't get much mithril and gold (as I said, war tax has been raised to 40%.). The reason you won't get much mithril is because you will only have the OSF in the, well, OSF clan, and the amount of mithril people get from a successful war is entirely dependent on two factors: 1. How much prestige the clan you're warring is. 2. The overall member strength of the clan. So that OSF clan will probably be prestige 1000 and only have that x mil combined OSF in it. Result is: pathetic amounts of mithril for everyone. System War and bribe other clan to do nothing while you pound them to the ground I doubt that will happen, sucker. System War and play KAW LIKE A REAL MAN YEAH!!!! *kicks you out the door* AND DON'T COME BACK! Ooh.. Owned HARD by noobs... Now, let's head to solutions for these two problems. SOLUTIONS Problem 1: The obvious solution is to, well, get an OSF who doesn't care about losing gold. aka a HLBC OSF. Problem solved. Problem 2: This problem is a little harder to solve, but I figured it out, along with wordwaster. Wordwaster saw that you could easily just cram the hitting clan into the clan with least prestige and BAM, you're now warring a clan with higher prestige than you. aka more mithril. The second part of the solution is to cram HALF the clan into the OSF clan and keep the other half in the hitting clan. This will require some work with tagging people to tell which side they go to, but is easily achievable. Bam, also remember that the hitting part of the clan is probably in the OSF clan because that's the side with less prestige . Now you have the hitting side in the clan with low prestige warring the OSF side with high prestige. Both sides will have about same strength. Now you have a low prestige clan warring a high prestige clan and both are about the same strength=SHOW ME TEH MITHRIL!!! MITHRIL WAR FORMULA So, with all this research, I think I can say that I have found the Mithril War Formula. This is how it goes: Hitting side=in clan with lowest prestige, will get mithril and hits will be taxed. Side which will win the MW. OSF side=in side with HLBC OSF, clan with highest prestige, won't get mithril but will get tax free opens for 48hours . So, both sides are approximately the same strength. The hitting side will hit the OSF on the OSF side. The OSF side will get tax free opens for 48 hours. This carries on for 48 hours, and the hitting side will win the war, getting the most mithril possible. But the OSF side gets 40% more gold than the hitting side. Switch the sides so that the hitting side becomes the OSF side and vice-versa. Well, that is the formula for the 1.22 KaW Mithril War! It does require a generous OSF, but it's probably the best MW Formula. Tell me if I've missed anything and say if I'm genius/stupid/NOOBCAKES! Well, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!
Thanks duskull you are a genius. I would also like to point out that on PC when you are viewing another clan, at the top the prestige changes are what your clan will recieve if you beat that clan in war