Why Men Are Better

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. Hillary Clinton is a man.
  2. I always look forward to your threads Willy, keep up the good work.
  3. Superioristististist*
  4. All men are sexist
  5. I'm a male feminist.

    But this thread is obvious satire. Cmon ppl

    If you can take a.... You can take a joke.

    I laughed a good amount reading through this. This is just as much making fun of us men as it is females. I don't see why people can't see that...
  6. I'm disappointed in you, Op.

    Disrespecting women in such a manner is irresponsible as a vk/as a human being. As a man I believe woman don't deserve such poor treatment. I have one question for you, what would your wife think of this thread?

    Please ask yourself that next time you decide to make a sexist remark/thread.
  7. What do you mean?

    This is all 100% true. If you think it's a joke, you've missed the point!

  8. Clearly you don't know Willy. 
  9. The best part is how they think we're all dumb.. Hehe it's working, the plan is woooorking..

    Stupid females, they never should have left the kitchen...
  11. Gee, even if this is a joke thread, thank you for bringing this thread Willy!

    I strongly agree on point number 3, that men don't need special attention! Men are usually calm and patient on heated situations in my opinion!

    Always proud to be a man! Always! :D
  12. Willy. How could you.
  13. We need to add "men get satire" to the list.
  14. dead? I thought you were StephenCurry? My god, my life has been a lie 
  15. I wondered why page 3 took forever to load  kezzer's gif lolol
  16. Women can do what men can do and men can do what women can do.

    So if a woman should be in a kitchen, a man should be able to be in there too lmao..