why kaw grow soft!?!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Can you give an estimate on how many spies are stealing ?
    How many players maxed crystal?
    And how many on Battle Fury, and Fog of War and of course Unholy Aura?
  2. BTW why you always recruit Micky Mouse and Donald Duck? Try getting more like Jejja, Odonto in...
  3. Pokai u know I can't do that but lets say we only were few who drained Army, then u should have seen my 4 alts in Army's news so I had 5 of my own accounts with unholy aura and 24xstal each drain him and only 1 account you hit on  so I guess your thoughts how big bad NA only took 2-4b fails as only one of my smallest account took that amount from Army 

    But I do love you try be here on forum i missed that trash talk on this osw...

    Time to go to gym, see your news wait not u on ca sadly...
  4. You really had 5 accounts with unholy aura crystaling 24x? Don't lie because if epic is active, you can only crystal 6 :lol:
  5. Back to original post - agree KAW should v a pvp game. Sort it out devs. Encourage bl hits - increase payout or something. Get players interacting via warring with each other. Lots of old school warriors leaving. Many friends have gone due to the mindless walloping of ebs and lack of interaction required to now play this game.

  6. Lol pokai u are truly an EB noob, think u need to be teached by the old school players in protake, if you don't precipitate in EB u got 24xstal with 24h, yes if u hit EB u only got 6xstal, but if EB forfeits u got 6 new tries and so on  my lesson is out,

    and agree with Steve many players who staid in game 1-3 years starting to leave, but whatever we say ATA do only think as long as their nose point... Short term cash $ instead of long term $ sad
  7. Please help we have no soldiers (get us 2000 soldiers
  8. Ps. I'm scared now
  9. @pokai.....obviously you're a noob if you are burning your soldiers on an eb while you xtal. I burned 24xtals on both my accounts while draining army-of-china and never hit an eb.

    And to set the record straight....and NA has SS to back it up....this war started because AL insulted NA on WC while we celebrated our 3rd birthday farming ads. His exact words were "NA is just big mouth and small balls." That is why NA will fight until AL writes an apology thread. You can stop asking for cf all the time -protake-.....our terms aren't going to change. If all of our strips fail so badly, I don't even understand why you keep asking for cf. But honestly who do you think you're fooling?
  10.  you can wait till your hair turns white
  11. AL my hair is already white, so I think u will fight us until I drop off from this earth 

    We won't give up until apology from you AL...

    It's only you AL who started and only you who can end it!
  12. Sanji you seem like all mouth no action
  13. Your attitude is exactly why NA will break your clan AL. You have let your clan fight for you this whole war. Nobody from NA has any incoming from you in weeks. You already ran away from the war once. I'm suprised -protake- accepts such cowards. Sooner or later your clan mates will tire of their "upgrades" ....and you'll be all alone with your big mouth.
  14. Wahahaha your big mouth should get shut up, check your clan mates for my inc noobs
  15. Lol if profake was doing damage maybe we'd listen to all the cf requests army is asking for. I'm a spy build but I've yet to have my spies zeroed by profake. My attack troops get hit ALL the time tho :lol: my spies NEVER get hit. Even your spy builds attack me. It's pretty funny. Keep zeroing my attack troops. And my spy troops will steal/assassinate yours. Good Deal 

    New Age
  16. lISIIHllAllUIINll :lol: As if you could see what am i doing right now... :lol: I Won't use my finger on the keyboard most of the time, I need to use my golden finger on other stuff too... btw why are you here ? shouldn't you join NA for war ? Don't worry they will Accept you ;)

    IlIlIl_Ikko-Ikki_IlIlIl - Now u know why Protake is famous for ? Never leave man to walk alone =)
    But i know NA means = Alway Accept Outsider for help To fight a war when You know your clan mate are not making any process, Some are even leaving the clan when they think they wasn't up to fight for a long war, So funny! :lol:
  17. Dont worry sanji i am NA and im coming back shortly, growing just now
  18. I am part of NA*
  19. And like i said all talk no action