why kaw grow soft!?!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    What if he is TP
  2. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    WaR they're are the only one who actuary fight us good lol yes I Admit that...

    If protake need help its only cos they use new age as a growing factory but what a heck we use them as training factory
    So I think it's equal

    And yes I am bored cos protake only stripper on small golds I want to be stripped clean lol
  3. Re: why kaw grow soft!


    I will translate this to all who are actually not understanding Twicc.

    KAW is going soft. He is inspiring you small clans to fight bigger clans and don't quit. Because, even you, can be a complete badass like NA.


    Twicc just secretly invaded your country while you were busy reading this, and you will be dead within hours.

    Happy KAWing. 
  4. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Willythedeuce for president 

    I know I would follow 

  5. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    And To be honest say yea I was TP and not TP and I was involved in conquer and in a fall I grow others and I grow Twicc I am no one but all, I am secret but also not, so who says I am TP but what if I am, or not?

    Life goes on whatever I am...
  6. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    I support the whole idea.

    The only bad thing is I needed a translator 
  7. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Btw lost subject

    All war clans are so deep involved in politics so its only cos off duech bags like me, warclans still fights against each other, I honest want to say smaller clans can really hurt top LB clan, try and u will see how they cry .. No big lb player is secured I know I been on top and in bottun
  8. Re: why kaw grow soft!


    You can interpret twicc's post the way you want, it does not matter whether you call it black or white.

    The fact remains, a clan of 90% spy builds who are in top 20 LB at the beginning of our war went down to 27.. With all their allies we strips in trillions the best they could do is make a few upgrades and play possum. It's like fighting a dead duck who barely hits back.

    An example was a 2.4 tril strip we a few days ago against Armpit of China, after clearing his 2T plus, we strip another 347bil off him after that. And to blatantly lie that we only took 4bil is a sign of a man who lost leadership. We strip another 200bil off one of his members last night, I alone wasted 10 xtals on him in the first few minutes. He then wrote on his wall that he only lost less than 300mil after 6hrs sleeping. Another blatant lie. If that is the kind of clan leaders and members who are too proud to even accept a few hundred bil strips, well we can keep doing the strip and they can keep lying about it.

    And to WAR, please don't misinterpret Twicc.. we've always been making our osw with WAR as an example for every osw we get into. They were one of the few clans we fought with respect, that is why they are always worthy to be mention. :D I myself has a lot of respect in WAR's fighting capabilities.

    So profake, either you man up or hit back.. And that strategy of yours about posting on your own wall so you don't have a link is so newblike. That's good for 1v1 pvp not for clan v clan. What's so scary posting on your enemies wall? It's not like we will just hit wall links randomly. We put targets in ca, and do not hit you randomly, lmao. See you on our next strips tonight..

    New Age
  9. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Yes As I am not the best writer especially when I am tired, scouty are correct best clan we been fighting so far is WaR, so yes I like to use you as example... You actually know what you are doing in osw lol and it's not often I give positive feedback to clans we been fighting
  10. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    China still has 1.2t allies?
  11. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    2.3t sorry*
  12. Scouty they were 14 lb when we started. 4 days ago they were #22. And we'll keep going until they drop off lb 

    Lb doesn't matter anymore folks. They aren't untouchable. You don't need to be a superpower with trillions in allies to war. Fight! This is a war game. It's tactics, teamwork, and the ability to say **** it and have fun that matters :lol:

    To ProFail: I'm starting to crave the daily amusement you guys are giving us lol. Seriously! Whenever I think "they can't fail any worse than this" you can come up with something new. Whenever im feeling down i take a look at you and laugh. never fails. instant cheer me up. Funniest osw we ever! :lol:

    New Age
  13. Val, yes he has 2.1 trill Left to take, we stripped him of 2.3 trill afew days ago, we Didnt take all allies this time, an he Said after ahole day he ONLY lost 3-4 bil or some **** like that:) if thats the way they wanna play it let them! But all know the facts how much we stripped and they lost.. Happy kawing people!

  14. Not gonna preach mechanics but with 2 trillion in allies stripped he would lose .01% per steal I'll have to check my notes on stripping, also, the most damage is done during the first half of any strip. If they ran say you have 50 members for math sake and each member runs 2 bars steal in the first 10minutes.

    So 50•2=100 bars•18=1800 total steals 2 trillion first steal takes blah blah blah you get the point. If I'm not mistaken 5000-6000 steals zeros all gold that is out....

    So unless you're online when you get stripped if the clan stripping you is coordinated and it's executed well you will have lost a good bit real quick...

    And to be on topic kaw is soft because people are predictable and when shiny stuff is put in our faces we chase it, thus killing clan loyalty. Now there is a remedy for this and that is to fill the need for more and more war ready kaw players, we have a big demand with a small % looking to learn. Solution bring tha heat to kaw and fill those empty boots with unknowing players that are part of epic clan families introduce them to good old war time chaos.

    We have all made friends in this game that came from farming or war and I know of several players that have learned to war and loved it the very first time it hit them in the face. If we slap enough people sooner or later people are gonna have a an epiphany and decide they actually enjoyed the piss out trading hits and find a way to make kaw just a little harder... You know what harder kaw means? More loyalty better strategy better wars less deflated and softness...
  15.  To Scotty and twic both farmed me pretty well during our war lol
  16. KaW Grew soft because it finished.
  17. Im with you there but i suck and lose when i attack people
  18. KAW grew soft whèn pots stopped me from spying on oafs
  19. mmm Twicc still scratching his head wondering where my 2.4T go ?  . ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟  Strip me baby 1 more X .

  20. oOo 1 more thing NA say we drop from LB #14 to LB #27 ? Btw LB ranking alway go up and down depend on who join which to boot their ranking . Btw we really don't care about LB ranking . If saying like that the NA LB #1 drop to LB #200 what a disgrace . Hope it will answer your LB question 

    ® Leader