Why Isn't Your Clan Doing EE Wars?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Estocs edge being non transferable sucks, clans with to many warring will not move to help out other clans.
  2. Maybe you should look in to getting a ally clan so that you have more options, are find a war clan that your members can join and fight with just a option
  3. I so wanted to say if you build it they will come
  4. Because, sadly, lack of members keeps us well away from EE.
  5. Reason I dont war is because I enjoy this being a free game, and I dont want to spend money on health crystals (which are very important in war).

    Plus Im not very active, and can go inactive for days/weeks at a time, but my main reason is the crystal part.
  6. Yes they help but having a good team help more, plus you can get crystals from quest lines to help you if you don't won't to pay for them.
  7. Its fun to EE but having stategic builds to war with kinda ruins it
  8. I got all crystals from quests, and refuse to sit there for hours just spamming away at them in hope to get a random crystal drop.

    Just saying, alot of EE clans ask if you have crystals. Alot of clans require it.
  9. I wish they had them on the week days, I work all week and spend my time with my kids on weekends. I would just like to have more chances to play them.
  10. I think what Unicorn is trying to say on the "and b)" part, is that if everyone starts to war, Xtals and strategy won't really be a 'huge' thing to worry about because the other guy will be just as unprepared and broke(sorry) as you.
  11. If you do the last quest of each tree you can get your crystal's, you don't have to do every one in tree to get them just the last one. So spend a little time every day hitting them to unlock the next tree then do the last quest in that tree and wola your ready to war!
  12. Support, New Clans wanting to war, pick a leader, and have 2 trackers (to keep track of ppl coming out of ko ) and some active players,I'm hooked, I love warring and changed my build to the type of war I like doing. It takes practice, but I think it's well worth it,I used to be eb only, now they're just something to do between wars, great thread
  13. Excellent post, I really enjoyed reading it. I would say that you addressed most concerns people have that hold them back to just try it out...

    My biggest problem however for running EE wars is the one to gather 25 people for such an event. Normal clans have people of different activity levels, RL schedules, game content interest, and so on. If you just try to run wars with only your clan, it won't happen.

    Basically, to run regular EE wars, you'll have to organize those with your friends and alliances. This means however warring outside of your regular clan. Persistence of the Rancor spell would be a nice thing to facilitate such moves, imo.

    Not having any xtals will only prevent you to get into serious war clans. I do think that if more clans join the wars for the fun (it is fun) and the occasionnal win, it will even out. As well as for the build part (towers)...
  14. Face it is more that clans who have a 29 interest don't move clans as they lose their ee. So if one clan has 25 and another 31, only one war goes ahead. If ee wasn't lost then potentially 2 happen.
  15. At the end of the day, participation is low because this game is a free app, and yet to war you must spend money and xtal. Alot of people play this game because its free, so a huge percentage of kaw will never war unless war crystals are introduced. Want more participation, make it accessable for all of kaw not just the people that spend money on game. Some people just cant warrant the expenditure on a game when there are mortgages, bills, kids schooling etc etc etc to pay for
  16. iLove_Tease restated perfectly what I was getting at. Crystal usage isn't the barrier to entry. Not if a wider population gets into wars because they will feel the same about spending money as you do. That being said, when you are in a close war, there's always going to be someone who gets a hungry eye for xtals and throws his/her money down.

    And I don't regret a single quarter that I lost to a space invade or an asteroid.

    Hmmmm....perhaps the devs should seed kaw with a wide variety of automated EE war clans that are modeled on average players. These don't xtal but they do hit back. After EE wars really catch on, they can slowly let these bot clans die off.
  17. Would personally love to war but not everyone wants to spend real $ on a free game
    should be a few xtal free wars to encourage more ppl to start into it
  18. I find numbers hard to get, I know I could get them butneed more time lol.
  19. Setting up wars that disallow any xstals or allotting free xstals just for the war(use it or lose it) might increase participation greatly.

    I truly feel the largest reason most members don't participate is simply the money, 90% of the kawmunity are here for a free to play game
  20. Any EE clans for me? I'm an experienced guild hansel