Why Isn't Your Clan Doing EE Wars?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. To the guy comparing $1 xstal to a $1 burger, or saying "they probably spend $60 on a video game"--- I'm sure you have a sense of priorities in your life, yes? 90% of the kawmunity does not prioritize Kaw into their budget. It's the same argument of why don't we all just donate to needy children around the world? It's only the price of a cup of coffee right?

    People have priorities and most simply don't prioritize kaw in their life to spend money on it, even if its just $1. Like I said in my earlier post, it's as simple as that, they downloaded as a free to play game, and they're not gonna pay money for it
  2. we dont do wars because, like myself, many members have jobs and significant others and simply havent been able to coordinate enough people for war. Its not that those forty clans are the only ones trying to war. Ive seen countless clans try to meet minimum participant count and fail to do so. I for one, cannot cast participation spells at 3 am or be active at 7 am saturday or during rush hour on a weekday. I would heavily support a 'root' beer pong style sign up roster where wars didnt have to occur at two random times that dont work for 80% of the clan members but instead we could pick from a variety of time slots throughout the week based on which suited our membership and timezones better. Yeah we might get no matches frequently but you would still increase the odds of warring if you increased the possibility of attending one.
  3. First of all, I don't buy xstals.
    Secondly, I am in osw.
    Thirdly, I prefer to not get my ass handed to me through a bad matchup system.
    Fourth, I am not satisfied with the solution to gh, which technically there isn't one.

    Your words are nice and all, but as a former ee war commander, it was not worth changing my build and wasting time and money on.
  4. Because some clans try to exploit match ups, and I can't be bothered to deal with them.
  5. The more clans that sign up, the better the matchups will get, because of the bigger diversity of clan sizes, all would likely match up to a clan that is closer in strength. That would mean less blowouts and more wars that are closer in the end? If not, EE wars will continue to go down the crapper, which I hope does not happen!
  6. Also, to the clans that only have 20 ppl wanting to war, maybe you can find another clan with the same problem and war together!
  7. people are concerned about blow outs, and I respect that. Losing is no fun.mthe vanished paladin EB takes away some of the sting of losing, however.

    Here might be another way to deal with u even match ups, although its very different than what we do, and may be needlessly complex.

    Give people a personal prestige rating. Offer war times. People can sign up for war 3 hours prior. Devs create clans and draft people into each side, using both size and prestige to balance experience and strength in all the clans. Making it more randomized like this could be really interesting, and it eliminates the problem of people wanting to war but not being able to get enough clannies involved

    No matter win or loose
    No matter with or without miths
    No matter AM or PM
    No matter good or bad matchup
    No matter Dev screw u or not
    No matter I have to buy xtals

    Because EE Wars is another way to have fun at KAW
    I enjoy it as a part of my life...I responsible all aspect of EE Wars because I CHOOSE IT
  9. Many clans or haven't enough pls or pls want to do ee war . But have no exp . I suggest that to make part of ee war that u clan declare it on other clan like regular . So friends clan coukd start to warring together to learn strategies & pls test there builds & start understand how ee war . Kind of eewar training .maybe with less payout of mith & ee lvl . To many clan & pls think that they're way behind to start ee war . Cause other clan have the experience akready . But if they are able to choose they're friends to do ee against .that night help them to start it
  10. it would be easier for some of the dedicated war clans to come together and form a training war clan to do real ee wars but work at training those that would not have an opportunity to learn how to go about doing it successfully.

    I know some say hey lets do an ee war, get signed up and get a dedicated war clan and get destroyed and never do it again, not because they can not be competitive but because they do not know how.

    it would have to be filled with those that represent clans that wish to start warring on their own.
    (gain entrance by declaring what clan you plan to take into ee wars)
  11. Both clan have pls with ee experience .so they know how to do it . Its just to encourage other pls to get in the system & learn it so they won't be afraid of being smashed in rl eewar .
    Anyway thats my suggestion ,with all respect 
  12. When I get 10484839 mith and lvl 8483 EE for losing , I'll think about doing EE.

    Seriously though, perhaps making a few eb's that pay better (up to a certain cap) for having more towers, that would encourage tower production and participation into more people wanting to war so their precious EB plunder isn't reduced too much.
  13. Time is an important issue. Be it 1 or 2 hrs, I find it difficult or impossible to dedicate myself to an EE. My Alts have tried it and 50% of the time, my work stops me dead in my tracks and I must attend to more pressing matters. That leaves teammates down and if last xtal, then no chance of coming back after being pinned the duration.
  14. Just can't get enough plyrs to war.. Even with 100 in clan, maybe a dozen will war... Having to get 26-29 just doesn't work for us.. Even tried merging clans, still too few in same time zone... Have to Merc out to war... Sux but better than missing out... War is fun when matches are close! GH needs to be addressed/dealt with - unfair advantage..
  15. 1 hour for a working person is actually a very long time. EE is very much now a do or dont, no inbetween. It just doesnt work.

    Crystals are required by practically every clan that wants to succeed. That is a huge cost that many dont want to pay. I still havent spent a single dollar and I dont intend to change that. That leaves me with 22 crystals that I have left for wars. What can I get out of 11 wars?
  16. Don't have time either. Between studying for college and keeping up with my social life, I have no time to spend an hour doing that.
  17. @ Mango. 11 wars will get you tons if u win most of em. Ive won about 10. check my equip. Keep in mind ive lost about 200 mith to failed enchants.