Why Isn't Your Clan Doing EE Wars?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. support my good buddy! If any one has an question on what's the best way to war? Fallow me and I'll tell you
  2. Support OP. All i can add is if you war and lose, try again. Its not easy to win, especially if your a first timer to EE. Everyone who wars has lost alot of times, so what do we do when we lose? We dust ourselves off and try again.
    So fight and learn the ways of war and have some fun. Theres no better times on this game than a hard fought victory against tough opposition and sweet mithril rewards!
  3. Its all about Barriers to entry. Seal with them and you have a chance.

    People got burned by poor match-ups.

    Some clans lost members for trying the early ee experiments.

    How do i convince them that they should do something they know they will lose because the opposition will be a seasoned team?

    Suggest we need to find a way of letting beginner war clans face off against each other So they can get confidence in the system.

    Maybe entry only for clans with players that have done less than 10 ee (assuming the database can track that)?

    Maybe just lower payout so it is not attractive to larger clans.

    I am open to ideas.

    Thanks for the thread.
  4. Support thread
  5. I think it's because there isn't too much EE based clans. Many clans will try to get the 20 or so members to cast, but cast they will not, unfortunately.
  6. It's really simple why more wont EE. It all comes down to xstals. Most people who download Kaw and play it, do so because its free to play. Most don't want to spend cash on a tap tap game. It's really as simple as that. Follow the money
  7. I want to war but my static spy def isn't high enough so clans won't let me war on the days I'm around :/ *sniff sniff*
  8. It cost 1.50 for 2 hours of fun. U will spend that on a coke at McDonald's. I bet the same peeps that complain about xtal cost buy a $60 video game every month. Don't blow your quest xtals if u are small.
  9. Support! EE is fun and if u haven't tried it yu should. I can't make every war, or even one every weekend, but it sure is fun when I do!
  10. Suport.
    But as someone already said before, it would be much better if devs do the following changes.
    1. Open practice wars for EE with no rewards.
    2. Add war xtals to the game, so that people have an option that either spend real money to get quick xtals or a bit time to tap to earn free war xtals.

    Anyway, great thread! 
  11. What new clans starting to do ee should keep in mind is that all the top ee clans started out in the same situation. They just didn't give up when things were tough. If clans stick together and work together they will get there.

    *steps down from inspirational speech platform*
  12. Totally support!
    More clans are definitely needed, we struggled when we started, we just stuck with it, and now win or lose we continue to war every week! EE wars are definitely the best part of this game, all clans should at least try it once!
  13. They need to incorporate 1hr wars no matter what. It will increase participation because not everyone always has time for 2hr wars. I know not everyone likes them but everyone doesn't want to be locked to there phone or PC for 2hrs either. Some people who war have families and other obligations but still want to participate and time limits restrict that for them.
  14. Support.
    I really enjoy EE wars. Not only does participation in EE wars build clan loyalty and strength, but also once you get that first mith payout and EE level - there's no turning back. I think having a mixed schedule of 1 hr and 2 hr wars as well as a mix of random, advantage and fixed ko times would best suit everyone's needs. And the idea of having a war gem or war xstal obtainable without putting real money into the game would boost participation as well imo
  15. 1st war we fought empire. We had a 30 man advantage. Still lost like 80-15b. Kicked about 20 peeps after that war. Won the next 4. Then got taka and got destroyed by about the same margin. Made more adjustments and won the next 7. In the smaller divisions its still easy to get into ee. Against the smaller guys u can assn most people. Focus on assassins and figure the rest out.

    The point is we got humiliated and that didnt deter us 1 bit. We learned so much from that 1st war. Start having your clan hit battle list. Learn their limitations. Get them used to giving and taking hits. Get the fear of taking incs out of their heads. Test them to make sure they are potted. Assn them and if u don't see 11 pots get them to pot. I used to assassin the whole clan. If I saw a dude not full pots I just kicked. No warning. Just kicked. Plenty want to war. Start recruiting early in the week. Most guys will stick around after too. U weed out the inactives and replace with competitive active players. B4 u know it your small clan has 20-30 guys active 12 hours a day and u are doing 2-3 hour haunts nonstop. You start winning a few wars. Others want to join u. Before you know it your 1k rank clan is now ranked 150 and guys are becoming loyal. Then you at at a point where you choose whether u become a bigger clan or stay smaller. Your guys start buying mith eq. You are becoming more and more competitive as a group. You do an osw or 2 to show your spirit. ....all because you decided to try ee that 1st time.
  16. So, why not keep it simple and give out 10 war use only xstals? I.e. cannot be used in ebs. People can have a crack at 5 wars with those xstals and some will get hooked. Increased participation and no actual coat to devs other than brief bit of coding.
  17. Reason why my clan Ian doing EE right now.

    Lack of participants for our war group.
  18. *cough*

    I think I have a pretty good excuse.
  19. Support, this is why you were rewarded the VK achievement. Very thoughtful and well written posts always from you.