Why is Farming Bad?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by GriMzZy_TDT, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. If you Want, you can't make your own decisions? 
  2. How can I farm him if he's dtw?
  3. How bout this? You (blaze) post with your so called "main" that you supposedly have, or I farm you. Simple.
  4. Enough people have to decide to go crazy in KAW and farm everyone then will you have destruction in KAW. Wars everywhere. Just like a lot of people want it.
  5. Farming is a label, a term, used for people who play the game correctly. If you have issues with people, farm them. If they complain, you get bonus points. It was all invented by Cor and his crew when they opened as OSF's, and it's a retarded term. If you can't handel a fight, don't play Kingdoms at WAR, play Pedos in my dorm. Simple as that.
  7. Talking With All Capatalized Words Is Not Required For A Word To Be Accepted...
  8. I don't care. Stop posting random words in capitalization...
  9. People have been spoiled since the invention of the pw actually. Even before that clan OSF's were 'off limits' and hitting other players more than five times brought a lot of stupid political heat. It's actually easier nowadays cuz no one wants a war. Back in the day day was the way to get better and the chance to make money if you won. Today everyone just protects their funds it's ridiculous
  10. War* not day twice
  11. Lol why make a random post on this? People get pissed at farmers for taking their "hard earned" eb gold.

    It is really simple farm your size or bigger and you won't have as many problems (coming from a pure spy)

    But still. KaW is not just for hitting ebs.

    I celebrate BLW every week.
    if you need to ask what that is then do not bother playing KaW go back to perverts in my dorm.

    Farmers - farm
    Strip farmers - strip farm
    Eb = pure profit
    War = fun

  12. It's not?
  13. The reason it is not a war game anymore is because we have noobs with stats who just want to grow and become top dog.
  14. Farming isn't bad. Just frowned upon anymore
  15. It's not bad. Farming is good for the mind.
  16. My opinion.

    Farming itself isn't bad - its the things that can happen at the same time that make it bad.

    Being forced to reset for no good reason isn't fun - for most anyone. But it can come with with posts of 'reset or else'.

    A bigger group picking on a single person isn't fun. Oh, it is for the bigger group - but the individual feels pretty bad - and usually tries to find a group bigger again.

    People who have been playing a long time like farming newbs. Not many new people like being farmed before they have a good grasp of the game. It only encourages them to leave.

    If it could be kept 1 on 1 then it probably would be fun. But often this is never the case.
  17. Farming isnt bad, i agree with you, but farmers are becoming less because clans stick up 4 their members. Its a surprise when you get farmed now cause its so hard to grow as a farmer :?
  18. Very good point. Too many people go straight for clan help rather than duke it out (even if they have the advantage:/)
  19. My philosiphy (incorrect spelling, yeah, i'm tired._. is it philosophy? Where's autocorrect when I need it-.-) is; don't start what you can't finish. But I see nothing wrong with a clan backing up a clanmate, unless of course the clanmate started it/cried to his clan for help.