Moose, im happy your on, is what the lost ones said on whoevers wall against TOU? Cause they said he bypassed, but the game obly stars out half the word. I was just curious.
Let me take a stab at your question........ If you are wondering about bypass, starring out half the letters your self still counts as bypass.. Let's say the word "booger" is filtered. If you type in **ger" or "boo***" you have bypassed and I would silence you if I saw it.
On a wall, the_lost_ones said faggot. Now, I tested it on my wall, and only the fag gets starred out, but the got doesnt. They were saying he bypassed. But if the game doesnt have the full word starred out, but only a portion, is it really a bypass?
For example, say door was a bypass. Say someone says on someones wall doorway, and it comes up "****way" Now if the full word isnt starred out, would it still be a bypass?
They don't know what bypass truly is. Just type naturally and let the filter Do it's thing. Some times you get words like **** and sometimes you get ****ed, if you put it in the past tense. I have no idea why he filter does this, and I don't much care. Just type naturally and you'll be fine
Well, Moose, Take a look at my wall... && Apparently hitting him once is hitting him 30 times.... someone needs to learn their numbersnagain!