Why Do YOU Play KaW?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Sanguine, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Because this game was fun in 2011(10) and still didn't give up the hope those devs become smart and make this game a pvp app again.
  2. I play (and came back to play after being gone over a year) because the game is interesting; seeing where the devs will take it next. Also, the possibility of getting bigger again and getting those good equip drops. Forums are also always quite fun.
  3. Escape real life issues
  4. Because I'm a college student and substitute teacher with a wife and low income with obviously nothing else to do in life.
  5. i play to tap the repeat button on ebs :)
  6. I've been playing since 2012 on my main this acc is a month old

    Hm and also I play because my cousin told me to try it and the game is really good
  7. Simple for the love of osw I don't play for gold, I don't play for size, I don't play for lb allies, I simply play to whack other people until they get sick of seeing me in their news feed and I will continue playing until there is no news feeds to fill
  8. I play kaw to meet new peeps and enjoy talking to them
  9. I was very bored, I don't really play the game to grow. I play the game for forums/to talk with friends.
  10. No other games to play
  11. Why do you play kaw?
    Because it is fun to long in a social app and hit, farm, and strip people.

    What drives you to long in or tap your lady face app everyday or so?
    Giggity.. The social aspect as well as the mechanics and philosophy of gameplay. I enjoy OSW and tracking strips, planing strategies that upset and deter enemy players from war, either from actions or words. It is fun to actually play when in OSW.

    Durning peace, I tend to get bored and become clan/alliance farms.

    Is it the people? The epics? The war?
    Defiantly the people. Though I am a bit of an attention whore with this ape. :lol:

    Epics, they are boring but good for strip funds.

    EE, I don't care for
    OSW, I love!

    How long do you plan to keep playing?
    If I had a planed exit date, I would not be playing anymore.

    What will be your last straw?
    The one that breaks the camels back.

    How will you go out in the end? As a noob or at the top of the leaderboard?
    I came into this world kicking and screaming while covered in someone else's blood, I will go out the same way.

    So naked, potless, broke, and alone like the true noob I really am.
  12. With a goat ^
  13. last straw for me: a week of nothing but ebs, the devs disable pvp and theres nothing but time trials, ect.
  14. I play kaw because i don't have a pc to play other games. Basically that's why

    When will i stop? After i get my tattoo and start earning money for a console or a decent pc

    What makes me come and tap? The fact that i lack of an interesting social life, yep. (Interesting as in i don't like always getting drunk and gossiping about other people or celebrities)
  15. I play for my clan and my kaw family
    I will quit this game when no one else remains and/Or RL settles in and I am forced to take time away