why do those 1 action all war did not get ban from war ?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by oG-Zaiross, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. Listen to the eb build above lol
  2. @DEATH69

    How do u presume an xtal was used? I've warred where xtals were not needed in a win in fact twice. FYI when up by enough xtalling can lose a war thats won. Lesson is over 
  3. Still 1 action is crazy u got 1hour to hit ppl and u only get 1. If thats war is now it sux
  4. I think a better thing and should be easy for the devs to do, is monitor their total actions. You might have had 1 successful action but had 40 fails because you are targeting a big account. I don't like free loaders either but you can't judge it on the successful actions, if you do a total of under 5 actions in a war you should not get rewarded, successful or unsuccessful. Devs could monitor this.
  5. One action bc of "tanking"... lol.. Not buying that with Scrooge mcduck bank account.
  6. Wonder how hard it would be to include a list of failed actions beside each players end war stats.

    Would put an end to this dispute once and for all, and us players would know who's actually hitting and who's enjoying the free ride.
  7. Yup , u normally have more fails than success, specially with People that have Towers and Good Equip, but i hate when a WC, ask u to SB 3 enemys at start, and get your troops kill in the process, i prefer to target the Big builds with No adt and plunder hard baby!
  8. As a wc I can literally tell who xtal and who didn't by looking at reds n green on cc, if you nubs think you can hide not xtaling specially on classic, something is wrong with you.
  9. I just hate carrying people on my back that's all
  10. I like the old system wars, all you needed was one turtle to start the war. Then wait till the last few mins and then everyone joins and farms the other side.
  11. This
  12. 1 action not ban is not new now . 0 action also no ban that is new
  13. Maybe they failed all other hits.