why do ppl want 100% items

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lXIOlXl-JlMB0B-lXlOlXI, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Yes, but if every person does 100% items, you get maybe 20-30b ish.

    If you get 50%, we are gonna say 10-15b for 1 phase, and 3b for phase2 FFA.

    If your clan does 24 HTE's a day (assuming 30-45 min a peace with 15 min wait, and the occasional random wait on seal holders) and you sit out 8 of those HTE's leaving you with 16 chances at an item phase. Let's say you only hit 10 of those from start to finish.. You're probably do about 3-5% damage on your own in pots.

    That's almost about how much you make off your seal IN ONE DAY. Imagine in 4 days.

    That's 170% total, instead of 100%.
  2. Cuz they pay for them u turd, could have asked in cc
  3. I think clans are sick of floaters sponging HTE pots and never contributing to clan wars or clan growth. Very abundant IMO
    Also, I believe, 50-80% of kaw players drop pots INCORRECTLY, hence wasting their seal.
  4. See I only drop a seal in my home clan no where else and even if I pay for the seal it's very rare I ask for 50% items
  5. It rewards players for using more than one seal during a time period.
  6. Thay help becuz it's 3x mour gold than you would make normally
  7. But what I don't understand is why players wouldn't drop there seals in there home clans show some loyalty to them
  8. I do that the next time I get one cuz thay have been good to me
  9. Need to ug
  10. Some players don't have actual home clans others are doing it so they have access to many more escapes than they would otherwise be able to participate in.

    Me? I'm a home clan type for seals.
  11. There are multiple reasons for 100% items.
    1. As a player you a rewarded for spending
    2. FFA creates an uneven reward to others who may or may not be spending the same amount.
    3. Clans with FFA tend to have a few active members that get more items than the rest due to hawk eyeing EB for FFA.
    Basically, B2B HTE clans can't run on FFA. Having FFA every once in a while to promote and be generous is one thing. I just don't see it being a viable B2B clan in long run. A good metaphor, the never ending debate of socialism to capitalism. How much reward is someone given for spending/working and should it be equalized? People thrive on goals and rewards. You can't take that away. That's my two cents and having been admin in b2b it's proven true.
  12. This post is actually so true thinking about it. I get about 25b from just using items. And about 5b from FFA, so with a 4 day pass if make a tonne more. (This is excluding hits)
  13. It's just greedy bigots who start clans to make money.
  14. That's the thing though, you miss items and you're getting 3 bill an eb. You get items and full xtals and you're looking at around 40 or more billion. It's about money, the person above explained it quiet Well.
  15. What asshole bumped this?
  16. Two things.
    First. 100% items nets me about 27b kickback.

    Second. You ever see an FFA haunt? With 40 actives your lucky to get 3 pots in per phase. You know how long it takes to get 500 pots on FFA haunts? More than 5 days.

    Sharing items does nothing but waste your
    $6. Does it help clan? Sure. But isn't the point of spending money to advance your account? Yes it is. If your running around looking for passes instead of staying loyal to your home clan well.... Your a tool.
  17. Op = noob for asking this
  18. 100% items plus max xstals and maybe another 2 unloads gets u way over 40 bil end plunder, Plus the 5 days of also hitting b2b hte will make u even more. There is no way u could make that on b2b FFA hte..
  19. Your seal,your rules.