Another great way to make even more money trading is to trade on 2 different accounts. This allows you to volley up players and keep all the gold for yourself this tactic will work extremely effectively when the market picks up!
@gameplayerjam. My culture of playing involves a lot of warring and so does it for the people I play with. Just because you don't war don't assume many others don't. Most wars are not fought in system and there is no way to see how many are going on. With that being said, I believe ally trading is great when doing wars. I spent several months in my last war and the income I made from allies was really beneficial. At the time though I was done with growth and t5 came out at it's end. If I was still needing gold for growth I would had far less invested in allies due to the huge risk of loss and impact to my growth from that loss. When dealing with osw and allies it's not a matter of being in one currently but that one could suddenly break out. When that happens, do you feel comfortable having a nice ally base or not is what matters.
Trading during war, and when not warring is not so hard as it sounds. True you always have the risk of being stripped and losing a lot of gold when being hit and an ally sells, but just make sure youre pinned asap when one sells. Then you can shop at will without someone smacking you around. Ally trading is great for growth. I currently hold 29b's for my clan, and just in general, and make 2/3 of a single unload with each sale. Considering im pretty busy some days, this is very useful, and really adds up in the long run. You may say youre too small to save up a decent amount, but there are good allies at 5b, and less. Low prices have good allies if you search the right things and take the time to actually find the good ones. Its not as hard as everyone makes it sound. True, its time consuming, but that is why you develop a long list of good allies when youve got free time so instead of searching for a new one you just go and buy someone from your list of pre-sorted "good" allies. Ally trading in war is a great way to turn a strip into a money making machine. Get stripped, pin and buy some from your list, or market. Make even more gold. Its also a GREAT way to get rid of garbage that youve got lingering
I personally enjoy the benefits of ally trading in war señorita. It is a huge gamble though because you can't stay online 24/7 to pin yourself during a strip or if allies sale. When you are build complete it's more of a gamble worth taking because your growth can't be slowed down any. If you are a player with 40 lands and 800bil in allies a near complete strip is devastating to take. You lost a bunch of gold that could have really helped your build get stronger and nothing to show for it. If you aren't in a clan that has a medium to high risk to get in a osw then allies are an easy choice to go for. If you're in a clan with a descent risk of getting involved in osw at any time then the path isn't as clear. A nice reward with a big potential risk
In all forms of buying allies, be it for keeping, trading, or simply banking gold. You need gold to make gold. With trading in particular, the more you invest the higher your potential returns can be. Its a little like gambling. Bet more, and you can possibly win more back. Only difference is gambling is bad. Dont do it kids. There is always room for massive gains (although T5 has seriously slowed down the market), the only thing you have to personally assess is the risk that you have of taking a huge loss, whether it be from war/farmed, or by hurriedly banking in a dud. Build complete or not, there is room for gain, but with big gain comes big risk. If you happen to catch the strip and reverse it, rebank in allies, or simply use it to upgrade, then youve accomplished something. Personally, I just hold the allies for those who want them. My clan buys from me on occasion, which all goes towards my growth, and in the end their growth too. They sell off my clanmates, clanmates make some gold and reinvest from me. Win-win. Timing is everything.
Señorita I agree with you on allies but you talk as if catching a strip is easy. Most good war clans are good at figuring out best strip times then there are those that just get lucky. I've hit a guy for 27hrs, mixing up my hitting patterns and times. I go take a 45 minute nap and wake to see he stripped me 3 minutes after my last hit on him. Then his clan unloaded about 500 steals on me before I caught it. I've had a couple other lucky strips on me that did make me realize that if you war often allies are a huge risky investment even if you are highly active and do most everything possible to avoid being stripped. Like is said though, the risk of loss isn't as damaging to you when you don't have to grow any more. Players that are growing have more to lose. This is only true for those that have a good chance to get involved in a osw. Eb only players don't have much at risk when dealing with the situation
I'm getting reports from several traders that the ally trade is getting more active. I'm turning over allies in the 1-10b range more than once daily without advertising. The biggest players are reaching HLBC T5. They will soon have nothing to do with their income except trade allies or stock it in attack pots. Attack pots lose 25% when cashed in for gold. Allies make gold. (they can keep buying mith or inferno, but that makes sense only for as many as a player can use). Check out the leader board and the 14 m cs stats on top players. Not long now before market activity increase rapidly.
Too true Allie trading is a great way to make gold . Allies are where true strength and wealth come from.Invest wisely and watch your bank account grow
The ally market is recovering slowly though. I've had an active 94bill ally, good stats, for about a month.