Ahhhhh bullroar, when the price comes out for T5, gonna be a lot of allies dropped for upgrades, that's when it's time to buy
TLDR and too drunk to care... I'd post a clever response but this is a worthless post on your thread which deserves no recognition or praise. A post which disposes of itself in a despiteful demeanor, disdaining directly its distinct depictions. Creating cacophony and coveting courageous clementine cross firing cretinism. Incisions and inept isolation of intelligent ides of ill inception, influencing the idea of indiscreet indoctrinating indecision. Plainly a precipitous process which predisposes all predisposition in a playground of paining paintings with pastime pleasantries. A higher hope for hypothetical hypothesis' of hyperbole, heaven's hell and hatred's haste. Haven't we had a haven for hellions? Haven't we helped to hold onto hiatus?
youngblood. Here is the info. Now that the prices of T5 building upgrades are out, it's obvious that we are all going to need a lot more gold. 100b an upgrade won't come quick and easy. Trading allies is more important than ever as a key strategy to making more gold faster. The principles and the strategy are the same regardless of size.
The only problem right now is that the market isn't moving too well. Right now allies won't generate much profit but if you invest in them now you will get a nice return in a few months once players start working the market again instead of upgrading. However, if your in a clan that is likely to get into a osw you have a dilemma. Once in a osw you risk being stripped and all you had invested could be lost but if you upgraded you don't have to worry because buildings can't be taken away. Depending on your clan and playing style can be the determining factor if allies or buildings are better for your long term growth
The only reason the market has slowed I because people are doing the exact opposite that the op is advising. If everyone continued to ally trade at the rate they used to, the market would still be moving. Personally, I think this is the absolute perfect time to jump onto ally trading. So many active, good stat allies are sold for cheap. Once the market moves again, BAM everything sells. In the meantime, you get a nice bonus from allies.
This is a great post for the ones who want to use this strategy to get T5. In my opinion the market prices for allies are crazy. Some are not worth their price it takes time for them to sell. Sometimes just as long as saving up for the upgrade. That's just my opinion this is still a great way to save up if you choose to go this way. Great post jam
i would say hire alot of those underp allies, and keep them until most of kaw has t5 hlbc and use that gold to upgrade
Support to game and others who understand they way to wealth is diversification. Any side stream of revenue is free money, I will not be redundant and re-post same stuff that has been laid out in previous 40 post. Just like to add that the market is/has changed. For those who are wanting to trade but a unsure of it's value. Trust me when u have that big day and sell 10-12 allies in 24h and know that u made money on each of them it's very rewarding. Only tip from me is pick a price point(s) u want to trade at and know it well. Game has provided a few suggestions for price:stat ratio to buy at. But pick your price, search pages of players at first and soon u can re-stock in a flash. And keep that gold flowin' and growin'.
My original buy points in original post are much too high now. Prices are so low! Expect 1m stats at 30b, not 40b (for attack builds.) follow that same ratio at any price point, 1-100b 1-10b allies are moving quickly now. That range will increase to 20b next. The sooner you buy, the more u make. Buy and sell quickly and make even more. Buy underpriced, volly and sell and make still more. The future leaders of KAW are racing to the top. Some are just buying their way to the top with real money!! If like me you don't have thousands to spend, out smart them to the top. Out trade them to the top. Start today.
Very well put together thread i use ally trading now and it really has help me get gold much more quicker and i dont have to be on all the time!
I want to respond to those peeps who argue that ally trading doesn't work for peeps in war or osw because of stripping. I agree! Don't stock allies if you go out stripping!!!! But folks, really. As I write this there are just THREE!! Wars in progress in all of Kaw! 3!!! And don't go stripping until you are hlbc - LOL - unless you love death 99% of peeps are not in osw or system wars. Look at clan events. We are all compulsively hitting hauntings and wasting time and gold by adding few bricks to our buildings instead of investing in allies for more and more gold. I love the buzz my iPhone makes each time an ally sells. Buzz. Buzz.