Why are some members of AAH still farming me??

Discussion in 'Wars' started by vedderkill, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. MasterEdPro is a complete noob... End Of
  2. A little birdy hopped over to my shoulder just now and whispered to me: "psss Inter was seen reaching out to many clans to join him in war. Some clans refused to help, but iG and W.A.R joined to help."

    I'm so pretty  but I'm too stupid to understand what my birdy friend is trying to say.

    Anyway I fed the little birdy friend with a little  then went to smell 
  3. Question: why everyone is talking about Neo supplying funds for Den's strip in particular? Makes me think there was other fundings, maybe besides Dan's?:)

    PrettyStupid, good choice on the name, fits perfectly. Is that a parrot? That bird that talks to u? I mean birds talk lotdo u also hear voices?

    I'm not supporting any side here nor I'm a fan of accusing without a proof. But Neo, can u honestly say u never provided any gold for strips in this war? ANY? I'm just wondering

    And Apple, u not dumb. U twisting words and facts around with the skillbut don't u think it's simply a war strategy to hit enemies friends when enemy got nothing left to lose? Guys just want to play, can't play much with ur useless alt accounts in Yafi. U've said it, it's not ur fault they are bored. Looks like bringing more clans to both sides maybe a good solution against boredom. Guess now its ur fault ur friends forced to participate?

    Have fun everyone
  4. U probably pay good...
  5. I state the facts.

    hlneo did not supply funds for any strips. Our bank is still safe and sound, and we are planning another major strip soon. We take major strips very seriously, and we do extensive research, preparation and coordination before it is executed. To be honest, a 7.5T strip wasn't our record. I believe the next strip will quash all possibilities that hlneo supplied any funds ;)

    Next, if AAH's Inter's intentions was merely to hit our friends, he could state it clearly to Osiris. The question now lies on his integrity which was clearly absent in his handling of the series of events. It has been laid bare in front of everyone how he toyed around Osiris' distraught emotions after their strips to make them fight hard without concrete proof. It was really interesting how his lies to Osiris were exposed in forum before I had time to really read through. :lol:

    If the reason was merely "hitting friends of YAFI" or "helping allies in war", it's understandable that "allies help allies" as someone has said. I wouldn't be surprised that he has lost the respect of many people with his recent actions. :evil:

    Then again, bringing more clans into war looks an interesting proposition. KaW world war again? It had been a very long time ago since there was a KaW world war. :lol:
  6. Stay on topic silly Apple:) lol I re-read my post few times and still can't find anything mentioned about ur clan's bank as well as I didn't see my self wondering about ur view at Inter or Os lol especially since u already stated it in another posts. Many times lol

    Ur last paragraph would've been just enough
  7. Ps: 'hlneo did not supply funds for any strip' - u are a spokes person/forum pr. U will say what u have to say. It's understandable:) but doesn't mean everything u say is accurate.
  8. :geek: Very Funny !!!!
    Why Yafi keep speak-up for hlneo???????
    The more yafi said the more suspicious...........

    Hhmmm maybe that's what most players are thinking now.

    WELL DONE YAFI :lol:
  9. Well i just think, inter you cant find on your and need help from other clans, ppl are seeing the real truth and are a piliceman in rl. Shame on you, those poor grannys who you let suck you off
  10. Is this the same troublemaker tat told DG in pal that she bought account of troublemaker to make her shut off in forum and promise not to post in forum? Oops! Looks like someone is lying LOL!! Please dun force us to shame u lol!!

    How pathetic asking for CF in pal n telling one grandmother story telling DG that troublemaker account is bought n blah blah blah! LOL!!

    Anyway, regarding abt yafi n hlneo, well, we have spoken the truth..so far OS n AAH cant back up their claims..been waiting for the SS here but seem to me, they jus chicken out lol!!

    We are just clearing the air.. So now we cant speak in forum n everything we speak link to a player? Then i might as well say about zaft.. I wonder if anyone dare to link us to zaft.. If so, it be awesome if yafi n zaft war together n make it world kaw war! Hahahaha!! I wonder if IG will back cry for cf if its true hahahaha!!

    And about inter, i have been telling the whole KAW how coward he is.. Hahaha!! Well indeed the truth had prevail! We have seen SS inter how u begged big clans to join u fight us.. It only tell me how pathetic AAH is and cant even fight on their own.. So y declare urself a war clan, when u cant even war on ur own? LOL!!

    So for those who welcome back inter as war hero when he so called 'retired' or mayb should i say back from banned, must be dumb!! LOL!!

    So Kaw, be my witness, the most coward in KAW still inter! No one can even take his place! Haha! Mayb should suggest to dev to make a coward ranking as a leaderboard! LOL!!
  11. TLOA are you saying that it is now proven beyond doubt that INTER IS DEFINITELY THE BIGGEST COWARD IN KAW?
  12. 
  13. I heard inter from AAH is a drama boy. He is go around create drama with other clan then create a good story and ask his alliance clan to help. If I'm not wrong inter from AAH got strip by Zaft before but he never learn his lesson.
  14. Hey Thelastone! Is it the same lastone who goes down to mum insults and when insulted back, runs into his corner and shuts up? Lol

    I guess my post where I said I'm not taking sides within regards of accusing without a proof got u THAT butthurt that u decided to throw everything u think is relevant at me and fantasized a lil more? That's cute really. Cos I wasn't trying to offend u, poor child, or any of ur clan mates. I was just stating an opinion. Some points that seemed to be missed in ur propaganda train lol

    No I never asked for cf. I was asked not to hit the 'family'. I guess having 11k of ss on 4 months old iPhone pays off huh LOL If u think u correct, I got a bet offer on my wall

    I just can't understand what makes u think me buying any account out there has anything to do with ur war? U want this acct in war too? I got no problem with that and never had. It was always in it anyway lol Come at me bro!!nah, u are too small and useless..I'll just make sure more of ur friends cry cos that is hella amusing lol

    Keep talking, i got some tracking and lurking to do
  15. Hahahaha!! Omg!! U contradicting watever u say to DG! LMAO!!

    I dun need to stood that low to insult ur mum.. Hahaha.. Eventually u did! Wahahahah!! U r that low.. Wad family u talking abt anywy? U said u wont be posting inforum abt ur 'family' but indeed u still do.. So u expect us to be like u, dumb? To believe every word u say? LOL!!

    Anyway, even if u in the war, it dun make any difference.. Ur allies cant fund much anyways.. Hahahaha!!

    I like pple underestimate my size.. When pple r naked, its my crystals tat hurts most wohhoo!!
  16. Are u DG? Or did u see comfortably cropped peaces of ss? I have full versions if u interested lol Maybe that's why no bet accepted lol

    Sorry but u did go down THAT low provoking me to reply to u in the same manner. I'll bump that thread if i find it. We'll see what u words worth. Oh wait, i know they worth nothingPersonal/mum insults is all u can do. Dumb? what's next - ugly? Awww Not offended. Don't waste ur breath. It's just like ur xtals. U do understand that u wasting A LOT cos u'd still fail bad on pretty much any spy defense of any worthy strip, right? So it's like running say 6fb instead of 24 u actually ran nub
  17. Shut up liar trouble! I have your pm that you asked me to stop hitting ya since you've just bought the account... Blah blah...and now? It's you who created such a kid story to convince us for a cf As I said we won't cf on you. Stop dreaming!!!

    Your time will come. Mark my words!

  18. how rude LoeSo guess I got u all butthurt just by showing up here. Despite no trash talk and my statement of not taking sides LOL Now it's gonna be pages to my attention?

    I forgot I don't speak yafian and my 'I was asked not to hit u guys and i agree thats not right. I'm giving u 24hrs of retaliation-free hits, then I start hitting back' may sound like asking for cf to most of u yafians. I understand nowall good lol
    I do want this war over. I've said it in forums. The fact that u can't hit those who started it doesn't mean it's honorable (since y'all trying to be this way) to hit those who simply were requested to get involved by their alliance (alliance being the ones u can't hit). I also have friends on both sides. But that's not even my main point. KaW will stay PvE untill war clans war each other! It's about time to bring war back or watch eb noobs taking kaw over lol

    Why does it matter if I bought or if I didn't buy this account? U always thought it was me. Doesn't give u justice LOL

    Hurry up with 'my time' please. I bought this overpriced Allie accidentally and sales been pretty slow for me lately too ughh
  19. A green snake named Snakey  visited me just now and hissed to me YA_iiiiiiiiiiSUCKiiiiiiiiii_FI is actually Inter. 

    Snakey hissed too that Inter is desperately trying to cover up something he did. 

    I told Snakey to go away because I don't like slithery things 