Why are some members of AAH still farming me??

Discussion in 'Wars' started by vedderkill, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. I agree with panic. Ya__judgement__fi can't be stopped.
  2. Well their clan page doesn't say that they are at war with ig and W.A.R
  3. Really wish rest_in_peace would rest in peace If you were as tough as you talk and posted with a main, A n D would have you stripped naked and noob raging at your screen already. Grow a pair, hit hard, or shut up.
  4. lol...Look at YAFI/Judgment homepage, 10 Vs 1, I'd say it's actually more than 10 altogether, their motto is definitely true "Always outnumbered never outgunned"
  5. Lol @ AAH & Osiris called them self a war clan but they need to ask IG & W.A.R help to strip our member yesterday. Seriously? lol. We been OSW with many big clan in Kaw include W.A.R clan but except IG clan. Why? Because we have friend in IG clan and we honor and respect them. But turn out they stab our back yesterday and help to strip one of our member. So let dance. :roll: :roll: :roll:
  6. Lets get facts: half of AAH dont agree with this osw with A nD - as usual INTER needs to call for help as he is a pig ( policeman) enjoyed being pinned you coward! Your build is ****
  7. Lets get facts: half of AAH dont agree with this osw with A nD - as usual INTER needs to call for help as he is a pig ( policeman) enjoyed being pinned you coward! Your build is ****
  8. Ps Kaw are bored of you - you think you can control everything - rumour is thst you are getting spanked by yafi
  9. Listen to your admins inter
  10. AAH need a strip fund - so INTER thought he would bully A n D and make up lies to start a war - causing troublr with both clans as friends in both
  11. Well done you dick - yiu have friends fighting each other
  12. Lol true Some Osiris members aren't hitting us much respect to them others are hitting us because their leader told them too and that's respectable but let's look at the big picture if almost all your members don't agree to war then why bother ? You bring in other ppl instead of finishing what you started
  13. The picture is clearer now.
    Inter was very smart to make use of Osiris emotions immediately after their mega strip to make them do his bidding to war A n D without much questioning. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Lol na it was expected that allies help allies it's a proven fact but they don't have enough evidence that neo did buy 7 trills worth of allies
  15. For the record, A n D family is not responsible for that statless account that's posting in this forum...

     I ask that all AnD members refrain from posting forums without the consent of a family council member...Fight the fight that was given to us 

    thanks 
  16. i haven't posted on this thread or any other thread involving this war but im not thinking why is this war still going on? whos actually winning if it takes 4 war clans just to fight yafi_judgment alone? and is it actually worth it with all of the members dont even want to war anymore i believe the longer this war goes on the more some of the members will lose respect for the people running thier clans.what kind of clan owner makes there members fight a war they are loseing and lets them gets stripped?
  17. Allies helping allies, reasonable and fair statement/actions.

    But it was obvious from Osiris postings that they were told the 7.5T strip on them was sponsored by hlneo, which was clearly not the case :lol:

    That is definitely making use of Osiris' emotions by misleading them with false information. ;)

    It was really very very smart :idea:
  18. Once again inter lies and gets caught with no proof not only are Yafi hitting aah but now he's forced AnD to farm him over his lies and countless hits on hlneo I must say its very funny that inter the rent a cop is really inter the noob pinned tight for 3 days straight  runs from aah to get help and is still pinnedu have lost alone of friends in this war yet u keep making more lies to your remaining friends soon they will see the true inter a sad lil boy hiding in mummy's basement wearing her police uniform u keep up you Lies how many have u told your gf ???
  19. So Inter is pretty stupid? 