Why are EE wars getting worse ? 3 kinds of exploits

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kyuubi, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. The first 2 are not exploits there tactics.
    As for the last one, If they could get match ups then people won't resort making up fake clans. To win mith.
  2. Nice nice nice !!! exploit 3 SOLVED now if you can do that to other exploits and force clans to war correctly would be great !!!
  3. Got easy solution to all 3 - stop the boring EE. :)
  4. Agree with op. They are exploits. People will arrange/cheat/exploit to win, as long as they are allowed.
    Again i express my sadness over a broken system. Its a shame devs tied mith (a once beautiful aspect of this game) to such a mess. Free the mith!!
  5. how is using a specific legal build an exploit? it isnt. It is another tactic just like using towered builds that tank. Is that an exploit because its really damn hard to get through those towers? no its another tactic allowed. And the last one was solved so there are no exploits left in ee matches
  6. Lmao at Cheste if u don't see the exploit in the stacking and the very failed version of matching system that the devs have in place ur blind... That's like saying the gold exploit wasn't an exploit because its the system the devs pu in place... As for any that choose to lose it on me comparing the 2 they are exactly the same. A developers system that is flawed is being abused, now, many many people but the devs are just happy with collecting data....
  7. For gods same, a eb war build is an exploit on eb's.
  8. stacking isnt an exploit. At all. Tell me what was changed to make it an exploit? Getting sh and LBs is a tatic kaw started using make their clans hard to beat. Yes it abused but not an exploit
  9. The algarythm the is used for ee is flawed therefore fair ods teams do not match I will no get into details as of why plenty of them reads on that.... Why is I only those abusing system defend it? Lol silly me nm

  10. correct :) :ugeek:
  11. When a GH/SH account hits stronger account they earn 40mil+ but when that stronger account returns fire he/she gets 2-5mil a hit that's where exploit is !!! if the returning account fires back but r=in return he gets same plunder as GH/SH did then it isn't exploit. the game mechanic says others:

    a smaller account hitting big account receives more gold because of the wins he/she did because he is weaker. the problem in this mechanic is that now days in Kaw accounts have BFE over 400mil+ atatc/spie and bfa also way more so even a GH with max BFE wil win from an attack builds that's 10mil CS + !!!

    a GH/SH can hit an account much much stronger then him/herself and get 40mil+ and when that account hits back that GH/SH it gets 2-3mil+ thats where exploit is.

    when u stack 10 GH/SH in to clan and get matched up against a clan with no GH and you see that clan with GH/SH stacking WINS the war WHY ?

    because the plunder that the losing clan makes is much much lower then the clan with GH/SH stacked up. if a stronger build above 2mil CS hit a GH 26 times they get 78-100 mil but if in return a GH hits that account then GH/SH get 1bil+ !! do you see the difference in plunder here its huge i mean really really huge !!!

    Now when a clan puts 10 GH + 7 mids + 3 LB then its where exploit begins to appear.

    10 GH = gives NO PLUNDER to enemy
    7 mids = gives some plunder
    3 LB = they are LB so obviously opponent will loose every attack on them so NO PLUNDER here also


    3 LB = if GH clan has LB then they can fight each other !!
    17 mids = how can 17 mids win plunder on 10 GH ?? when GH/SH gives 78-100 mil per unload ?

    don't tell me well these 17 mids can atatck the other 7 mids. everyone knows this and they will also atack and unload troops before you even know it those 7 mids are also warriors they are not lurkers or inactive !!

    Now clans with GH/SH stacking has mids with ADT (attack defense towers) above 2 mil . attacking them you will loose more troops means you wiull be without troops faster then you think. they have good static defense so you cant win on them.

    THE NO MATCHES problems:

    when you stack GH/SH then you don't know how high there hit/ratio is. Devs have put restriction on hit/ratio in season 3 we have many many no matches because devs have narrowed the hit/ratio that's where we get more and more NO MATCHES because when clans go on stacking GH/SH they don't know how high there hit/ratio is and how high there mids and LB members hit/ratio is. when clans that stack GH/SH, mids and LB then obviously system will give no matches because every clan that signed up have other hit/ratio then other clans. its high or much lower there isnt many clans that are the same or close hit/ratio with other clans. its a vicious circle that wil go on and on !! when they match up then they have closer rooster to the clan they have matched up but when they go with same rooster again there wont be another clan with same rooster every clan changes rooster in every war and in every war every clan has different hit/ratio. the difference in BFA/BFE/hit-ratio of GH/SH is giving us many no matches and it will be same for a long time i think until devs find a good solution.
  12. I have a suggestion for ee. why dont devs decide who wars together ? Like you cast for ee and devs place u in clans that they decide on. That would totally eliminate the stacked roster issue.
  13. How about locking up ally activity so certain clans (we all know the culprits, nothing moo, oops i mean new) can put on their big boy pants and war like they have a set.
  14. Pure spy exploit is normal, ER beat them anyways

    The statless alt one though, they can't do anything about it because even though it is 1-2 peoples 38 alt's, doesn't mean the devs can proove that. It could be 20 people, but it is most likely 1 person. But the devs can't proove that it is, so they can't do anything about it
  15. Lock this stupid thread
  16. No Support to 3rd Idea
    lmao tell me which clan takes hansels in there war they all just think they r useless and now a ps war clan came all started crying.. nice if u guys would have given space to hansels in war y would anyone came up with this type of clan.... and its not a exploit they also lose sometime, before saying thats a exploit improve ur strategy :!:
  17. Worst season by far! Ee has progressively gotten worse season by season ,It's sad to see so many great warriors not even warring due to the inability to fix issues that have been around for months .
  18. gh/sh build is perfectly fine. it's stacking them in order to break the system that becomes a problem. dey still b opin 4 da steelz for a hybrid in osw ya know wat mm sayin?? 
  19. on that note maybe it's not the matching that is messed up but the plunder system? or what determine's a victor? don't fight the fire, fight the fire starter
  20. Kill the ee's and get the old wars back and adjust the drops