Why are EE clans using GH nowadays ?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_Nymeria_l, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. @jack - before i converted, i could hit the entire roster of clans like unbeknown, call BS all you like but learn the build mechanics first. In addition, i could hit a 20mcs atk build before conversion also.
  2. I do well with my acct in war, start out bottom of wr and when all said and done, im usually in the middle and higher on wr. Also, I find it faster to make gold with GH, enabling me to open land faster and buy bigger allies. When I get build complete, wont take much to make a fast build conversion if I choose to change up my build. Guilds are cheap to build.
  3. @smash - going on conversion day 4 here. Was top 3 in my last two rancor wars (L50, so i started converting)
  4. Nymeria that assassination I just done on you is why gh are still used cause they can hit ght like me an smaller build an I can hit alot bigger than you towers or not.
  5. An there are a current new breed of mini gh hybrid that utilize the hoarfrost attack youngblood21 being a prime example an he's a lil plunder machine in ee having fought with and against him.
  6. An there are a current new breed of mini gh hybrid that utilize the hoarfrost attack youngblood21 being a prime example an he's a lil plunder machine in ee having fought with and against him.
  7. Killa- it isnt the type of hf builds that gives it the hit range mechanics, it it the number of hf builds total, i chose spy heavy HF GH and still did well.
  8. I can still hit some big players.
  9. You also have a few tril in allies lol
  10. Op clearly knows nothing of GH , we earn alot more than we lose per hit, should be obvious. Smh
  11. But destroyer using the spy isn't a hybrid by definition it's a small Hansel as where youngblood21 is a mix of attack an guilds
  12. Well done smarty pamtziez I'm gh with a few SoS and i don't have a fancy bfa/bfe, but some players do. That's the point i was trying to make xD

    Ghs are still and always will be, very powerful and useful. They excell in all areas of the game, never the best but not far off it.

    Ghs are easy to build up, and easy to use as well as very powerful, so for players newer to the game they're an excellent way to get into warring at a basic standard quite successfully.
  13. I never said anything about hybrid mechanics, and he isnt a hybrid, he is a hansel lol
  14. Wow this thread escalated quickly lol
  15. And what happens when someone double your stats has identical BFE/BFA?
  16. then you use the remaining offensive BFE advantage, as well as pot advantage and scout then assa then atk them to pin
  17. GH still used because they boss,if you don't like it....deal with it :) we hit 2m 3m builds EASY ( I do) and so make great money :) equip & BFA help TONS :)

    :cool: :cool:
  18. Also, considering they are a tier 1 spy building,making 56m off a 2m build isn't bad :D
  19. Look at a miniature of Wulfs build, maybe 1/2 the size, same BFE.
    GH wouldn't stand a chance, I, however, would be a Garth-mc-nugget.
  20. This I why I said turtle builds will be making a comeback. 3M in ssd and good bfe will stop a gh dead in its tracks. Then adt to stop att and hybrids from getting through. Horrible for plunder but a pain in the ass to ko in ee (if you have good team work skills wont be as hard)