Who's the one Mod you'd like to meet in RL and why?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Daph, y u make me look bad. :(

  2. Im going to iron for you so bad. #SoFifties 
  3. Thanks Bae <3 I could use some ironing. 
  4. Slayerbob looks better on the mod shirt on!!
  5. Slayer do you have braces cuz it kinda looks like it
  6. Uh...no? I had braces  what a strange question/assumption..
  7. Does Bellemorte count?
  8. And Daphnia too!
  9. In your pictures I though I saw braces, whatever
  10. At the veery top of your picture of the front
  11. You mean a beard?
  12. I'm just going to assume Bellemorte counts and say her. She's cool.
  13. Daphnia, Slayerbob

    Having fun as a moderator so far? I hope all is well with both of you!

    sean893 is here again!!

  14. That's a beard 

    I don't think so
  15. I'm just trying to find things that were relatively close to braces, cause I have no idea how you got that...
  16. Does nobody else see it?
    It's just at the top of his photo from the front
  17. ....who has braces on their chin... Its stubble.. You need glasses.

    Yep, I'm enjoying it :)
  18. It's at the very top, am I hallucinating or something?