Who's the one Mod you'd like to meet in RL and why?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Finnally a fun thread

    Anyways i wouldn't wanna meat any of them cus they'd just silence me for spamming them in real life.
  2. It's KaW Celebrities!! Sign my autograph!!
  3. While not technically a mod anymore, would go with Inferno. Been friends for almost 3 years and can say for sure he is one of my best friends.
  4. To be honest, I'd like to meet some of the developers who work behind the scene. It would be interesting to see what they get up to in that office of theirs
  5. Would be cool to meet wulf
  6. Hero and Moose or Bob cuz they all the biggest noobs in KaW
  7. Moose so I can cook him up and have him for lunch
  8. Slayerbob so i can pvp him in rl @.o lol

  9. You just mad cause you aint slayer no moar.
  10. Damn u bob lol

  11. Once a slayer, always a slayer
  12. I would meet moose if given the chance.

    Maybe AtA could extend us all a invitation to mods and vks and we can all meet a headquarters
  13. i'd crash that party...

    ...with my car.
  14. What did yarmes do ??
  15. I wanna meet kaw com
  16. Figured I ask wasn't their a mod named red storm
  17. Yes.

    After accusations surfaced that he was underage he resigned stating real life issues.
  18. Clearly Vix. Super hot
  19. But how would all the mods fit in a wooden crate?
    Plus, I've heard the weather in Cambodia can be pretty unpredictable.
  20. Great idea Panda! A KAWvention where people can come meet Mods and Devs ... and ATA can reveal their latest game updates etc. Let me know it they go for it; I'll help plan it.