Who's the one Mod you'd like to meet in RL and why?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. ^You do realise that this will never happen ever.
    OP never even mentioned rules.
    Hell you could even choose Benny *spits on ground*
  2. Avatar, LegendaryHero, and PandaGeorge.

    They're all awesome bros. 
  3. Moose, he never replies when I ask him if he wants to eat venison. I want to eat venison with him.
  4. He is op isnt he
  5. Titan god that dude is cool and actually talks to people and don't think he is high and mighty and he is the one mod I would not farm other then that GO Titan love ya bro
  6. ... I knew Titan when he was still a noob. I remember him HLBCing and him bitching about how HF was dumb to add. Then he became mod and disappeared from my life :cry: Traumatic
  7. Definitely red hot vixen 
  9. I honestly would say THE MOOSEIRATOR(moose)
  10. If we can do old ones COS-dillybar he is my old friend
  11. Resilience

    Because he is great in bed.
  12. I saw this myself with no need to be directed here, you silly guy. Whatever helps you sleep at night. 
  13. Moose

    Cause i have a gun.
  14. Wulf, since he's another wolf and because no one else has said they would like to see him.
    Poor wulf :?
  15. All of them at a pub with New Age members.

    But I am a fan of awkward moments.
  16. Wabbsy because the travel cost will be the lowest :D
  17. SpaghettiDude6
  18. There's no need to be upset Mr Moose, just because the Broncos failed.

  19. Melissa because we are secretly kaw lovers