who won war of 1812

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __LynxTamer__, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Technically Britain won..They burned the White House and could have destroyed the entire capitol
  2. and it makes me soooooo mad.

    ...i want hockey back. damn lockout.
  3. Peeing on a mountain in the rockies doesn't touch the Great Lakes, you know, the actual large supply of freshwater inland.
  4. Trolololo I pee in the great lakes u know when u have to go bit ur at the beech and don't wanna get out of water
  5. You noobs, CANADA won, watch the Canadian mint commercial
  6. I stand by my pledge that aliens won the war of 1812.
  7. Honestly, if you think about it, the french won, cause they ended up securing large land mass in canada without ever having to fight.
  8. Nobody wins wars. There are only sides with fewer casualties.
  9. In 1812 the White House was lost. The treaty was signed for peace.
    It was a cease fire on both sides so tech a draw but gb did have upper hand.
    However I agree USA has never tech lost a war (Vietnam wasn't their war) it was north n south Vietnam.
    America was only aiding south Vietnam but got pushed back.
    Now as a Brit myself and a lover of American also British history- I can say both sides fought just as hard.
    In truth I'm glad a treaty was signed as America would be now British controlled. Also am proud they declared themselves Independant and a country of their own.
    I think America as a country from this point 1812 began to rewrite history in their own accord and become a nation not to be reckoned with.
    Just my input many might disagree