who won war of 1812

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __LynxTamer__, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Spork Britain didn't want war American started after u guys attacked we fought u back to border held u there then Napoleon was defeated Britain wanted to end war quick so we beat u to gulf of Mexico then u proposed treaty we said ya because it meant war
  2. Well the did accomplish something in the war of 1812......they burned the White House down but that is all they did.The Korean War was a draw and they divided the country in half(North and South Korea).We just plain out lost the Vietnam war.we killed our own men with agent orange......
  3. Recheck ur history...korea was a police action...not a war...vietnam was never declared a war either
  4. Technically speaking. A "Declaration of War" was never signed for Vietnam. Therefore it wasn't a "War" in the truest sense of the word. That's not to say we didn't fight it any differently though. It was a conflict. We lost it more on Political grounds than combat grounds.

    The same can be said for Iraq. Politics got in the way of the Soldiers and Marines and didn't allow them to do what they were trained to do. I can speak of this first hand being an infantry Marine who was in Fallujah during the first take down in 2004.
    Anyone who sits back and takes shots can never truly be successful. One needs to be proactive instead of reactive.
  5. Wow now it's the US War History lesson time. First off purge your mind of the John Wayne version they are all BS.
    The war of 1812 was an act of aggression by the United States colony which was put down.

    United States found it more agreeable to their country to sell Nazi Germany War goods than help her " allies" preserve freedoms. Several senior US industrialists declared themselves Nazi, among them Henry Ford. Several young US men snuck into Canada to join the RCAF and defend Britain, a criminal act at the time.

    The dispute in Korean Continues.

    Vietnam was a cold war game to test conventional weapons. Russia and China were more than impressed with America's air power. Vietnam prolly prevented a much bigger war. With the loss of 69,500 US 3360 Canadians. Many blur the time line but 1959-1975 are the years of America's involvement.
    "The price of freedom is written on the wall" is an accurate statement about both Vietnam memorials.

    Iraq Desert Storm United Nations sanction to rescue Kuwait.

    Afghanistan United Nations sanctions action to prevent Taliban occupation of the heroine trade. America is absent for some time while Canada and Australia hold the front line on terrorism.

    Stop sales of arms, stop wars. Simple stuff, yet France USA Russia and China continue to fuel wars with surplus weapons.
  6. Who trolled the forum with some obscure history BS that barely has relevance to global relations today? Why did they do that?

    A) chronic attention whore
    B) anti-American turd disturber
    C) none of the above
    D) both A and B

    It's a rhetorical question.
  7. I believe them alien varmints won that them thar warh. Ain't no other way around it. How else you explain the war ending on 1812? 1 8=9 1 2=3 3 9=12. The war is a prophecy of the future. And according to the end of the battle of Saint Louis, there will be no turning back. We will feel the might of them alien laser beams. All tremble in fearh of the doom fortold by our granpappies granpappies. Those who do not believe in aliens are in for a rude awakening for the war of 2012!
  8. @Resilliant I was assuming it was a US or Canadian High School Student. The US text books are in conflict with the Internet. I don't think anyone wants to discredit the American public or it's Military. Most would say they are second to no one. The politicians throughout history another story.
  9. Let's clear this up. The War of 1812 was an act of aggression carried out by the USA as a result of British trade embargoes imposed upon them.
    But let's be objective: the Americans were a Napoleonic satellite, who were ferrying goods to Napoleonic Europe, the largest threat to the world ever at the time. The British were eventually left with no choice but to halt the Americans, who were supporting Napoleons war effort against the soon-to-be coalition nations.
    So, a blockade was put in place... And then the USA did exactly what Napoleon wanted/subliminally asked them to do: open up a North American stage of the Napoleonic conflict (making it a World War, although this wasn't the first). The British, tired from the strenuous efforts in Europe, sent a force to America.

    This force stopped the Americans from achieving their main objective, raided and ransacked the enemy capital and, all in all, did what it was meant to do.
    Then, Tsar Alexander arbitrated blah blah blah and the "war" ended (it was more of a diversion).

    Britain didn't win anything, really. They lost money, troops and arms in a seemingly pointless conflict. The USA didn't win anything either; they ultimately failed, but didn't really face severe losses etc.

    The real victor was Napoleon, but as we all (hopefully) know he went on to lose at the hands of the coalition twice, so nobody won. It was a waste of time, and that is why it is mostly forgot around the world (except in the USA). :roll:
  10. I like a lot of what Napoleon stood for and accomplished. He freed Jews from the ghettos, was excommunicated by the pope, and laughed in his face. He was a major threat to the hereditary monarchies and established religions.
  11. Dionise, I'm aware of the collusion of US business interests with Nazty Germany, especially the banksters. I also know that Dee Brown's 'Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee' is the the most accurate early-US war history. That being said, compared to the British crown (in terms of millions slaughtered or purposefully starved), both the Americans and the Nazi regime look like amateurs. My own ancestors were refugees of British imperialism.
  12. @Orpheus Oh for sure brother. Im a Scot so the Vikings came and had their with our women. Then the British and Romans came and had their way with our men.
    Must say interesting points on Napoleon.
    But too the original topic several text books mislead students on facts.
  13. That's because the US education system is a failure.

    I bet most students won't know why their country isn't still very tiny.
  14. No my info has not bin tainted by government I researched topic on web and in books and I have to say Canada kicked American buts
  15. Interesting I always thought of the US as bigger than life.
    My news letter from my Broker said if MIT Romney wins today the stock market will do well as the Industry focused on foreign employment and the wealthy won't have to pay more. He will unload the financial burden on the States. Obama predicted to win by small margin will tax the rich and Corps slowing Wall Street growth. The whole world is watching this election which would say to me the US is the biggest financial power on the planet. So" little" does not compute
  16. Ok, we have a dumbass over here.
  17. That wasn't at you Dionise.

    I meant land-wise, btw, about 200 plus years ago.
  18. i have an idea. let's just have the war of 2012. that way we can decide this once and for all.
  19. Lol I'm all for it only if U.S. doesn't get allies and Canada gets allies