who won war of 1812

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __LynxTamer__, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Actually border changes were even later as Peele Island was sold to Canada. And Alaska was bought from Russia.
  2. Oh Yeah I'd love to be Tecumseh. He sounds bad ass!
  3. I don't want to be Sir anything. I'd like to run the guillotine and I'd like my customer to be the old lady on the front of the Loonie.
  4. I'd like to be Vlad the Impaler
  5. Cynder that sounds like a porn star name.. Like Dirk Diggler
  6. Wait a minute Tecumseh gets killed by the Americans. I refuse to be a martyr. Unless I'm a martyr for hot fries.
  7. You don't know who Vlad the Impaler was..? (/).-)

    He was the inspiration for the legend of Dracula as well
  8. Vladimir the impaler was my bro. We took a palates class together.
  9. Vlad. * (/)_-
  10. Palates!! Lmao I see what you did there. How many stakes were involved? 
  11. This is a dumb thread. I'll tell you who lost: the folks they put in the ground. At least the United States of America got its national anthem from the war.

    An you can Canadians keep Quebec. They are more arrogant sometimes than the people they take their language from. LOL!
  12. Last I checked, we burned the White House down twice.  Trololol.
  13. If we lost the Vietnam war ( which I believe we technically did ) Because we went there accomplished nothing than in that sense didn't the British lose the war? They sent an Army accomplished nothing and Left.

    Idk I thought of that and just threw it out there.

    As for the Election I don't believe either candidate will make a difference we will still be in debt at the end of the term of whoever is elected, Economy will still be crap, Unemployment will still be a problem. And so on who knows.
  14. People need to learn their history. First war U.S. didnt win was the Korean war (ended in a draw), then we LOST (not techniquely or maybe, we straight up lost) the Vietnam war.
  15. The war of 1812 was pointless and idiotic. There were no winners, we both lost because the war was for nothing. Nothing to gain.
  16. Judging by his anti-monarchist comments, I'm puzzled that Orpheus should be playing Kingdoms at War.
    While he boasts of the guillotine he probably tugs over a queen.
    And pointless? Yeah good one. Go pick up an AP history book.
  18. Didn't Shaka Zulu reigned in Southern Africa during that time period? The British fought them too. Watch the old movie Zulu Dawn on Netflicks, it's entertaining despite its age.
  19. @Amp,

    Your logical connections are lacking. KaW is a game. Irl I would never serve a queen, figurehead or otherwise.

    And tugs over a queen? Seriously?

    Pray, do tell, explain why it's wrong for Hitler to kill ten million in Europe but ok for the Crown to kill over one billion...just in India. Add Burma to that, South Africa, North American aboriginals, and a long list of other victims and the British Crown is the figurehead of the most genocidal group in the last two centuries.
  20. Add a few million starved Scots and Irish to that as well...unless the British crown had nothing to do with the potato famine and highland clearances and the like.