who won war of 1812

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __LynxTamer__, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. I watch Fox News and MSNBC when I want to laugh at biased extremists. Every news network is corporately owned buck. The problem isn't the republicans or democrats. It is the billionaires who own them. Wake the **** up buck. You can't be this blind
  2. Yes... Fox news is good... Lol.. And George washington was the first president of the united states... Lol
  3. No, in the articles, states were more powerful than the federal government. Currently, we have an all too powerful central government. States need more power.
  4. All media is biased. Either left other right, but biased. Why argue about that fact?

    Who won? Neither side. The white house got burned down. The English left with their tail coats in between their legs. And the Canadians got stuck with Justin biebers predecessors.

    Yes America is divided. News flash! It always has been. That's why the civil war occurred. What can you do about it? Be more inclusive of others.

    Ps. Why argue with people who you won't be able to change their opinions?
  5. I'm not arguing that Fox isn't biased, it clearly is. I'm just saying almost every other significant news source is leaning left.
  6. ...Touché >_> I think we could have worked with each other a lot more, It's depressing to think about what the U.S. could have/ SHOULD HAVE become. :(
  7. why? what concrete reason can you give for that? how would anyone be better off?

    do you realize what a disaster the southern states would be if not for federal redistribution?

    (this is the top irony of american politics, btw)
  8. Sorry buck but that is false. Just because Fox is the most extremist source you think anything in the true middle is leaning left. Msnbc sucks. Fox sucks. Right wing extremists have always been a little crazier. Just look at bush supporters *shudders*. The liberal extremists are mostly hippies.
  9. Cynder. All extremists are crazy. That's why they are called extremists. :)
  10. I wouldn't call Bush supporters "Crazies". I'm sure there's plenty of studies out there showing CNN with a left tilt.
  11. Well I'd rather be run by a hippie government saving our environment than a crazy conservative one nuking people.
  12. you are sure. you believe it.

    no proof.

    you just believe it.

    way to continue to point out how an individuals beliefs effect their reason.
  13. Bush was an incompetent frat boy. He never belonged in the Oval Office.
  14. OK question. For all you judging buckeye. You say he is a right extremists (Well you induce he is). So by my posts what am I?

    Since our beliefs affect our way of thinking and such.
  15. i don't know, reset. i don't recall ever reading one of your posts before.
  16. :-( you hurt me bad wordwaster. And I've been your biggest fan ever. :-(
  17. Good question and both countries contradict each other on the subject.
    Canada lost no land. Although the British were at the time the Dominion of Canada's Military Colonists showed a stronger force to protect Canada The Indian's whose nation straddle the boarder sided with Canada and served beside Canadian Militia.
    American Soldiers attempting to capture the Armory at Fort York were killed to the last man by a well timed trap.
    The Serge and the Hamilton patched up from damage by a fast small British Schooner sank at the entrance to the Niagara River in Lake Ontario. They were suppose to provide passage and artillery the next day in Lundy's Lane. The White House was burnt to the ground. Canada lost it's right to live in peace. Canada succeeded from British Rule and taxation peacefully. Many States objected to the war and gave Canada any and all assistance.
    So if somewhere along the way you can re-write the history books and call it a win for the USA then you'd not convince Canada or England of that. USA did secede from British Rule.
    The side benefit for both nations was a transportation line behind the border. The Trent Severn Waterway, Ohio Erie waterways. Absolutely beautiful trips by boat.
    Since the war of 1812 the US/Canada Border it the longest and longest lasting undefended border in the History of Man.
  18. aw. you know that i was kidding.
  19. Uhh...hate to be a stickler for details but the most important part of the border wasn't settled 'till 1842.
  20. Why don't we re-enact 1812 in this thread? Reset can be Tecumseh, Orpheus, Sir Isaac Brock, ..... And ww can be Laura Secord's cow