who won war of 1812

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __LynxTamer__, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. What is that?
  2. Cheese gravy and fries a Canadian delicacy
  3. That sounds amazing.
  4. Just remember that Canadians burned down the White House...

     True story 
  5. who cares? It's all in the past
  6. That was a hardcore prank... ;)
  7. @Nemesis. So? We made a rubble pile of Quebec in the same war...
  8. The city was virtually undefended.

    And we rebuilt the White House, a tornado destroyed the enemy camp in Washington, expanded from sea to shining sea, proved our mettle in the world wars, expanded military bases on every continent, and became the power in the Americas.

    True story
  9. Napoleon fTW!
  10. Napoleon FTW!
  11. I think america won the war of 1812
  12. Wow buckeye...again such a lack of humility regarding a mass of human life spent on a senseless war. America lost the Vietnam War. Plain and simple. Their territory, their advantage, our losses were staggering, and you are determined that this country is the greatest simply because you were born here. We are pretty much owned by China and the Saudis. So if we are the 'greatest'. They get the credit for the manufacturing and the resources since we have no real exports of our own anymore and 0 self sufficiency.
  13. Puerto Rico will rise up one day too. They are tired of the oppression of the "gringo". So the better question is: who will win the war of 2012?
  14. Rofl... We'll put them down like dogs the second they rebel. xD
  15. Good to see someone with humour. My job is done for today. Peace.
  16. Wouldn't be so sure shadow. America is on the verge of another civil war. It has been constructed cleverly. The dilution of the politics have divides the USA into 2 sides yet again. All the tinder needs is a big enough spark
  17. @Cynderstike


    That's literally the only thing that comes to mind when I read your posts now.
  18. i don't really agree with that. we are the largest grower and exporter food. when you get down to it, what more does a nation need for self-sufficiency? china and saudi arabia both import food.