The whole shotgun thing was kinda weird, at the same time not. Joe Biden liberals do believe in rifles and NRA, kinda. The biggest problem liberals had/have is with handguns. I knew life time NRA members who would never touch a pistol. Maybe Old Joe was thinking about one of those scenes where the farmer comes out and scares of somebody by shooting in the air? That is a older stereotype. Shotguns can be used as less than lethal very easily. I won't get into details, but rock salts work. That's is what I was taught anyway. Who wants to kills some sorry slob for creeping? Not me. It's not 100% non lethal. Anything coming out of shotgun at super close range is a terrible wound.
You heard about the guy who filled shotgun shells with toilet paper and shot them at his friend from 10m? Well, once he tried it point-blank- it broke several ribs and sent his friend wailing for a waaaaaaambulance.