Trump is a gift to the democrats, and if he goes third party he will open the door for whomever the left fronts. Democrats should looooove trump. He's the republican spoiler
It's at least refreshing to see an honest politician, even if he is a douche. Nearly every political just panders to the popular opinion at that moment. Trump just says whatever he thinks.
Bernie Saunders has a credible chance. He's certainly got a strong base of support. He's not been a stooge for big money, many of his policies seem to be level headed and doable with an strong appeal to middle class voters feeling the squeeze after nearly 16 yrs of bad
Sorry DuDe, but you are an idiot. Have you ever been hit by a shotgun blast? You won't be standing up and beating up anyone soon after that. All Biden is saying is you don't need a trident nuclear submarine to defend your home, and when you are robbed and your weapons fall into the wrong hands, at least it would be a weapon with a lower fatality rate.
You missed the fact he was pointing out that the story was literally stupid. "Take you double barrel and pop off a couple shots" is literally the worst thing you can do. You are LITERALLY defenseless.
Frog, what about firing blasts in the air so they run away did you not understand? I can tell you didn't understand, because you're talking about someone getting shot.
Barack is going to endorse Joe Biden. They are trying to pull Liz Warren into the campaign as his running mate. This is tactical, because it puts one of the countries only democratic socialist into the Vice Presidency. That would signal a major shift. That's how I'm seeing it play out. Biden has a lot to overcome. His age is probably the biggest thing. I would see a Biden/Warren ticket being about Warren ultimately.
So no more give me your poor your tired your huddled masses then ? Tough on crime ? Because the decades of tough on crime laws have resulted in what ? A law abiding populace living in harmony ? Or a corrupt system which allows private companies to profit of the incarceration of the nations citizens ? Get rid of obamacare ? And replace it with what exactly ? Or just take the health insurance away from all the people who finally got some health care ? Hope you enjoy lots of lawsuits for wrongful death when they make that law. America has never been an empire in fact it's openly screwed over two of it's closest allies on the subject of their one time empires after one was conquerered and the other bankrupted it's empire fighting a war against two great evils. Want to engage with the world ? Or just let corparations ship another load of jobs overseas cheap ?
I'd appreciate a Dem that isnt on board with rioters and baby killers, and isnt going to paint the white house in rainbows But you know that wont happen
Eh, they all look like worn out sock puppets that have had the same hand stuff up their asses making their lips move since they were in college. But who doesn't like freaking puppets though?