Who remembers?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -BCK-_Donald_Trump_-BCK-, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. I remember when there were no seals to buy. When they sold mith and you had to get items from Cotd to be able to hit the item phases in FoD. Such simpler times.
  2. It was such a struggle when it seemed nobody in your clan had locusts.
  3. I joined right when pwars became less and less popular. 
  4. I remember that. That was about 2 or 3 years ago. I remember they had taken mith off the market and you had to war for it. Then they brought it back.... I think so eb guys could smack some sporak without having to war
  5. Awh:/ RIP
  6. I remember the feather event. I remember the 2012 tournament. I remember not as many events. But now since devs messed up the cost of BC they have to give use these ridiculous payouts.
  7. I joined may 2011
  8. I remember when they first invented chocolate
  9. I like chocolate!
  10. I remember when all spy was a 324k cs. And people asked who was open in wc
  11. Now just seeing panda I remember the time trials that was fun
  12. Right!!!! TThte. Seconds
  13. Back then figure of death was the hardest eb... No equipment... No items or banner upgrades... And majesty was there...
  14. I remember when I was hard to get into any clan
  15. Nothing beat the days of the pwars. Those were the golden days. I remember when hte didn't exist and peoples looked for fast pure haunts clan and items were CLOSED during regular haunts
  16. Ahhhahah
  17. i hated that event. it was nothing but b2b reck for me :lol:
  18. I remember season two. I remember double drops and long days of skimming. I remember the worms and rising hawks and V and the Hand of God and the Golden Minotaur. I remember 1 mil adt and sdt made you a war build. I remember the hardest part of the game was getting the electric bow, which at the time was beast af. I remember not being rejected from so many clans because im not 30-40mil cs. I remember the Gh. Wanted to go Gh and they nerfed it right before i even tried. I remember inferno dropped more.I remember failed equipment enchantments were way more serious than now. I remember the decision if i was gunna go att. Or hybrid. And unfortunately i remember the rp. Kaw rp was everywhere. I remember people always talking about how it was before ebs. I remember when war equip was earned and was significantly more stronger than free equip. I thought it was stupid that people could buy war equip, and now that event equip is far better im glad i didnt waste time with mith, even tho to me Estoc trails/wars were the most fun part of the game and is the only reason i still play. Oh yea, i remember getting to BC wasnt gunna take 10+ years of game play or the equivalent in money. Buying premium ebs i thought ruined kaw. I guess that shows how long ive been playing.
  19. I also remember when I was so closer to BC and not even ranked in overall. Now I'm so far away from BC and I'm ranked 8800 XD the fail is real